Donald Trump may be making his exit soon. Carly Fiorina moves to 1st place in internal polling data


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
The Donald has been beat up by women recently. Carly Fiorina nailed him in the debate last week, on a few occasions, then Hillary took him apart today. It's said to watch--(just kidding of course) but the blowhard has met his match with these two women.

Carly Fiorina ran away with this weeks CNN debate. All focus groups moved in her direction on CNN and FOX News Network.

The big blow to Donald came today when "internal" polling data showed Carly Fiorina in 1st place.
Post-debate poll shows new GOP front-runner has emerged

Next--Hillary Clinton nailed Trump over NOT correcting a supporter who stated that there are terrorist camps in the USA, and Obama is not an American and is a Muslim. I guess Hillary had enough of the Donald and blasted him.Hillary Clinton slams Trump for not dismissing anti-Muslim question

Then--today--Donald Trump skips a campaign rally in S. Carolina--where 5K supporters where waiting for him to show up. He called to say he was sorry, but had to close on another one of his "bigly" deals.
Trump drops out of Heritage event after birther backlash

So the question becomes--when is he going to drop out of this race? I think soon. I really don't think he has the "persona" to play catch up with anyone, much less use his own money to do it.

Here is our new front runner--Carly Fiorina in Lady Liberty & Lady Justice
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Do you read your own sources? On the important question (which GOP candidate would you vote for for President?) she only tied Trump.
She's McCain's bitch. I'm only posting before going to bed.

I'm going to let loose tomorrow.

Carly is a RINO beyond. 2008 deja vu.
Yeah, we get it, oreo. You like Carly. Your OP is wishful thinking.
Great, trump is replaced by someone almost equally insane.

Trump isn't lethal. This bitch is.

Think Carly with "bomb bomb bomb Iran" as her buddy McCain with her finger on the trigger.


Never forget she's not only a McCain adviser. But as John said. "A close personal friend".

Nightmare on Elm Street? :lol: 1600 Pennsylvania baby.
    breitbart ^ | 9/18/2015 | IAN HANCHETT
    Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina stated that her prior remarks about Senator Sen. Barbara Boxer's (D-CA)hair weren’t “a generous thing that I said. And so I swore, from that moment on, that I would never make another remark about anyone’s hair” on Friday’s “Sean Hannity Show.” Fiorina said that she “literally laughed out loud” at fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s remarks about her face, and that she doesn’t really care what Trump thinks about her looks. Fiorina then addressed her comments about Boxer, which she stated, “wasn’t a generous thing that I said. And so I swore, from that...
  • Fiorina Slams Disney, Then Admits She Used H-1B Program at HP ^ | 06-10-15 | Rachel Stoltzfoos
    Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina admitted Wednesday she used the H-1b visa program to hire foreign workers while CEO at Hewlett-Packard, but rejected any comparison to Disney’s recently reported use of the program to displace American tech workers. “Did we ask American workers to train foreign workers with H-1b visas so that we can pay them less and lay them off?” she said on the Howie Carr radio show Wednesday. “The answer is most definitely no.” “I can’t remember...
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    Multimillionaire Carly Fiorina Took 4 Years to Pay Staffers From Her Last Campaign Why was this wealthy GOP presidential candidate a deadbeat? —By Sam Brodey | Tue May 12, 2015 10:37 AM EDT Carly Fiorina, the Republican presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO, is marketing herself as a pragmatic, fiscally responsible businesswoman—the only GOP candidate who knows, as she says, "how the economy actually works." Yet during her unsuccessful US Senate bid in 2010, her opponents slammed her record at HP. When she led the firm, it laid off 18,000 workers, and its stock declined by 41 percent. Eventually, she...
Yeah, I called this a while back. Trump is not a serious candidate as every Presidential election is for fun for him... He will say dumber and dumber shit until he decides to balme everyone for hurting his feelings and drop out.

I don't know how Carly will do but out of the candidates left I have some off hope.

Cruz is tragically sermon like and it's just not palatable.

Carson is sadly extremely limited of the issues and I believe his inability to answer a question thoroughly will be his falling.

CC is arrogant and has no reason to be... So if you're not impressed with his in your face growling... yeah.

Huck is possibly the worst candidate next to Santorum.

Rubio did well and I wonder if he will keep doing well.

Jeb is Jeb Bush... Bush... lol, not gonna happen.

Rand actually seems like a good candidate in the long run as he does not base his support off religion or war pandering, and most republican (63%) are against more war.

Walker is fully unmemorable to me.

Point is, we might get a couple or a few (3) strong candidates in short time... That VS Sanders will be amazing.
Also, Jeb really needs to drop out. It's offensive that he is running and he has no fucking chance of winning. He is worst than Mitt or McCain. He is the establishment guy with name recognition that the entire opposing party hates.

He is out of touch to think the country needs another Bush, there are plenty qualified people besides his family.

OP...Trying to pass off nonsense...

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    Time Magazine ^ | 9/16/15 | Claire Suddath
    With Fiorina as chairman and CEO, Hewlett-Packard's value declined significantly and the technology giant endured massive layoffs. Fiorina led a largely unsuccessful merger with Compaq in 2002, going against the wishes of company founder Walter Hewlett. Asked by the board of directors to step down in 2005, Fiorina left with $21 million in cash, plus stock and pension benefits worth another $19 million. According to HP executive compensation rules, departing executives are entitled to no more than 2.99 times their base salary; anything more requires stockholder approval. Fiorina's parachute was more than that, so the stockholders filed a class action...
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    this is CNN ^ | September 18, 2015 | Jeremy Diamond
    Donald Trump couldn't resist the opportunity on Thursday to knock businesswoman Carly Fiorina during a campaign stop in New Hampshire. "I thought I'd wait a couple of days before I expose her business failure," Trump said. "But honestly, it's so ridiculous." But Halyna Sorensen's question during a town hall-style event that drew 3,000 people was too perfect for Trump to turn down, sending Trump spiraling into the latest iteration of his criticism of Fiorina's controversial business record -- not just at Hewlett-Packard, but at a lesser-known technology company called Lucent. Sorensen, 66, was a Lucent employee when Fiorina took over...
Fiorina makes fun of a woman's looks = ignored by the establishment. Trump makes fun of Fiorina's looks = the establishment declares Trump is finished in politics. Tune in next week when...

Trump eats a bowl of Corn Flakes for breakfast - the establishment declares Trump is finished in politics.

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