Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

President Trump might go down as the greatest president in ever. Continues to illustrate superior leadership in all situations and continues to put America first.
I suppose you forgot how he praised WHO
Trump is the best president since Eisenhower and in the top 7 ever. He is the only person in todays political spectrum who was capable of handling this crisis. In spite of all the Democrat obstruction, he has accomplished an amazing number of his campaign promises while building our economy into the powerhouse we deserve to be. And you can bet he will rebuild our economy again after this Communist Chinese caused catastrophe. Thank God he's our President at this time.
President Trump might go down as the greatest president in ever. Continues to illustrate superior leadership in all situations and continues to put America first.
I suppose you forgot how he praised WHO
It doesn't matter. These people are now so emotionally invested in this person that, well, they're illustrating his Fifth Avenue Rule for him.

I've said it many times: We've seen this kind of group psychopathy before in world history. Now, it's playing out again, in real time, right in front of us. We didn't fucking learn.
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Trump is the best president since Eisenhower and in the top 7 ever. He is the only person in todays political spectrum who was capable of handling this crisis. In spite of all the Democrat obstruction, he has accomplished an amazing number of his campaign promises while building our economy into the powerhouse we deserve to be. And you can bet he will rebuild our economy again after this Communist Chinese caused catastrophe. Thank God he's our President at this time.

Wow, you guys are delusional.

Nobody gets impeached and gets remembered as a good president. Nobody gets to double digit unemployment and gets remembered as a good president.

Trump is so awful, we'll change things to make sure nothing like him ever happens again.
Trump is the best president since Eisenhower and in the top 7 ever. He is the only person in todays political spectrum who was capable of handling this crisis. In spite of all the Democrat obstruction, he has accomplished an amazing number of his campaign promises while building our economy into the powerhouse we deserve to be. And you can bet he will rebuild our economy again after this Communist Chinese caused catastrophe. Thank God he's our President at this time.

Wow, you guys are delusional.

Nobody gets impeached and gets remembered as a good president. Nobody gets to double digit unemployment and gets remembered as a good president.

Trump is so awful, we'll change things to make sure nothing like him ever happens again.
Exactly. There will be a lot of soul searching how a charlatan like Trump could ever get near the presidency. I predict Trump will be considered a stain on the presidency. A stain that will not be easily removed.
Trump will get credit for exposing the largest fraud ever foisted on the American public - the Kenyan Klown. You monkey cock worshipers will fade into infamy with that muslim shitstain. Buh-bye........
Trump will get credit for exposing the largest fraud ever foisted on the American public - the Kenyan Klown. You monkey cock worshipers will fade into infamy with that muslim shitstain. Buh-bye........

Actually, Obama will look very good because he was preceded by Bush and followed by Trump.

Kind of the way Lincoln is elevated because he's bookended by Buchanan and Johnson, two of the worst.
Um, yeah, how is defunding an organization that helps keep diseases under control putting Americans first.
A. If that organization keeps diseases “under control” then why is the world currently hiding at home from a raging pandemic? :eusa_doh: :laugh:

B. Because that organization is corrupt and their loyalties lie with China (just like you!)

C. It is egregiously unconstitutional to take money from the American tax payer and ship it overseas. You would know that if you took a few minutes out of your life to read it.
Oh, that's right, Poodle doesn't care about the world community.
Boy, you’ve got that right kitty. Couldn’t give a flying fuck about the “world community”. You don’t care (key word) either. But you do have a tremendous interest (key word) in globalism and your love of an oppressive new world order.
He doesn't have a pass port and probably has never been outside the US
Boy, you’ve got that right kitty. What kind of fuck’n idiot would leave the greatest country in world history? It’s like saying “sure I was born Bill Gates child and own a fleet of Lamborghini’s but I really want to try a Ford Prius for a week”. :eusa_doh:

More importantly though, what kind of asshole would leave U.S. soil? Doing so immediately surrenders one’s constitutional rights. A foreign nation is under zero obligation to provide your constitutional rights. Zero. If they wanted, they could lock you in a dungeon for life without a trial or so much as a phone call. Takes an unimaginable idiot to take that risk to visit far inferior nations.
A. If that organization keeps diseases “under control” then why is the world currently hiding at home from a raging pandemic?

