Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Declaring the press the "enemy", is not respecting the Constitution.
No - not respecting President Trump's 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Speech is not respecting the U.S. Constitution. That's what you are doing. Typical of the left to accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves.

When President Trump sends in the military to shut down the media - come talk to me. Until then, you sound like a buffoon complaining that he doesn't respect the U.S. Constitution by exercising his constitutional rights.
Oh look....Faun Over Men immediately resorts to homosexuality (as always). He inadvertently mixed up this website once with one of his underground homosexual websites and he got caught doing it. You'd think he would be a little more cautious about resorting to homosexuality but I think it runs so deep in his blood stream (along with HIV probably :laugh:) that he can't help himself.

You're still calling a "homosexual website??"

president Trump is in way over his head... and Pence is too... both seem to simply be drowning in incompetency...

his bragging that he ''hires only the best people'' is turning out like his hand picked Trump University Scam....

I haven't seen any evidence of incompetency.

CNN is going down.
He's getting things done.

And the left is losing it's mind.

win, win, win.
No - not respecting President Trump's 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Speech is not respecting the U.S. Constitution. That's what you are doing. Typical of the left to accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves.

When President Trump sends in the military to shut down the media - come talk to me. Until then, you sound like a buffoon complaining that he doesn't respect the U.S. Constitution by exercising his constitutional rights.
He declared a 1st amendment right, the "enemy".
No - not respecting President Trump's 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Speech is not respecting the U.S. Constitution. That's what you are doing. Typical of the left to accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves.

When President Trump sends in the military to shut down the media - come talk to me. Until then, you sound like a buffoon complaining that he doesn't respect the U.S. Constitution by exercising his constitutional rights.
He declared a 1st amendment right, the "enemy".
He exercised his own 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech by pointing out how the left has turned the media into the Department of Propaganda for progressives. And he was vindicated just last week when 3 CNN reporters were forced to resign for their fake news. was caught on video admitting that there is absolutely no evidence regarding the Russia conspiracy.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Donald Trump will go down IN HISTORY as the greasiest President of all time.

He exercised his own 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech by pointing out how the left has turned the media into the Department of Propaganda for progressives. And he was vindicated just last week when 3 CNN reporters were forced to resign for their fake news. was caught on video admitting that there is absolutely no evidence regarding the Russia conspiracy.
Oh shut up! The only thing fake, is you acting like you said something significant.
He exercised his own 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech by pointing out how the left has turned the media into the Department of Propaganda for progressives. And he was vindicated just last week when 3 CNN reporters were forced to resign for their fake news. was caught on video admitting that there is absolutely no evidence regarding the Russia conspiracy.
Oh shut up! The only thing fake, is you acting like you said something significant.
"Oh shut up" - how intelligent. A good response to when one doesn't want to acknowledge how CNN was caught on video admitting they fabricate the news for ratings.

The best part about their fake news? Your realization that you were dumb enough to be duped by it. :laugh:
President Trump has signed twice as many laws as Barack Insane Obama at the same point in his presidency - and the legislation has taken a fraction of what the idiotic "we love to hear ourselves" legislation of the Dumbocrats took.

"Oh shut up" - how intelligent. A good response to when one doesn't want to acknowledge how CNN was caught on video admitting they fabricate the news for ratings.

The best part about their fake news? Your realization that you were dumb enough to be duped by it. :laugh:
It's CNN's fault for not vetting their sources better. And no, they did not admit they fabricate news for ratings. They didn't do their due diligence when they got the story, so they got stung. That's what happens to people when they don't do their job right. However, there is someone out there deliberately writing these false reports and I suspect its fuckers like you.

You're trying to get everyone to think any criticism of Trump is "fake news". Like a recording on an answering machine. This is the same technique that is used by Zionists to shield themselves from any criticism over the fucked things they do. Anyone who criticizes Israel, is an anti-Semite. But the problem with you and those fucking Zionists, is you use this card for every negative thing said.
President Trump continues to have among the most successful first few months of any president in U.S. history...
The number of employed Americans hit a record high of 153,168,000 in June, according to latest numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There were 245,000 more Americans who gained employment over the month and more individuals joined the labor force as well.
Here's the Astronomical Number of Americans Who Now Have Jobs
It's tragic how uninformed you are on every issue. It's ridiculous how you insist on commenting anyway.

That's nothing but a hit piece on CNN and it doesn't prove your point. I had to stop watching when the guy said, "If we criticized Obama as much as they criticize Trump..."

CNN is not fabricating the Russia story, they're trying to take advantage of it and if they get bit like Dan Rather, so be it. But they're not creating fake news.

This, is fake news...

"If we criticized Obama as much as they criticize Trump..."
It's tragic how uninformed you are on every issue. It's ridiculous how you insist on commenting anyway.

That's nothing but a hit piece on CNN and it doesn't prove your point. CNN is not fabricating the Russia story, they're trying to take advantage of it and if they get bit like Dan Rather, so be it. But they're not creating fake news.

It's on video and still you deny reality. It's hilarious when the left gets caught lying and creating fake news, you immature ideologues call it a "hit piece".

Tell me something snowflake - when the F.B.I. caught John Gotti on audio and video, was that a "hit piece"? People who aren't pathological liars pushing propaganda simply call it evidence.
It's on video and still you deny reality. It's hilarious when the left gets caught lying and creating fake news, you immature ideologues call it a "hit piece".

Tell me something snowflake - when the F.B.I. caught John Gotti on audio and video, was that a "hit piece"? People who aren't pathological liars pushing propaganda simply call it evidence.
They didn't say anywhere on the video that CNN created fake news. They're following a story that has yet to be proven. That's not fake, it's reporting. Whether it is good reporting or bad reporting, will be determined as this thing plays out. The video does not show that CNN created a fake report that shows events that did not happen.
They're following a story that has yet to be proven.

Do you have any idea how idiotic that sounds? It's yet to be proven that you are a child molester. Would you like CNN to post your face all over the tv and internet 24x7 discussing how you are a child molester? Or would you consider that an absolute outrage? Be honest.

They are on hidden video there stating "the story is bullshit, but it gets ratings". They know it is bullshit. They admitted it. But they keep spreading the fake news because they hate Trump and it gives them ratings.

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