Donald Trump looked bad in this CBS debate


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
He was mad at all the negative adds run against him and he looked it. What's he going to do when Hillary Slams him with negative adds....Not good:eusa_eh:
Yep, the establishment stacked the audience with GOP donors and supporters in an attempt to make Trump look bad. They can't win fair and square. All they care about is retaining their own power in the party. It was absolutely despicable.
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He made me nervous a couple of times but I don't think he looked bad. Bush had the audience stacked for the purpose of giving the impression that Trump has no support but it was pretty obvious and I don't think Trump will suffer from it. Probably go up in the polls.
Yep, the establishment stacked the audience with GOP donors and supporters in an attempt to make Trump. They can't win fair and square. All they care about is retaining their own power in the party. It was absolutely despicable.

Sorry! Trump came off as his usual buffoonish self and then some. He did throw out a few more accusations, calling the other candidates liars. He really is starting to become an embarrassment to the GOP. Hopefully, the voters in SC were watching. We don't need him in the White House or the alphabet channel news shows will all have to expand to at least an hour to document his arrogance and incompetence.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.


Trump supporters have been inundated with Trump news about him really being a liberal over the last 6 months. They watched him tonight--and again they're pushing buttons in his favor--showing that he won the debate.

I don't think a Trump supporter cares if Donald Trump is conservative. They don't care what he says, they don't care who he offends. The ONLY thing they care about, he is the anti establishment candidate and they're going to get a 1000 mile wall and Mexico is going to pay for it.

That's it.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.


Trump supporters have been inundated with Trump news about him really being a liberal over the last 6 months. They watched him tonight--and again they're pushing buttons in his favor--showing that he won the debate.

I don't think a Trump supporter cares if Donald Trump is conservative. They don't care what he says, they don't care who he offends. The ONLY thing they care about, he is the anti establishment candidate and they're going to get a 1000 mile wall and Mexico is going to pay for it.

That's it.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

I'm not sure why you would assume Trump's supporters are conservative...? For some reason a ton of people who want to commentate on Trump, slap the label conservative all over everyone, regardless of if they are conservative about anything or not.

Yes, I would agree with you. Trump supporters do not care about Trump being conservative or not.

I think most of these people are going to support Trump more, the more you attack Trump. At this point, people are so mad at the left-wing calling them racists, homophobes, religious zealots, and on and on and on.... That quite frankly, I don't think they care much about what Trump says at all. I think they are so sick and tired of the left-wing, that the more the left wing attacks Trump, the more positive the polls are in Trumps favor.

How many hundreds of times, is the short few months Trump has been campaigning, have we seen "Trump is failing now!" "Trump in Trouble!" "Trump racists comments!" "Trump sexists comments!" "Trump is an embarrassment".... and the more they scream and yell, the more I see absolute GLEE and Joy from the people supporting Trump.

Quite frankly, I don't like Trump. Given an alternative to Hillary, the most evil satanic spawn in politics today, I wouldn't vote for Trump.

But I have to tell you, I am truly enjoying this. I am actually having a total blast watching the Leftist scum freak out over Trump, and no matter what he says, and no matter how much the left screams, his polls keep going up. This is the most fun I've had in politics since the 2000 election, with Al Gore and friends, freaking out over the "hanging chad".
Trump nailed it when he said he was a conservative but he also believed in common sense. THAT is what we need. That's what made Reagan so effective, he knew that being hard lined about something would end up in nothing at all. You have to negotiate and nobody negotiates better than Trump.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.


Trump supporters have been inundated with Trump news about him really being a liberal over the last 6 months. They watched him tonight--and again they're pushing buttons in his favor--showing that he won the debate.

I don't think a Trump supporter cares if Donald Trump is conservative. They don't care what he says, they don't care who he offends. The ONLY thing they care about, he is the anti establishment candidate and they're going to get a 1000 mile wall and Mexico is going to pay for it.

That's it.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

I'm not sure why you would assume Trump's supporters are conservative...? For some reason a ton of people who want to commentate on Trump, slap the label conservative all over everyone, regardless of if they are conservative about anything or not.

Yes, I would agree with you. Trump supporters do not care about Trump being conservative or not.

I think most of these people are going to support Trump more, the more you attack Trump. At this point, people are so mad at the left-wing calling them racists, homophobes, religious zealots, and on and on and on.... That quite frankly, I don't think they care much about what Trump says at all. I think they are so sick and tired of the left-wing, that the more the left wing attacks Trump, the more positive the polls are in Trumps favor.

