Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

I have no problem with Well-Regulated Militias.
That’s great. Nobody asked.
...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
The right clearly belongs to the people - not some imaginary “well regulated militia”. Words have meaning and the 2nd Amendment could not be more clear.

RIGHT of the PEOPLE (not right of the miltia)
Bwahahaha!!! You people cry “fascist” when he acts in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. You people would have completely lost your shit. The ACLU would have brought a law suit.

The ACLU would have been just as terrified as everyone else of catching Covid.

Kitty thinks she can divert blame away from the failure of the Dumbocrats.

Poodle thinks that people aren't holding Trump accountable.

They stopped polling on Corona after 6-2. But the fact his overall approval rating is down says a lot.

Trump done fucked this up, son. Deal with it.
The right clearly belongs to the people - not some imaginary “well regulated militia”. Words have meaning and the 2nd Amendment could not be more clear.

RIGHT of the PEOPLE (not right of the miltia)

That happens to be an opinion, but not really. WELL REGULATED MILITIA means exactly that. The people have a right to weapons only within that context.

The problem is, you really need for police, national guard, army to be well-regulated to function, and that's not THESE guys having military grade weapons, because that would be.. you know, stupid.

Poodle thinks that people aren't holding Trump accountable.

Kitty thinks those polls are accurate :lmao:

Those same polls sure worked out real well for you and Hitlery :lmao:

Hey kitty, remember when you insisted that the Republicans (and I quote) “would never win another election again”? Yeah, so do the rest of us. :laugh:
The right clearly belongs to the people - not some imaginary “well regulated militia”. Words have meaning and the 2nd Amendment could not be more clear.

RIGHT of the PEOPLE (not right of the miltia)
That happens to be an opinion, but not really.
No “opinion” here, snowflake. Here it is word-forword:
....the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
No militia there! The right clearly belongs to the people no matter how many times fly cry “militia”. That’s why all of us are armed despite not being in a militia.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Kitty thinks those polls are accurate :lmao:

Those same polls sure worked out real well for you and Hitlery

Actually, the polls said Hillary would beat Trump by 3% points and she beat him by 2%. The state polls were much closer... They aren't this time. Trump is behind in WI, PA, MI, FL and AZ. GA, NC, TX, OH and IA are in play.

He's much worse off this time, but not to worry, things WILL get worse for Trump.

No militia there! The right clearly belongs to the people no matter how many times fly cry “militia”. That’s why all of us are armed despite not being in a militia.

You leave out the part about " A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "

In short, there is only a right to keep and bear arms as part of a militia, not as an individual right.

Hey kitty, remember when you insisted that the Republicans (and I quote) “would never win another election again”? Yeah, so do the rest of us.

They haven't won an election since 2004... That's the point, buddy.

And that's with every wind blowing in their direction....

The problem is, there just aren't enough angry old white men to keep you guys afloat.
Not sure why you think winning on a fluke when the people clearly rejected you is a good thing.

History won't see Trump in a good way, because it doesn't see anyone else who won that way well.
Not sure why you think winning on a fluke when the people clearly rejected you is a good thing.
Because you embrace the loser's mentality, you'll never understand this, but: winning is always a good thing!

Remember kitty, elections have consequences. You people shouldn't have nominated Hitlery Clinton. It was you own fault. We the people have spoken. Deal with it.
History won't see Trump in a good way, because it doesn't see anyone else who won that way well.
History will show record low unemployment in the African-American community, record low unemployment in the latino community, record highs in the market, wages up across the U.S., securing the borders, renegotiating multiple trade agreements to favor the U.S., defeating the ISIS, restoring constitutional government, and a whole lot more! #winning
Because you embrace the loser's mentality, you'll never understand this, but: winning is always a good thing!

Remember kitty, elections have consequences. You people shouldn't have nominated Hitlery Clinton. It was you own fault. We the people have spoken. Deal with it.

It's not a good thing if you aren't respected.

Riddle me this, Batman, what is Rutherford B. Hayes remembered for? That he won on this fluke, ended reconstruction and was mostly a mediocre to below average president. True, he isn't the bucket of epic fail Trump is, who cheated his way into the presidency, was impeached for corruption, and will be voted out in a resounding landslide...

History will show record low unemployment in the African-American community, record low unemployment in the latino community,

Poodle, all those groups now have the highest unemployment rates since the Great Depression. I know you haven't been keeping up with the news lately.
Actually, the polls said Hillary would beat Trump by 3% points and she beat him by 2%.
Not only did Hitlery not “beat him”, she got her ass handed to her by him:
View attachment 349742

Poor, deranged Buttplug. :cuckoo:

Here's the of presidents who lost the popular vote:

John Q. Adams ....................... 18
Rutherford Hayes .................. 32
Benjamin Harrison ................ 35
George W. Bush ..................... 33
Donald Trump ......................... 42
Impeached Trump is in fine company. :abgg2q.jpg:
President Trump has kept every promise he has made to the American people
Trump subsequently tweeted: “We have now built 240 Miles of new Border Wall on our Southern Border. We will have over 450 Miles built by the end of the year. Have established some of the best Border Numbers ever.“
I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 but will be doing so enthusiastically in 2020. He has been amazing.

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