Donald Trump Just Confirmed His Iran Plan: ‘Knock the Hell Out of Them, Take the Oil’

policies can be revised Winterborn .
That is what Bush did. How many troops will it take to secure those oil wells and how long will they have to defend the wells from ISIS and whatever new groups organize and form to attack the occupiers and thieves who have invaded Muslim territory to steal Muslim wealth?
Previously, he said he would "bomb the oil" - whatever THAT menas.


Even though we already know it would fail, the only thing that will make the RWs happy is piles of dead Americans.
Collateral damage is always acceptable for the betterment of mankind.

So if a safe fell out of a window on your head, but also killed your dog, that would be acceptable?

If a tomato was car, would you vacation in Majorca?

Don't know and neither do you Camp Hey , I have no problem being in foreign lands for a hundred years pacifying the country . It worked in japan and Germany . Course 'isis' needs to be destroyed first in the areas that it OCCUPIES . ------------
Don't know and neither do you Camp Hey , I have no problem being in foreign lands for a hundred years pacifying the country . It worked in japan and Germany . Course 'isis' needs to be destroyed first in the areas that it OCCUPIES . ------------
We didn't have Japanese and Germans contesting our occupation and we have recent experience with occupying at least part of the region Trump wants to conquer and occupy. They would be glad if we gave them American troops for targets.
It would be interesting to hear an analysis from the Pentagon as to how many troops it would take. Before Bush got rid of the staff that made those predictions and contingency plans and replaced them with ones more in line with the wishes of Cheney and Rumsfeld, the estimate was 350,000 to 500,000 troops. Wonder if it has changed much?
enemies need to be utterly destroyed and then pacification takes place . See the 'highway of death' to see an example of destruction , see Dresden Germany and the nuking of 'japan. mrobama fights with 'pinprick' bombings and bad rules of engagement for American troops that prevent a 'real' win Camp . Get some old time Generals back to fight 'Islamic state' rather than lapdogs Camp .
enemies need to be utterly destroyed and then pacification takes place . See the 'highway of death' to see an example of destruction , see Dresden Germany and the nuking of 'japan. mrobama fights with 'pinprick' bombings and bad rules of engagement for American troops that prevent a 'real' win Camp . Get some old time Generals back to fight 'Islamic state' rather than lapdogs Camp .