How many hundreds of times, is the short few months Trump has been campaigning, have we seen "Trump is failing now!" "Trump in Trouble!" "Trump racists comments!" "Trump sexists comments!" "Trump is an embarrassment".... and the more they scream and yell, the more I see absolute GLEE and Joy from the people supporting Trump.

Quite frankly, I don't like Trump. Given an alternative to Hillary, the most evil satanic spawn in politics today, I wouldn't vote for Trump.

But I have to tell you, I am truly enjoying this. I am actually having a total blast watching the Leftist scum freak out over Trump, and no matter what he says, and no matter how much the left screams, his polls keep going up. This is the most fun I've had in politics since the 2000 election, with Al Gore and friends, freaking out over the "hanging chad".
"Yes, I would agree with you. Trump supporters do not care about Trump being conservative or not."
If you define conservatism as the dogmatic political positions and behaviors, for instance, praising Bush for his war against Iraq, then hell no, we don't care! And that's what poor Jeb is missing: he doesn't understand that we don't want a "true conservative" like himself and his brother.
"I think most of these people are going to support Trump more, the more you attack Trump. At this point, people are so mad at the left-wing calling them racists, homophobes, religious zealots, and on and on and on.... That quite frankly, I don't think they care much about what Trump says at all."
If someday, Trump became a weak, dogmatic, incompetent and cowardly bureaucrat, nobody would support him any more. However, his supporters are willing to accept whatever it takes to defeat the corrupt and incompetent establishment, left and right. As long as Trump is fighting against them, he is contributing to our goal of shaking up this rotten field, and we deem the "ugly fights" necessary evil to reach that goal.
"How many hundreds of times, is the short few months Trump has been campaigning, have we seen "Trump is failing now!" "Trump in Trouble!" "Trump racists comments!" "Trump sexists comments!" "Trump is an embarrassment".... and the more they scream and yell, the more I see absolute GLEE and Joy from the people supporting Trump."
Many of these accusations serve simply as "the fuel of anger", because from our perspective, most of them are just desperate struggle to hinder the change we demand. In some sense, Trump is the perfect incarnation of our rage and our desire for change. He slams the system by denying all of its rules. He fights relentlessly to punish the establishment we hate. For us, Trump is a warrior who will never be bought. As long as it remains that way, he deserves our most loyal support - something so strong that the establishment cannot even comprehend.
Do we agree with everything Trump has to say? No. Do we expect that he will deliver everything he promises? No. However, what we value is that most of his proposals align with something all of us share - a set of principles by the name of "common sense"! We are willing to accept whatever we can possibly get, as long as things advance in the right direction!

Just to let you know how it feels like being a Trump supporter :D
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Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.


Trump supporters have been inundated with Trump news about him really being a liberal over the last 6 months. They watched him tonight--and again they're pushing buttons in his favor--showing that he won the debate.

I don't think a Trump supporter cares if Donald Trump is conservative. They don't care what he says, they don't care who he offends. The ONLY thing they care about, he is the anti establishment candidate and they're going to get a 1000 mile wall and Mexico is going to pay for it.

That's it.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

And he'll bring jobs back to America.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.


Trump supporters have been inundated with Trump news about him really being a liberal over the last 6 months. They watched him tonight--and again they're pushing buttons in his favor--showing that he won the debate.

I don't think a Trump supporter cares if Donald Trump is conservative. They don't care what he says, they don't care who he offends. The ONLY thing they care about, he is the anti establishment candidate and they're going to get a 1000 mile wall and Mexico is going to pay for it.

That's it.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

I'm not sure why you would assume Trump's supporters are conservative...? For some reason a ton of people who want to commentate on Trump, slap the label conservative all over everyone, regardless of if they are conservative about anything or not.

Yes, I would agree with you. Trump supporters do not care about Trump being conservative or not.

I think most of these people are going to support Trump more, the more you attack Trump. At this point, people are so mad at the left-wing calling them racists, homophobes, religious zealots, and on and on and on.... That quite frankly, I don't think they care much about what Trump says at all. I think they are so sick and tired of the left-wing, that the more the left wing attacks Trump, the more positive the polls are in Trumps favor.

