Donald Trump: 'I Fight Like Hell' To Pay Less In Taxes

What a crock of crap, bond holders are supposed to be first in line to be made whole before anyone else gets anything.
Who Gets Paid First in a Business Bankruptcy


An Overview Of Corporate Bankruptcy

So how does that square with the dear leader giving 40% of the new company to the union and not the bond holders?
They were higher up the chain. Look it up.

So the union was a secured creditor? Really? That's the only way they could be higher according to your links.
Yep, as they were being treated like a creditor I suspect but I haven't looked into that closely. Your turn...

They weren't entitled to it. Legally or ethically.

The government bailout of General Motors (GM) and Chrysler between 2008 and 2009 will cost taxpayers between $17 and $20 billion. The entirety of these losses occurred because the Administration gave the United Auto Workers (UAW) special treatment. The UAW recovered far more in the bankruptcy than it had a legal right to:

  • Legally, the UAW’s claims had the same status as those of other unsecured creditors, but the UAW recovered a much greater proportion of the debts thatGeneral Motors and Chrysler owed the union.
  • Bankruptcy typically brings uncompetitive wages down to competitive levels. However, existing UAW members did not take pay cuts at General Motors.
  • The restructured General Motors used taxpayer funds to “top up” the pensions of unionized retirees at Delphi, its bankrupt former parts subsidiary. New GM had no legal obligation to do so and nonunion employees did not receive similar benefits.
  • These subsidies to UAW compensation cost taxpayers $30.0 billion—more than the government spends each year on foreign aid or on extended unemployment insurance benefits. They account for the entire net taxpayer losses in the bailout.
UAW members at General Motors and Chrysler are among the most highly paid workers in America. High salaries are good, but they must be earned. The taxpayer losses came from the special treatment that President Obama bestowed on the UAW. The auto bailout was actually a UAW bailout.

Auto Bailout or UAW Bailout Taxpayer Losses Came from Subsidizing Union Compensation
You turds didn't care when GM declared bankruptcy and the unions fucked the bond holders out of the money they loaned.
That is the risk. Welcome to capitalism my little infant.

What a crock of crap, bond holders are supposed to be first in line to be made whole before anyone else gets anything.
Who Gets Paid First in a Business Bankruptcy


An Overview Of Corporate Bankruptcy

So how does that square with the dear leader giving 40% of the new company to the union and not the bond holders?
They were higher up the chain. Look it up. And where does this 40% number come from?

"The "new GM" is formed from the purchase of the desirable assets of "old GM" by an entity called "NGMCO Inc." via the bankruptcy process.[59] NGMCO Inc. was renamed to "General Motors Company" upon purchase of the assets and trade name from "old GM", with the claims of former stakeholders to be handled by the "Motors Liquidation Company".[48][57] The purchase was supported by $50 billion in U.S. Treasury loans, giving the U.S. government a 60.8% stake. The Queen of Canada, in right of both Canada and Ontario, holds 11.7% and the United Auto Workers, through its health-care trust (VEBA), holds a further 17.5%. The remaining 10% is held by unsecured creditors.[60] On July 10, 2009, GM reported 88,000 U.S. employees, and announced plans to reduce its U.S. workforce to 68,000 by the end of 2009 after filing for bankruptcy.[61]"

Report UAW trust to get 17.5 of GM shares - ABC News

Where did the number come from, places like this.

Now that the United Auto Workers will likely own big stakes of General Motors and Chrysler (possibly 39% of GM and 55% of the latter) some very thorny questions arise.

Chrysler GM and union ownership - BusinessWeek
What a crock of crap, bond holders are supposed to be first in line to be made whole before anyone else gets anything.
Not in today's America.

If you're a bondholder, that means you're an investor, which means you're "rich", you didn't earn that, and deserve it if you're fucked over.

So those retirees who trusted the system would work as it was supposed to and purchased a few GM bonds for income? Fuck 'em.

