Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

I find it enjoyable to watch you spin and spin to cover up that your guy oversaw the biggest fuckup in American History.
De Blasio isn’t “my guy”. But you are correct in that De Blasio caused - and oversaw - the biggest fuck up in U.S. history.
Funny thing, you continue to make shit up. Italy was an absolute dumpster fire - with more deaths than they could handle/process. Bodies were lying in residents for 3 or 4 days at a time. They just have a much smaller population than we do.

So your argument is that we did just slightly better than the poorest country in the G7? And probably not even that.

104,000 dead compared to Italy's 33,000. Nope. We fucked this up.
De Blasio isn’t “my guy”. But you are correct in that De Blasio caused - and oversaw - the biggest fuck up in U.S. history.

De Blasio isn't president. I'll admit, he said and did some dumb things, but Trump is president. You can't stop reminding of it.

The families of the 104,000 dead will never forget it.
Yes, it all happened because DeBlasio recommended an arthouse film nobody saw. I know you need to believe that, Poodle.
De Blasio isn't president. I'll admit, he said and did some dumb things, but Trump is president.
Exactly. Trump is President of the United States. This isn’t an Executive branch issue, you imbecile. That’s why Governors have shut down states and not Trump.

Your troll game is getting weaker and weaker. Are you drinking more? Just getting lazy in your older years?
Yes, it all happened because DeBlasio recommended an arthouse film nobody saw. I know you need to believe that, Poodle.
It’s no coincidence that the epicenter of the outbreak is where a Dumbocrat is in charge and told people to ignore COVID-19 and “get on with your lives”.
Exactly. Trump is President of the United States. This isn’t an Executive branch issue, you imbecile. That’s why Governors have shut down states and not Trump.

States had to shut down because Trump refused to take action, Poodle.


It’s no coincidence that the epicenter of the outbreak is where a Dumbocrat is in charge and told people to ignore COVID-19 and “get on with your lives”.

You going to repost that every post, like it means something, Poodle. I promise you, no one went out to see "The Traitor" at some arthouse and caught the Covid.
States had to shut down because Trump refused to take action, Poodle.
He doesn’t have that constitutional authority, you fucking imbecile. :lmao:

I can’t tell if you’re really this dumb or if you’re troll game is really this weak.
You going to repost that every post, like it means something, Poodle. I promise you, no one went out to see "The Traitor" at some arthouse and caught the Covid.
Kitty, I promise you that every mindless minion of the Dumbocrat Party followed orders (as you mindless minions always do) and got out on the town as instructed. I also promise you that no matter how many times you pretend like Bill De Blasio said “shelter in place, except for this movie”, everyone can see that he said “get out on the TOWN despite COVID”. He encouraged them to go to clubs to spread COVID. It’s not a coincidence NY is the epicenter of the mess.
Thank you, President Trump for true leadership. This was long overdue. Now it's time to deploy the full power of the federal government against the terrorist organization, ANTIFA.
He doesn’t have that constitutional authority, you fucking imbecile.

Actually, he absolutely does... and he should have...


100,000 dead.
40,000,000 unemployed.
Riots across the country.

Is Trump done Making America Great Again? I don't think we can afford much more "Greatness"

Thank you, President Trump for true leadership. This was long overdue. Now it's time to deploy the full power of the federal government against the terrorist organization, ANTIFA.

Yeah, fuck that first Amendment saying people have a right to protest the government.

Kitty, I promise you that every mindless minion of the Dumbocrat Party followed orders (as you mindless minions always do) and got out on the town as instructed.

Poodle, nobody saw this movie or this tweet until you knuckleheads dug it up.

Lots of people saw Trump tell people to drink disinfectant, or that this would go away when the weather got warmer, or that it wasn't a big deal and he had it contained.
Thank you, President Trump for true leadership. This was long overdue. Now it's time to deploy the full power of the federal government against the terrorist organization, ANTIFA.
Yeah, fuck that first Amendment saying people have a right to protest the government.
Since when do you believe in the U.S. Constitution? :laugh:

I’ve seen your dumb ass rail against the 2nd Amendment for almost 10 years now. Don’t come at us with a faux devotion to the Bill of Rights when you champion totalitarianism 24x7.
Your sophomoric communist belief that he should have that power doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t have that power.

Not a person in the world would have questioned him if he had done what the governors had done.

The guy claims all sorts of authority, just this last week, he tried to claim he had the right to send in troops to quell riots.

He claims he has the right to shut down Twitter and Facebook because they said bad stuff about him or started questioning his lies.

Nope, he didn't act on Covid 19 because he didn't understand the problem and didn't want to spook the markets.

Now we have 115,000 Dead and the worst recession in 90 years. Good going, Trump.
Since when do you believe in the U.S. Constitution? :laugh:

I’ve seen your dumb ass rail against the 2nd Amendment for almost 10 years now. Don’t come at us with a faux devotion to the Bill of Rights when you champion totalitarianism 24x7.

I have no problem with Well-Regulated Militias. I was a member of one for years.

The "Every crazy pants should have a gun", um, no, that's just silly.
Not a person in the world would have questioned him if he had done what the governors had done.
Bwahahaha!!! You people cry “fascist” when he acts in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. You people would have completely lost your shit. The ACLU would have brought a law suit.

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