Uh, guy, the rest of the world handles this better than we did. We have 4% of the population and 28% of the Covid DEATHS.

The thing was, WHO did it's job as best it could. Trump fucked this up.

B. Because that organization is corrupt and their loyalties lie with China (just like you!)

Or that they simply were given bad information initially. Hey, remember THIS.


Yup, at the same time you guys claim the WHO was in cahoots with China to cover it up. In fact, WHO had announced that Human to Human transmission was possible as early as 14 Jan. By Jan 25, WHO announced that it was moving Human to Human in China.

Yet, on February 24th, Trump was praising the WHO and CDC for their great work and claiming he totally had a handle on this.


C. It is egregiously unconstitutional to take money from the American tax payer and ship it overseas. You would know that if you took a few minutes out of your life to read it.

The Constitution isn't a suicide pact. Supporting the WHO is in our interest. That Trump needs a scapegoat for his own incompetence, is besides the point.

You can't gaslight your way out of this one, buddy.

oy, you’ve got that right kitty. Couldn’t give a flying fuck about the “world community”. You don’t care (key word) either. But you do have a tremendous interest (key word) in globalism and your love of an oppressive new world order.

I have a practical realization that we live in a global world. You know, how a virus that started in Rural China ended up bringing down our entire economy. Maybe if we had leadership that understood that, we wouldn't be in Great Depression 2 right now.

Boy, you’ve got that right kitty. Couldn’t give a flying fuck about the “world community”. You don’t care (key word) either. But you do have a tremendous interest (key word) in globalism and your love of an oppressive new world order.

Wow, Racist, paranoid and stupid. How efficient of you.

Boy, you’ve got that right kitty. What kind of fuck’n idiot would leave the greatest country in world history? It’s like saying “sure I was born Bill Gates child and own a fleet of Lamborghini’s but I really want to try a Ford Prius for a week”.
That's kind of a retarded analogy, I'm not even sure what you were going for there. Thing about BIll Gates, is that if he owns a Lambourghni (Not made in America, BTW, so much for our awesomeness) he probably drives other vehicles when the situation calls for it.

In fact.

Next to making super cool computers and his impact on the poverty alleviation, Bill Gates is also known as a fascinated and passionate fan of beautiful cars. People have seen him in a 2008 Ford Focus, even as the Ford Motor Company had a funny exchange with him regarding the similarities of the computer and automotive industries.

Read more: Behold The IMPRESSIVE CAR COLLECTION Of Bill Gates, One Of The Richest People In The World!!! WHICH ONE IS YOUR FAVORITE? - NO Car NO Fun! Muscle Cars and Power Cars!

More importantly though, what kind of asshole would leave U.S. soil? Doing so immediately surrenders one’s constitutional rights. A foreign nation is under zero obligation to provide your constitutional rights. Zero. If they wanted, they could lock you in a dungeon for life without a trial or so much as a phone call. Takes an unimaginable idiot to take that risk to visit far inferior nations.

Uh, Poodle, we just had a man MURDERED by cops in Minneapolis, for absolutely nothing. SHit like that wouldn't happen in Europe or Japan or any civilized part of the world.
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Uh, guy, the rest of the world handles this better than we did. We have 4% of the population and 28% of the Covid DEATHS.
Well duh...the rest of the world doesn’t have ignorant Dumbocrat’s like we unfortunately do. Where is the biggest outbreak in the world? NYC.

In March, when the entire fucking planet was shut down, Dumbocrat De Blasio was telling New Yorkers to ignore it and gather together in mass populations.
Well duh...the rest of the world doesn’t have ignorant Dumbocrat’s like we unfortunately do. Where is the biggest outbreak in the world? NYC.

yes, everyone at that theater caught it... that's why we have a problem. It was a really big theater.

