Donald Trump is an air headed no solution moron.

The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?

Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.
Obama won with almost no experience and never run a thing... lmao.
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

Trump loves his country, unlike Barry.
Trump loves his power, just like Hillary.

There literally no difference between the two except for gender

Trumps on a much more respectable Level than Hillary the liar, the murderer and theif.
True but his ego trumps Americas needs

highly doubtful as he will surround himself with Carson I believe and dozens of top staff that will keep him in check. He loves the country too much. Ego is not always a bad thing either, esp. when dealing with Putin, N.KOREA, IRAN ETC...
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?

Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?

Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

There are a plethora of options that do not equate to a McCain .
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Trump didn't borrow us $18 trillion dollars in debt, allow millions of illegals to flood across the border, repeatedly raid the SS trust fund, drive millions of jobs out of the country with insane taxes and thousands of regulations, preside over rampant corruption, rampant fraud, rampant incompetence. That's what professional politicians have done for us, now tell me how Trump would be worse, you fucking can't!

Never, ever, say "how could it be any worse". No matter how bad it is, it can be worse.
Clinton would be worse, you would spend half your time trying to decide IF she is lying.
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?

Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.
Obama won with almost no experience and never run a thing... lmao.
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

Trump loves his country, unlike Barry.
Trump loves his power, just like Hillary.

There literally no difference between the two except for gender

Trumps on a much more respectable Level than Hillary the liar, the murderer and theif.
True but his ego trumps Americas needs
You ever met someone in politics ego free?
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

Trump loves his country, unlike Barry.
Trump loves his power, just like Hillary.

There literally no difference between the two except for gender

Trumps on a much more respectable Level than Hillary the liar, the murderer and theif.
True but his ego trumps Americas needs

highly doubtful as he will surround himself with Carson I believe and dozens of top staff that will keep him in check. He loves the country too much. Ego is not always a bad thing either, esp. when dealing with Putin, N.KOREA, IRAN ETC...

You don't want a President who needs to be kept in check by his underlings. When dealing with Putin, ego is fine, unless you're clueless on world affairs like Trump. If Trump were President I'd have some degree of concern about nuclear war. Mutually assured destruction may not be something Trump is capable of understanding.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Trump didn't borrow us $18 trillion dollars in debt, allow millions of illegals to flood across the border, repeatedly raid the SS trust fund, drive millions of jobs out of the country with insane taxes and thousands of regulations, preside over rampant corruption, rampant fraud, rampant incompetence. That's what professional politicians have done for us, now tell me how Trump would be worse, you fucking can't!
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.
He gets support from the voters.. because the voters are tired of voting for republican politicians who say they will do one thing ... then do the opposite.

Do you believe Trump will do what he says?
I believe he'll try. I don't see Trump as an establishment republican.. do you?

I see him as an entertainer, not a serious politician, and not somebody who can be trusted to do what he campaigns on. Running for President? It's like a reality show ... it ends with the prize. You never see what happens after the show.

an actor from Hollywood was arguably the best POTUS ever.

Do you forget he was Governor of CA too?
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

Trump loves his country, unlike Barry.
Trump loves his power, just like Hillary.

There literally no difference between the two except for gender

Trumps on a much more respectable Level than Hillary the liar, the murderer and theif.
True but his ego trumps Americas needs
You ever met someone in politics ego free?
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?

Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?

Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?

The wall will cost billions to build, staff and maintain as well. Money we don't have to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
Trump is still the man to beat. The campaign is long. There are lots of good candidates on the GOP side.

The democrats have shit.

The Democratic field does seem to be weak, but when it comes down to one against one, Clinton can beat any one of those extremist clowns. I hope Kasich becomes President but he'll never win your primary due to your rabid dog right wing Christian Fascist militaristic voters.

So if your choice is Hillary or Kasich, you'll vote for Kasich?
Trump is still the man to beat. The campaign is long. There are lots of good candidates on the GOP side.

The democrats have shit.

The Democratic field does seem to be weak, but when it comes down to one against one, Clinton can beat any one of those extremist clowns. I hope Kasich becomes President but he'll never win your primary due to your rabid dog right wing Christian Fascist militaristic voters.

So if your choice is Hillary or Kasich, you'll vote for Kasich?

Probably would, yes.
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?

Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.

I have no issue taxing the rich to pay down the debt...what I have a problem with is taxing the rich to expand the size and scope of government, or as a method of wealth redistribution.

I don't mind paying more taxes personally to pay down the debt, save social security and rebuild infrastructure.

I just don't trust politicians to do that.

Because, Democrat or Republican, they never do.
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?

Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?

The wall will cost billions to build, staff and maintain as well. Money we don't have to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Tax Mexican imports to pay for it.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.
He gets support from the voters.. because the voters are tired of voting for republican politicians who say they will do one thing ... then do the opposite.
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?
The democrats elected Obama TWICE. Yes the people voting republican and democrat are this stupid.
people keep forgetting that Trump and Carson are pretty much total outsiders and Trump has enough of his own money to tell special interests to go fuck off. I still say its gonna be Carson/Trump. Book it.
Christie, Rubio.
Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?

The wall will cost billions to build, staff and maintain as well. Money we don't have to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Tax Mexican imports to pay for it.

Suuure. That'll work. And do you really want to create an enemy nation out of a country that shares hundreds of miles of border with us by deliberately destroying their economy? As I said, Trump doesn't understand world affairs one iota.

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