Donald Trump is an air headed no solution moron.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?

The wall will cost billions to build, staff and maintain as well. Money we don't have to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Tax Mexican imports to pay for it.

Suuure. That'll work. And do you really want to create an enemy nation out of a country that shares hundreds of miles of border with us by deliberately destroying their economy? As I said, Trump doesn't understand world affairs one iota.
I think ANY country shipping its drugs and welfare problems INTO America is ALREADY acting like an enemy.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?

The wall will cost billions to build, staff and maintain as well. Money we don't have to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Tax Mexican imports to pay for it.

Suuure. That'll work. And do you really want to create an enemy nation out of a country that shares hundreds of miles of border with us by deliberately destroying their economy? As I said, Trump doesn't understand world affairs one iota.
I think ANY country shipping its drugs and welfare problems INTO America is ALREADY acting like an enemy.

So ... what the hell. Let's just go make things worse!!! That's always a good strategy.

Don't blame Mexico alone for these kinds of issues, when Congress refuses for decades to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Also, Mexico is not sending drugs here. Mexican and American and foreign criminals are. The War on Drugs is a failed concept that does nothing but strengthen organized international crime. Don't try to blame everything on Mexico.
Well, we've had 8 years of Bush with a Republican majority and 7 years of Obama with at least a year of Super Majority...

And what did we get?

More trade deficits, more businesses leaving the country, two wars, and Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. Both tried th give us more Amnesty, both gave us a new entitlement program, both ran up the debt...

It's time we stopped doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

It's time to shake things up, try a new approach...elect a true outsider instead of the candidates that the party spoon feeds McCain and Romney.

Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?

The wall will cost billions to build, staff and maintain as well. Money we don't have to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Tax Mexican imports to pay for it.

Meanwhile the price of Mexican goods skyrockets costing the consumers (i.e. you and your neighbors). Meanwhile, the costs for everything from Tequilla to Taruses goes up. And no, the supposed offset of fewer kids in classrooms or fewer people at the OR will not pay for it.

You also have to get Congress (the guys he just got through calling "stupid") to pass any new taxes.
Obama was an outsider. Nobody here had ever heard of him before 2004.

Carson and Fiorino are outsiders. The only true insiders are Bush, Clinton, Biden, and Graham. So, why Trump? He can't give a realistic answer to anything. And he wants to raise taxes on the freaking rich. That's a sacred cow for you cons.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?

The wall will cost billions to build, staff and maintain as well. Money we don't have to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Tax Mexican imports to pay for it.

Meanwhile the price of Mexican goods skyrockets costing the consumers (i.e. you and your neighbors). Meanwhile, the costs for everything from Tequilla to Taruses goes up. And no, the supposed offset of fewer kids in classrooms or fewer people at the OR will not pay for it.

You also have to get Congress (the guys he just got through calling "stupid") to pass any new taxes.

So it's side effect is it makes moving manufacturing to Mexico a little less attractive and moving manufacturing back to the U.S. more attractive. That certainly can't hurt either.

Never liked Tequila anyway...and the only Taurus I'm interested in comes from Brazil.
Trump isn't even a real Republican or Conservative. Up until recently he was espousing liberal views on many subjects. Now that he's running for president he's changed his tune and is basically just telling people what they want to hear. Never mind that he probably doesn't really believe it. The point is to get people's "adoration". Well congratulations, Trump supporters, you just became his narcissistic supply. You should be glad you don't have to live with the man. You'd be losing your mind within a year.

I don't see him making a good president. I don't even think he wants to be president to truly improve the country. I think he has his own agenda. He's doing this for his own benefit. That's my opinion on that verbally abusive overt narcissist. The man makes me sick.

So Obama didn't have his own agenda? Give me a break, all candidates have an agenda.
Of course Obama had an agenda, he wants to do things that make him feel important. That is what narcissists do. Unfortunately Obama also ruined this country. He has weakened us and alienated our allies.

My point is that Trump is NOT the solution. There are other people running that, while they may have an agenda, I do believe they are running because they think they can make a positive difference and get this country back on track. I don't believe the same of Trump.
Trump isn't even a real Republican or Conservative. Up until recently he was espousing liberal views on many subjects. Now that he's running for president he's changed his tune and is basically just telling people what they want to hear. Never mind that he probably doesn't really believe it. The point is to get people's "adoration". Well congratulations, Trump supporters, you just became his narcissistic supply. You should be glad you don't have to live with the man. You'd be losing your mind within a year.

I don't see him making a good president. I don't even think he wants to be president to truly improve the country. I think he has his own agenda. He's doing this for his own benefit. That's my opinion on that verbally abusive overt narcissist. The man makes me sick.

So Obama didn't have his own agenda? Give me a break, all candidates have an agenda.
Of course Obama had an agenda, he wants to do things that make him feel important. That is what narcissists do. Unfortunately Obama also ruined this country. He has weakened us and alienated our allies.

My point is that Trump is NOT the solution. There are other people running that, while they may have an agenda, I do believe they are running because they think they can make a positive difference and get this country back on track. I don't believe the same of Trump.

That works for me. Thanks.
Donald Trump is an air headed no solution moron.

In other words, the leading GOP contender.
A genius business man? That's debatable. The man has declared bankruptcy multiple times. That alone makes it debatable.
"Donald Trump is an air headed no solution moron."