You know, a GOOD president had a sign on his desk that read, "The Buck Stops Here". Apparently, the buck never stops at Trump's desk.

In March, when the entire fucking planet was shut down, Dumbocrat De Blasio was telling New Yorkers to ignore it and gather together in mass populations.

Yes, that was a dumb thing to say, one time.

Trump says dumb things every day..
Or that they simply were given bad information initially. Hey, remember THIS.
Holy fucking shit. Then what the fuck good are they, kitty? If they have to rely on a communist regime known for propaganda, then they are fuck’n useless and should absolutely be defunded. :eusa_doh:

Your dumb ass cracks me up. First you post that the WHO protects all of us by (and I quote) “controlling” pandemics. Then when it’s pointed out to you that the entire world is in isolation, your dumb ass says “well they had bad info”. You literally jump from one foot to the other making shit up to support your ignorant position, and in the process, you defeat your own position. :laugh:
yes, everyone at that theater caught it... that's why we have a problem. It was a really big theater.
Unfuckingbelievable. Still denying it with indisputable evidence.

1. So there is only one movie theater in all of NYC? :lmao:

2. So when De Blasio said “get on with your lives” that meant only going to move theaters? New Yorkers weren’t hitting clubs, restaurants, gyms, etc.?

Your troll game is getting weaker and weaker and weaker. Why do you findtrolling enjoyable? Are you really that lonely?
Holy fucking shit. Then what the fuck good are they, kitty? If they have to rely on a communist regime known for propaganda, then they are fuck’n useless and should absolutely be defunded.

Again, our own agencies did a lot worse than WHO did in anticipating this thing... We had the most time to prepare and still ended up with the worst outcomes.

Your dumb ass cracks me up. First you post that the WHO protects all of us by (and I quote) “controlling” pandemics. Then when it’s pointed out to you that the entire world is in isolation, your dumb ass says “well they had bad info”. You literally jump from one foot to the other making shit up to support your ignorant position, and in the process, you defeat your own position.

Funny thing, All the other pandemics they did catch didn't have the disatrous effects of COVID19. The rest of the world looked at the information coming out in real time, and took appropriate action. That's why they didn't suffer as many deaths. We had more time to act, and Trump fumbled and stumbled around.

You want to ignore months of Trump ignoring this problem and whine that it took WHO a few days to figure out that the Chinese were being less than forthcoming.

You know, when Trump was PRAISING China for it's transparency.
As proven by the global pandemic, shut down of the economy, and loss of 40 million jobs. We all know you don’t believe the nonsense you post. Nobody could. You’re simply trolling.

WHO didn't fuck this up. Trump did. WHO told us, "Yes, this is contagious" on January 25th. Trump ignored the problem until March 19th.

We could have cut the death toll by 39,000 if we had JUST implemented containment measures a week early.
Unfuckingbelievable. Still denying it with indisputable evidence.

1. So there is only one movie theater in all of NYC? :lmao:

2. So when De Blasio said “get on with your lives” that meant only going to move theaters? New Yorkers weren’t hitting clubs, restaurants, gyms, etc.?

Your troll game is getting weaker and weaker and weaker. Why do you findtrolling enjoyable? Are you really that lonely?

No, Poodle, I'm making fun of your absurdity that this spread because De Blasio told people to see a movie that no one actually saw.

I find it enjoyable to watch you spin and spin to cover up that your guy oversaw the biggest fuckup in American History.

by the time November rolls around, a Republican won't get elected Dog Catcher.
Again, our own agencies did a lot worse than WHO did in anticipating this thing... We had the most time to prepare and still ended up with the worst outcomes.
Again, because this nation has the misfortune of having Dumbocrats...
Funny thing, All the other pandemics they did catch didn't have the disatrous effects of COVID19. The rest of the world looked at the information coming out in real time, and took appropriate action. That's why they didn't suffer as many deaths.
Funny thing, you continue to make shit up. Italy was an absolute dumpster fire - with more deaths than they could handle/process. Bodies were lying in residents for 3 or 4 days at a time. They just have a much smaller population than we do.

Your troll game is weak.

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