Donald Trump Just Confirmed His Iran Plan: ‘Knock the Hell Out of Them, Take the Oil’

Previously, he said he would "bomb the oil" - whatever THAT menas.


Even though we already know it would fail, the only thing that will make the RWs happy is piles of dead Americans.
Sounds good to me.

Liberals hate winning......and hate oil.........but only for us.Everyone's no problem.
Previously, he said he would "bomb the oil" - whatever THAT menas.


Even though we already know it would fail, the only thing that will make the RWs happy is piles of dead Americans.
Collateral damage is always acceptable for the betterment of mankind.
Previously, he said he would "bomb the oil" - whatever THAT menas.


Even though we already know it would fail, the only thing that will make the RWs happy is piles of dead Americans.
But war helps heaven grow....
What's the best cure for evil?

They love bombs?

Give em to them.
Liberals like dead Americans. They just prefer that those deaths occur in the United States.
Previously, he said he would "bomb the oil" - whatever THAT menas.


Even though we already know it would fail, the only thing that will make the RWs happy is piles of dead Americans.
Collateral damage is always acceptable for the betterment of mankind.

So if a safe fell out of a window on your head, but also killed your dog, that would be acceptable?
yep , sometimes war is needed . As far as the oil , bomb the oil facilities that produce the oil that 'Islamic state' sells . That makes sense to me although I like the idea of taking the oil and keeping it or selling it for the USA . Bomb the oil or take it really means , CONTROL the oil . Either action is fine with me if it denies 'Islamic state' control of the oil . Just heard Trump on the radio announcing this plan . His oil plan should get him some more support Luddley .
His insane idea will take hundreds of thousands of boots on the ground fighting ISIS. More troops will be need than were used by Bush. The casualties will be greater. None of Trumps sons will attend the festivities, even though they are rumored to be good shots and enjoy killing stuff.
seems to me that Trumps plan makes sense and USA military signed up for it all 'Voluntarily' . Course , Trump would get Generals that can implement the plan . Should be fairly easy to implement Donalds plans with the right General and advisors running things in this war . Good rules of engagement , good and massive bombing where appropriate , good leaders and the best military in the world and 'Islamic state' should be defeated pretty easily . Send USA military in to Kill the Enemy and to Break things and that sounds like victory to me !!
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I love the Donald’s foreign policy. Actually he has said he would capture and hold the oil fields so ISIS could not sell any oil. A good idea.

Trump has also said he would find a general who would come up with a plan to get rid of ISIS. That is what the President is supposed to do.

Trump Iran Plan Knock the Hell Out of Them Take the Oil Mediaite

So you agree with the idea that we bomb another nation and take their oil by force??? WTF??

I have no problem with the bombing of terrorists. But taking oil that belongs to another country is simply theft. If you think that is good national policy, you are an idiot.

If it ain't our oil, it ain't ours to take.
think that the thread is about bombing and defeating 'isis' isn't it Winterborn ?? And yeah , taking the oil that they control and sell to make money .

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