Donald Trump Jr. Shoots Guns With GOP Senate Candidate Accused Of Abuse: 'Liberals Beware'

Why does Huffington's account of the legal activities of the son of the former president elicit hysteria among lefties while alleged illegal activities of the junkie son of the current president go unnoticed?
this is still a country of laws where you can't go around trying to intimidate those with political differenced.

There is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump Jr. This is the behavior of an emotionally disturbed 13 year old bully or wannabee gangster. Clearly, the apple does not fall far from the tree

Selected Excerpts

Right bitch, I'm quaking in my boots, LOL What these boys don't understand that this is still a country of laws where you can't go around trying to intimidate those with political differenced. This is noy North Korea, and it is not Russia. Nor is it Saudia Arabia. And these moron have the nerve to call themselves patriots??!!

And Trumps sidekick is a real wonder child:
Did you get any in park restroom today?
Shooting a gun at a gun range ? really? are you that triggered ?(pardon the pun). You actually saw this moment of sarcasm and a simple joke as intimidation?? Oh my. Do you need someone to hold your hand constantly?
It is not about shooting at a gun range. It is about his blatant, verbal threats
It is not about shooting at a gun range. It is about his blatant, verbal threats
Those who aren't leftists have been continually verbally threaten by leftists. They have threaten us of our rights they have stolen an election and we are fed up push us and we will retaliate
Wrong, of course.

So, "beware" of what? Tell us.

Beware? Ill tell you what you should beware of. Beware of being a paper target on a shooting range. If you think that was a call to violence then you havnt lived in the real world.
He was obviously playing with the fact that "Liberals" are skittish about anything to do with a gun and he was just having some fun on a day out at the gun range
What do I mean? little kids have been suspended for drawing even a picture of a gun in class... or biting their toast into the shape of a gun and then fooling around with it.. or other silly crap like that. Liberals cant handle any language that makes them feel uncomfortable and they hate it when they are out of total control. SO there you see. They did that video to trigger people like you all, so enjoy.

If you want to see something more dangerous, and something that could have directly led to someone being injured, watch the video below.

Those who aren't leftists have been continually verbally threaten by leftists. They have threaten us of our rights they have stolen an election and we are fed up push us and we will retaliate
It's pretty ironic how the left takes the "how dare you threaten me" stance on something like this after all of the looting, rioting, crime and violence in general out of the leftists during the Trump administration.

After years of their " if you don't agree with me I'll beat you down" attitude, now they are shocked that someone dare threaten them.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
It is not about shooting at a gun range. It is about his blatant, verbal threats

It was said in a joking manner. But there again, liberals seem to lack the ability to recognize when sarcastic humor is not meant in a literal sense. maybe their brains work differently so we probably shouldn't hold it against them. Just like when Trump joked about calling Russia for Hillary's emails back in the election. You all took that literally for some odd reason. There is a definate disconnect and maybe that is also part of the reason they are so hell bent on changing the english language to something they find acceptable and safe.
It was said in a joking manner. But there again, liberals seem to lack the ability to recognize when sarcastic humor is not meant in a literal sense. maybe their brains work differently so we probably shouldn't hold it against them. Just like when Trump joked about calling Russia for Hillary's emails back in the election. You all took that literally for some odd reason. There is a definate disconnect and maybe that is also part of the reason they are so hell bent on changing the english language to something they find acceptable and safe.
There are somethings that you do not joke about. Most people of the age of 12 know that. Why don't you? And I doubt that Jr. was joking. He is a moron.
It was said in a joking manner. But there again, liberals seem to lack the ability to recognize when sarcastic humor is not meant in a literal sense. maybe their brains work differently so we probably shouldn't hold it against them. Just like when Trump joked about calling Russia for Hillary's emails back in the election. You all took that literally for some odd reason. There is a definate disconnect and maybe that is also part of the reason they are so hell bent on changing the english language to something they find acceptable and safe.
It wasn't toilet humor or schadenfreude pratfalls, so the jocularity flew right over their pointy little heads.
If you're to ignorant to understand what you read, you are to ignorant to understand the explanation. Maybe this forum isn't for you.
I understand perfectly well that the poster is trying to do damagecontrol by claiming that Trump Jr's behavior was all in jest, and I understand that you are not bright enough to see what he is doing. JR does not have a sense of humor. He is not bright enough to understand satire He actually believes his own bullshit. He is a sullen narcissist like his father. If you have your head so far up that smelly place where the sun don't shine, maybe this forum is not for you. Maybe life outside of a sheltered workshop is not for you.

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