Donald Trump is an air headed no solution moron.

He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.
He gets support from the voters.. because the voters are tired of voting for republican politicians who say they will do one thing ... then do the opposite.

Do you believe Trump will do what he says?
I believe he'll try. I don't see Trump as an establishment republican.. do you?

I see him as an entertainer, not a serious politician, and not somebody who can be trusted to do what he campaigns on. Running for President? It's like a reality show ... it ends with the prize. You never see what happens after the show.
Trump keeps saying that George W Bush was a disastrous president whose failure lead to the election of Obama.

It is starting to look like your party is going to elect him to be their presidential nominee.

Is Trump right about Bush?

Was Bush a failure?

Was Bush a disaster?
Bush 2 was NOT a good choice.

Gore should have been President.

I don't think Gore would have had the courage to annex Iraqi oil fields, which is the only good thing Bush/Chaney did in my opinion. Yes, I believe in Peak Oil and I think we had no choice but to exploit 9/11 to reconfigure the Middle East to serve our very real needs. Sorry, geopolitics is a contact sport. Life is a jungle. The most powerful animal feeds first. I just wish the Bush administration was more honest about their motives and our energy needs. I wish they were more honest about what would have happened to the U.S. economy if Hussein retained control over the world's 2nd largest oil reserve. Point is: our survival depends on petroleum. Our economy is the most oil dependent in history. Giving Hussein the ability to use his oil assets to harm our economy was simply not an option. Yes, Bush managed the Iraq war with total incompetence, but Gore would never have gone in.
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Trump is using Obama's election playbook.

Have a catchy slogan, build a cult-of-personality, get elected President.

The guy says what he thinks and I for one find that incredibly refreshing.
He is using the Reagan play book. Hillary is stuck with the Obama book.

Hillary doesn't have the charisma to use Obama's playbook.

As long as the electoral map stays the same, the playbook is pretty much a non factor.
We had an election about 9 months ago in which 90+% of congress was returned to their jobs. Some will say that was because of Gerrymandering but in the Senate, we had 9 new Senators out of 36 So 75% held on to their seats. Had Rockefeller and Harkin run, that would have been 7 out of 34 or closer to an 80% retention rate.


The point is that the supposed "anger" at the folks in DC is not really there. Otherwise, you'd have 3rd parties springing up, and certainly many more new faces from the two major parties than we have now.

Anyway, a lot can change in 9 months but it is more likely than not that little has changed. Any momentum the GOP had going into the 2016 election is blunted by this carnival character not allowing his opponents the platform and media they would normally garner. Soon their money will dry up and you'll see them pull out.

And, as we've seen, Donald Trump is a policy lightweight and is not only weak on details, he seems downright hostile toward them. He'll be an easy mark for Hillary.

So there is no need to question the electoral map changing that much and there is no need to worry much if serious GOP contenders are denied their forum.

Good news for Clinton and the Democrats.
Trump isn't even a real Republican or Conservative. Up until recently he was espousing liberal views on many subjects. Now that he's running for president he's changed his tune and is basically just telling people what they want to hear. Never mind that he probably doesn't really believe it. The point is to get people's "adoration". Well congratulations, Trump supporters, you just became his narcissistic supply. You should be glad you don't have to live with the man. You'd be losing your mind within a year.

I don't see him making a good president. I don't even think he wants to be president to truly improve the country. I think he has his own agenda. He's doing this for his own benefit. That's my opinion on that verbally abusive overt narcissist. The man makes me sick.

So Obama didn't have his own agenda? Give me a break, all candidates have an agenda.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.
He gets support from the voters.. because the voters are tired of voting for republican politicians who say they will do one thing ... then do the opposite.
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Trump didn't borrow us $18 trillion dollars in debt, allow millions of illegals to flood across the border, repeatedly raid the SS trust fund, drive millions of jobs out of the country with insane taxes and thousands of regulations, preside over rampant corruption, rampant fraud, rampant incompetence. That's what professional politicians have done for us, now tell me how Trump would be worse, you fucking can't!
trump said

that bush was such a disaster that it brought obama

now it is looking like the republican party has been such a disaster

that it will bring trump

for the most part the republican party and the crop of those running for prezbo

really really suck
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.
It's easy. Trump builds winning TEAMS. His staff will be his team.
His staff will form and plan the best course to get us out of this mess. We DON'T need a dictator we NEED a first class coach.

kinda like Barry, two term Barry? But
Trump actually is a billionaire. lol.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Obama won with almost no experience and never run a thing... lmao.
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.
He gets support from the voters.. because the voters are tired of voting for republican politicians who say they will do one thing ... then do the opposite.