Funny that you used Dresden and "the nuking of Japan" as examples. Since that is the one of the last times the US Military used the strategy you describe. But you also want to single out Obama. lol
I thought Iran was fighting ISIS/L. Why would we attack Iran and take their oil?
enemies need to be utterly destroyed and then pacification takes place . See the 'highway of death' to see an example of destruction , see Dresden Germany and the nuking of 'japan. mrobama fights with 'pinprick' bombings and bad rules of engagement for American troops that prevent a 'real' win Camp . Get some old time Generals back to fight 'Islamic state' rather than lapdogs Camp .
The 'highway of death' was a major cause for us to end Desert Storm early and make that horrible surrender agreement that allowed Iraq the use of helicopters to massacre the Shiite's we had convinced to resist. It had no impact on Saddam's decision to surrender. The butchery impacted Colin Powell into the early ending.
The fire bombing of Dresden had no military value. All that happened is the shame we now share with Great Britain. We murdered innocent civilians in horrible fashion.
Debate about nuking Japan goes on to this day. No clear evidence or judgement that it was needed to stop that war.
Trump's idea is amateur and will fail while it gets huge numbers of Americans maimed and killed along with huge numbers of innocents who we will call "collateral damage".
well , seems to me that there are just a small amount of bombings being done and there are no reliable troops on the ground to take advantage of the bombings . There is no Effective 'mop up' after the bombings and the bombings are described as 'pinpricks' by many retired but experienced military people that I see on tely Winterborn . One last thing , from what I understand , USA military is greatly hindered by bad 'rules of engagement' . I also mentioned effective destruction , destruction without mercy when the USA built the 'highway of Death' on 'iraqi' soldiers in 91 or 92 as they left 'kuwait' . So my point is that destruction can be done but isn't being done and mrobama is the 'cic' Winterborn .
enemies need to be utterly destroyed and then pacification takes place . See the 'highway of death' to see an example of destruction , see Dresden Germany and the nuking of 'japan. mrobama fights with 'pinprick' bombings and bad rules of engagement for American troops that prevent a 'real' win Camp . Get some old time Generals back to fight 'Islamic state' rather than lapdogs Camp .
The 'highway of death' was a major cause for us to end Desert Storm early and make that horrible surrender agreement that allowed Iraq the use of helicopters to massacre the Shiite's we had convinced to resist. It had no impact on Saddam's decision to surrender. The butchery impacted Colin Powell into the early ending.
The fire bombing of Dresden had no military value. All that happened is the shame we now share with Great Britain. We murdered innocent civilians in horrible fashion.
Debate about nuking Japan goes on to this day. No clear evidence or judgement that it was needed to stop that war.
Trump's idea is amateur and will fail while it gets huge numbers of Americans maimed and killed along with huge numbers of innocents who we will call "collateral damage".
point is that good destruction can be done Camp , after destruction the enemy gives in unless they want further destruction because they have been pacified . See dresden and japan who got a second dose . Theories and debates about necessity in japan or Germany or the highway of death will go on for years . Course the point is that Dresden and nuking of japan helped win the wars .
enemies need to be utterly destroyed and then pacification takes place . See the 'highway of death' to see an example of destruction , see Dresden Germany and the nuking of 'japan. mrobama fights with 'pinprick' bombings and bad rules of engagement for American troops that prevent a 'real' win Camp . Get some old time Generals back to fight 'Islamic state' rather than lapdogs Camp .
The 'highway of death' was a major cause for us to end Desert Storm early and make that horrible surrender agreement that allowed Iraq the use of helicopters to massacre the Shiite's we had convinced to resist. It had no impact on Saddam's decision to surrender. The butchery impacted Colin Powell into the early ending.
The fire bombing of Dresden had no military value. All that happened is the shame we now share with Great Britain. We murdered innocent civilians in horrible fashion.
Debate about nuking Japan goes on to this day. No clear evidence or judgement that it was needed to stop that war.
Trump's idea is amateur and will fail while it gets huge numbers of Americans maimed and killed along with huge numbers of innocents who we will call "collateral damage".
point is that good destruction can be done Camp , after destruction the enemy gives in unless they want further destruction because they have been pacified . See dresden and japan who got a second dose . Theories and debates about necessity in japan or Germany or the highway of death will go on for years . Course the point is that Dresden and nuking of japan helped win the wars .
There is already a current thread running on nuking Japan. I say Dresden had no military impact. Same for the highway of death. All that did was massacre low level soldiers escaping Kuwait in stolen vehicles. Saddam wasn't impacted in the least. His loot and best troops had already made it back to Iraq.
I'm simply showing a fairly current example of good destruction Camp . Don't care if Saddam was affected . As far as the japan nukes , there is always a japan nuking thread about this time of year where the different sides square off . It means nothing . japan was nuked , war was won , my Dad and Uncles didn't have to invade 'japan' .
I love the Donald’s foreign policy. Actually he has said he would capture and hold the oil fields so ISIS could not sell any oil. A good idea.

Trump has also said he would find a general who would come up with a plan to get rid of ISIS. That is what the President is supposed to do.

Trump Iran Plan Knock the Hell Out of Them Take the Oil Mediaite
I don't think you Trump followers understand the difference between a policy and random opinions.

It really surprises the heck out of me the number of people believing what Trump is telling to American people. Shocking.
Just more reason why Trump will never be allowed near the White House.
I love the Donald’s foreign policy. Actually he has said he would capture and hold the oil fields so ISIS could not sell any oil. A good idea.

Trump has also said he would find a general who would come up with a plan to get rid of ISIS. That is what the President is supposed to do.

Trump Iran Plan Knock the Hell Out of Them Take the Oil Mediaite
Like you, he is too fucking stupid to know that ISIS and Iran are different entities and are enemies of one another.

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