And he currently represents your party.

Come next year, when serious, sober rank and file republican go to actual polls, he'll be gone.

But in the meantime he's doing irreparable damage to the GOP.
That's media BS about conservatives. We WANT a fair tax NOT that "fair share" sh8t liberals keep talking about.

So you don't mind Trump ' wish to raise taxes on the rich? I thought that would destroy the economy ... according to you cons. Are you saying that you cons don't believe that any more?

The wall will cost billions to build, staff and maintain as well. Money we don't have to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Tax Mexican imports to pay for it.

Meanwhile the price of Mexican goods skyrockets costing the consumers (i.e. you and your neighbors). Meanwhile, the costs for everything from Tequilla to Taruses goes up. And no, the supposed offset of fewer kids in classrooms or fewer people at the OR will not pay for it.

You also have to get Congress (the guys he just got through calling "stupid") to pass any new taxes.

So it's side effect is it makes moving manufacturing to Mexico a little less attractive and moving manufacturing back to the U.S. more attractive. That certainly can't hurt either.

Never liked Tequila anyway...and the only Taurus I'm interested in comes from Brazil.

No, the side effect is that nothing gets done. Which is what Trump supporters are most distressed about. If the issue is that intractability and stalemate are not ways to govern, injecting someone who has insulted all sides of the current discourse is not going to fix anything

Meanwhile, moving manufacturing to fifth world nations looks more and more promising....

Please...tell us you are not This simple minded.
He offers NOTHING of substance. Literally NOTHING.
He is a genius business man but god damn he offers NOTHING when pressed for specifics.
How ANYONE can support this jackass over half of the others running beweilders me.
He is not a genius business man. He promotes himself as such but he depends on being a good scam artist and huckster, not some kind of business genius. He blows off the bankruptcy charges and claims lots of businesses use the bankruptcy techniques he uses, but that is a lie. Only 20% of businesses of the size Trump went bankrupt with have been forced into bankruptcy, and he did it four times. His inheritance was worth about 8 billion dollars in today's value. It included 47,000 apartment units in NYC. They were worth hundreds of millions when he got them, but if he had sold them and invested the funds, or simply held onto them, that would be worth about 8 billion today. In real time money he is worth the same today as he was when he inherited his dads fortune.
A genius business man? That's debatable. The man has declared bankruptcy multiple times. That alone makes it debatable.
You say that like you think bankruptcy court is a bad thing for owners. Tell the truth, are you a child?
A genius business man? That's debatable. The man has declared bankruptcy multiple times. That alone makes it debatable.
You say that like you think bankruptcy court is a bad thing for owners. Tell the truth, are you a child?
Trump said McCain wasn't a hero for becoming a POW and that he was more impressed with the guys who didn't get caught. Now he gets a taste of his own medicine. Genius businessmen are not the ones who go bankrupt, they are the ones who don't go bankrupt. Heck, anyone can go bankrupt. Just borrow a lot of money until you can't pay it back.
A genius business man? That's debatable. The man has declared bankruptcy multiple times. That alone makes it debatable.
You say that like you think bankruptcy court is a bad thing for owners. Tell the truth, are you a child?
Trump said McCain wasn't a hero for becoming a POW and that he was more impressed with the guys who didn't get caught. Now he gets a taste of his own medicine. Genius businessmen are not the ones who go bankrupt, they are the ones who don't go bankrupt. Heck, anyone can go bankrupt. Just borrow a lot of money until you can't pay it back.
How many companies did Trump start... and how many were successful? Then tell the class the average success rate for businesses. Then tell the class the success rate for businesses that Obama invested in with taxpayer funds.
A genius business man? That's debatable. The man has declared bankruptcy multiple times. That alone makes it debatable.
You say that like you think bankruptcy court is a bad thing for owners. Tell the truth, are you a child?
Trump said McCain wasn't a hero for becoming a POW and that he was more impressed with the guys who didn't get caught. Now he gets a taste of his own medicine. Genius businessmen are not the ones who go bankrupt, they are the ones who don't go bankrupt. Heck, anyone can go bankrupt. Just borrow a lot of money until you can't pay it back.
How many companies did Trump start... and how many were successful? Then tell the class the average success rate for businesses. Then tell the class the success rate for businesses that Obama invested in with taxpayer funds.
Democrats get points for their good intentions. ..not their success rate.

You should know that.
A genius business man? That's debatable. The man has declared bankruptcy multiple times. That alone makes it debatable.
You say that like you think bankruptcy court is a bad thing for owners. Tell the truth, are you a child?
Trump said McCain wasn't a hero for becoming a POW and that he was more impressed with the guys who didn't get caught. Now he gets a taste of his own medicine. Genius businessmen are not the ones who go bankrupt, they are the ones who don't go bankrupt. Heck, anyone can go bankrupt. Just borrow a lot of money until you can't pay it back.
How many companies did Trump start... and how many were successful? Then tell the class the average success rate for businesses. Then tell the class the success rate for businesses that Obama invested in with taxpayer funds.

Hey, I am not a teacher and not interested in being your researcher. You want to know the answers to these questions, do your own research and get back to us.
All I know is that reports I have seen say only 20% of businesses the size of Trump's (the four that went bankrupt) experience a bankruptcy and four of them is unheard of.
Not interested in you Obama derangement stuff. I don't plan on voting for him.

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