How many hundreds of times, is the short few months Trump has been campaigning, have we seen "Trump is failing now!" "Trump in Trouble!" "Trump racists comments!" "Trump sexists comments!" "Trump is an embarrassment".... and the more they scream and yell, the more I see absolute GLEE and Joy from the people supporting Trump.

Quite frankly, I don't like Trump. Given an alternative to Hillary, the most evil satanic spawn in politics today, I wouldn't vote for Trump.

But I have to tell you, I am truly enjoying this. I am actually having a total blast watching the Leftist scum freak out over Trump, and no matter what he says, and no matter how much the left screams, his polls keep going up. This is the most fun I've had in politics since the 2000 election, with Al Gore and friends, freaking out over the "hanging chad".

Trump cant beat Hillary like that. The leftist will slam him with negative adds and he'll explode? WTF? stupid really
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.

Isn't that the poll where you get to vote 100 times or more for the candidate of your choice? Point, click, reload page and repeat.
nope you can only vote once. It gives you a message that you already voted if you try a second or more times.
Not if you reload or refresh the page. I just voted five times for Kasich in the last minute.
Drudge Report so far shows Trump winning the 9th Republican Debate with over 50% of the votes.


Trump supporters have been inundated with Trump news about him really being a liberal over the last 6 months. They watched him tonight--and again they're pushing buttons in his favor--showing that he won the debate.

I don't think a Trump supporter cares if Donald Trump is conservative. They don't care what he says, they don't care who he offends. The ONLY thing they care about, he is the anti establishment candidate and they're going to get a 1000 mile wall and Mexico is going to pay for it.

That's it.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

I'm not sure why you would assume Trump's supporters are conservative...? For some reason a ton of people who want to commentate on Trump, slap the label conservative all over everyone, regardless of if they are conservative about anything or not.

Yes, I would agree with you. Trump supporters do not care about Trump being conservative or not.

I think most of these people are going to support Trump more, the more you attack Trump. At this point, people are so mad at the left-wing calling them racists, homophobes, religious zealots, and on and on and on.... That quite frankly, I don't think they care much about what Trump says at all. I think they are so sick and tired of the left-wing, that the more the left wing attacks Trump, the more positive the polls are in Trumps favor.

How many hundreds of times, is the short few months Trump has been campaigning, have we seen "Trump is failing now!" "Trump in Trouble!" "Trump racists comments!" "Trump sexists comments!" "Trump is an embarrassment".... and the more they scream and yell, the more I see absolute GLEE and Joy from the people supporting Trump.

Quite frankly, I don't like Trump. Given an alternative to Hillary, the most evil satanic spawn in politics today, I wouldn't vote for Trump.

But I have to tell you, I am truly enjoying this. I am actually having a total blast watching the Leftist scum freak out over Trump, and no matter what he says, and no matter how much the left screams, his polls keep going up. This is the most fun I've had in politics since the 2000 election, with Al Gore and friends, freaking out over the "hanging chad".

Trump cant beat Hillary like that. The leftist will slam him with negative adds and he'll explode? WTF? stupid really

Look, we all seen the exit polls in NH...........was it 8 or 9 in 10 Republicans basically think their party has been screwing them? If the sentiment is anywhere near that in SC, it will become a proven, viable, trend.

What that means is that the only viable candidates on that stage are, Trump, Carson, and Cruz. All of the "he/she is the only one that can win" narrative isn't going to work. And the GOP did this to themselves, nobody did it to them. If they would have even "pretended" a little harder they were trying to do what they said, Trump and Carson would have been gone, long, long, ago.

Should one of these men get the nomination (which I believe is extremely likely) and lose to the Democrat, (which is becoming more unlikely, but I digress) it falls squarely on the shoulders of the GOP. People will vote for exaggerators, will vote for arrogance, will vote for bombast. What they won't vote for is a bunch of people who lie to their faces, and that is what the establishment GOP did to their "plebes." Many of them are being punished with a primary challenge in their states, and we see the Presidential GOP primary race.

For the so called "moderate Republicans," don't blame us. If you would have controlled your "establishment" horses a little better, none of this would be happening. Personally Jroc, I am not fond of Trump at all. I am hoping against hope for 1 of the other 2. But either way, when the people that work for US go off the reservation, a very strong message needs to be sent to get them either back on it, or to ban them permanently from it. And that, one way or the other, is what they are going to get!

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