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Anyone with an ounce of sense uses all available deductions and loopholes

Yup and most of those people aren't rich.

Anyone with half a brain cell will get all the deductions and use all the loopholes he can.

After all, we are the ones paying the taxes so Govt. can continue on its merry way. Why shouldn't we taxpayers use every method to keep more of OUR hard earned money??
Taking all deductions is one thing. Gaming the system is quite another.
Taking all deductions is one thing. Gaming the system is quite another.

Define the difference, be specific. Generalized BS statements aren't winning any friends or influencing people.
WASHINGTON -- Donald Trump said on Sunday he fights "like hell" to pay as little as possible in taxes, telling CBS News that he hadn't yet made a decision on whether to release his tax return.

"I pay as little as possible," Trump said. "I fight like hell to pay as little as possible." Trump said he hates the way the government spends taxes.

"I hate the way they waste our money. Trillions and trillions of dollars of waste and abuse. And I hate it," he said.

Donald Trump: 'I Fight Like Hell' To Pay Less In Taxes

That will probably be his "excuse" for not releasing his tax returns. That was so predictable.

Half of Obama's appointees fight like hell to pay no taxes.
WASHINGTON -- Donald Trump said on Sunday he fights "like hell" to pay as little as possible in taxes, telling CBS News that he hadn't yet made a decision on whether to release his tax return.

"I pay as little as possible," Trump said. "I fight like hell to pay as little as possible." Trump said he hates the way the government spends taxes.

"I hate the way they waste our money. Trillions and trillions of dollars of waste and abuse. And I hate it," he said.

Donald Trump: 'I Fight Like Hell' To Pay Less In Taxes

That will probably be his "excuse" for not releasing his tax returns. That was so predictable.

Half of Obama's appointees fight like hell to pay no taxes.

They accuse Trump of "gaming the system" while Sharpton owes millions. Pathetic
Trump is right again

Personally I am looking forward to the elimination of as much fraud as can be found.

Trump also said:


Presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sunday that he pays as little in taxes as possible just like every other taxpayer in America.

Trump has not yet released his tax returns, but said he has "no major problem" with doing it. And he said he may tie a release of his tax returns to a release of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's emails from her time as secretary of state.

Donald Trump I pay as little as possible in taxes - CBS News
As usual the lefty idiots have it backasswards.

Their beef instead should be with the professional politicians who are responsible for the tax code Trump and lots of others seek to use to their, legal, advantage whenever possible. Those would be the same professional pols Trump is bashing around nearly daily for getting us into the messes we are today.
What a crock of crap, bond holders are supposed to be first in line to be made whole before anyone else gets anything.
Who Gets Paid First in a Business Bankruptcy


An Overview Of Corporate Bankruptcy

So how does that square with the dear leader giving 40% of the new company to the union and not the bond holders?
They were higher up the chain. Look it up.

So the union was a secured creditor? Really? That's the only way they could be higher according to your links.
Yep, as they were being treated like a creditor I suspect but I haven't looked into that closely. Your turn...
Unions are not "secured" creditors.
Freeloader Trump tries to bully Scotland.

So how does that square with the dear leader giving 40% of the new company to the union and not the bond holders?
They were higher up the chain. Look it up.

So the union was a secured creditor? Really? That's the only way they could be higher according to your links.
Yep, as they were being treated like a creditor I suspect but I haven't looked into that closely. Your turn...
Unions are not "secured" creditors.

That was some illegal shit right there what Obama and his thugs did to the bond holders.
Trump "games" the system. Rich people like Trump should pay more in taxes because they have the most to protect and receive the most benefit. Trump loves his "corporate welfare" at the expense of others. Trump is a freeloader.

5 Powerful Reasons Why the Rich Should Pay Their Taxes and Not Game the System

Why the rich should pay more taxes

The Best Reason for the Very Rich to be Paying A LOT More in Taxes - NationofChange
I guarantee he pays more than you make in a decade

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