Do you believe Trump will do what he says?
I believe he'll try. I don't see Trump as an establishment republican.. do you?

I see him as an entertainer, not a serious politician, and not somebody who can be trusted to do what he campaigns on. Running for President? It's like a reality show ... it ends with the prize. You never see what happens after the show.

an actor from Hollywood was arguably the best POTUS ever.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Obama won with almost no experience and never run a thing... lmao.
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

yo mean like obama

He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Obama won with almost no experience and never run a thing... lmao.
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

Trump loves his country, unlike Barry.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.
He gets support from the voters.. because the voters are tired of voting for republican politicians who say they will do one thing ... then do the opposite.
The only problem with that is Trump doesn't stand for or offer ANYTHING except a wall & his brilliance.

Are my gop bretheren that fucking stupid?
You know for his first term I would be happy for just a damn wall and a couple of decent trade deals? That's more then we have now.
Trump keeps saying that George W Bush was a disastrous president whose failure lead to the election of Obama.

It is starting to look like your party is going to elect him to be their presidential nominee.

Is Trump right about Bush?

Was Bush a failure?

Was Bush a disaster?
Bush 2 was NOT a good choice.

Gore should have been President.

I don't think Gore would have had the courage to annex Iraqi oil fields, which is the only good thing Bush/Chaney did in my opinion. Yes, I believe in Peak Oil and I think we had no choice but to exploit 9/11 to reconfigure the Middle East to serve our very real needs. Sorry, geopolitics is a contact sport. Life is a jungle. The most powerful animal feeds first. I just wish the Bush administration was more honest about their motives and our energy needs. I wish they were more honest about what would have happened to the U.S. economy if Hussein retained control over the world's 2nd largest oil reserve. Point is: our survival depends on petroleum. Our economy is the most oil dependent in history. Giving Hussein the ability to use his oil assets to harm our economy was simply not an option. Yes, Bush managed the Iraq war with total incompetence, but Gore would never have gone in.

How does chaos in Iraq serve our oil needs? Sadam could not have harmed our economy with his oil. The only way having oil helps you as a tin pot dictator is if you sell it.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Obama won with almost no experience and never run a thing... lmao.
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

Trump loves his country, unlike Barry.
Trump loves his power, just like Hillary.

There literally no difference between the two except for gender
people keep forgetting that Trump and Carson are pretty much total outsiders and Trump has enough of his own money to tell special interests to go fuck off. I still say its gonna be Carson/Trump. Book it.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Obama won with almost no experience and never run a thing... lmao.
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

Trump loves his country, unlike Barry.
Trump loves his power, just like Hillary.

There literally no difference between the two except for gender

Trumps on a much more respectable Level than Hillary the liar, the murderer and theif.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Obama won with almost no experience and never run a thing... lmao.
So lets do it again only this time with a short tempered immature adult?

Come on

Trump loves his country, unlike Barry.
Trump loves his power, just like Hillary.

There literally no difference between the two except for gender

Trumps on a much more respectable Level than Hillary the liar, the murderer and theif.
True but his ego trumps Americas needs
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.

Trump didn't borrow us $18 trillion dollars in debt, allow millions of illegals to flood across the border, repeatedly raid the SS trust fund, drive millions of jobs out of the country with insane taxes and thousands of regulations, preside over rampant corruption, rampant fraud, rampant incompetence. That's what professional politicians have done for us, now tell me how Trump would be worse, you fucking can't!

Never, ever, say "how could it be any worse". No matter how bad it is, it can be worse.

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