Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

This video is pure gold. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t understand basic economics and peddles in pure propaganda...

President Trump has been simply incredible. He restored constitutional government. He facilitated everything for a flourishing economy. He has secured the borders. Definitely “making America GREAT again”.

Betsy DeVos: 'Common Core Is Dead'
If President Trump next 7 years are like his first year, he will go down as the greatest president ever!
News Flash to Conservatives in the Republican Party - According to the Heritage Foundation President Trump did an amazing job in his first year in office - even better than conservative and American icon President Ronald Reagan!
I’m blown away by his respect for the U.S. Constitution and his rejection of power. Not at all what I expected from a megalomaniac and a lifelong progressive.

Conservative Heritage Foundation Rates Trump’s First Year Better Than Reagan’s
Liberals hate Trump so fiercely precisely because he is turning out to be the most conservative president since Calvin Coolidge and because he is pushing back against sacred pillars of their agenda.
What he is achieving is simply astounding. Who would have imagined that Donald Trump would be the one to save the U.S. Constitution?

San Francisco Is Suddenly for States Rights When It Comes to Deporting Illegal Aliens

So you're supporting San Francisco claiming states rights under the Constitution?

Immigration is, and always has been regulated by the federal government. It is one of the few issues(constitutionally speaking) that they legally control.

So, the answer is no.

As one Trump action after another gets ruled unconstitutional, it's apparent that it's not America's kids who need most to study the document.

Leftist activist judges can rule anyway the they want to. Unless I'm wrong, I can't think of one that was upheld by the SCOTUS.

What he is achieving is simply astounding. Who would have imagined that Donald Trump would be the one to save the U.S. Constitution?

San Francisco Is Suddenly for States Rights When It Comes to Deporting Illegal Aliens

So you're supporting San Francisco claiming states rights under the Constitution?

Immigration is, and always has been regulated by the federal government. It is one of the few issues(constitutionally speaking) that they legally control.

So, the answer is no.


Does that include forcing local and state law enforcement to work as federal law enforcement?
What he is achieving is simply astounding. Who would have imagined that Donald Trump would be the one to save the U.S. Constitution?

San Francisco Is Suddenly for States Rights When It Comes to Deporting Illegal Aliens

So you're supporting San Francisco claiming states rights under the Constitution?

Immigration is, and always has been regulated by the federal government. It is one of the few issues(constitutionally speaking) that they legally control.

So, the answer is no.


Does that include forcing local and state law enforcement to work as federal law enforcement?

No, it doesn't. But actively seeking to circumvent federal law on their part is a federal crime. It is one thing not helping the feds, it is quite another helping the illegals.

What he is achieving is simply astounding. Who would have imagined that Donald Trump would be the one to save the U.S. Constitution?

San Francisco Is Suddenly for States Rights When It Comes to Deporting Illegal Aliens

So you're supporting San Francisco claiming states rights under the Constitution?

Immigration is, and always has been regulated by the federal government. It is one of the few issues(constitutionally speaking) that they legally control.

So, the answer is no.


Does that include forcing local and state law enforcement to work as federal law enforcement?
Its the job of “local and state law enforcement” to enforce the law. :eusa_doh:

Don’t try to act like a constitutionalist and an anti-federalist now. You don’t have the knowledge for it. Plus - we tried to warn you miserable pricks that someday you would regret shredding the U.S. Constitution and attempting to give the federal unlimited power. Well, that day has arrived.

The irony is, President Trump has acted 100% constitutional and you bedwetters are still losing your shit. Can you imagine if he acted like a Republican Barack Insane Obama and just did whatever he wanted - constitution and limited power be damned? Each one of you bedwetters would be on lithium.
What he is achieving is simply astounding. Who would have imagined that Donald Trump would be the one to save the U.S. Constitution?

San Francisco Is Suddenly for States Rights When It Comes to Deporting Illegal Aliens

So you're supporting San Francisco claiming states rights under the Constitution?

Immigration is, and always has been regulated by the federal government. It is one of the few issues(constitutionally speaking) that they legally control.

So, the answer is no.


Does that include forcing local and state law enforcement to work as federal law enforcement?
Its the job of “local and state law enforcement” to enforce the law. :eusa_doh:

Don’t try to act like a constitutionalist and an anti-federalist now. You don’t have the knowledge for it. Plus - we tried to warn you miserable pricks that someday you would regret shredding the U.S. Constitution and attempting to give the federal unlimited power. Well, that day has arrived.

The irony is, President Trump has acted 100% constitutional and you bedwetters are still losing your shit. Can you imagine if he acted like a Republican Barack Insane Obama and just did whatever he wanted - constitution and limited power be damned? Each one of you bedwetters would be on lithium.

You're advocating for unlimited federal power.
You're advocating for unlimited federal power.
Expecting law enforcement to enforce the law has nothing to do with federal power. As I just stated, don’t try to act like a constitutionalist and an anti-federalist now. You don’t have the knowledge or the experience.

The adults are in charge once again. You just sit there and let us handle the mess you’ve created. We’ll get it cleaned up. We always do.
So. Much. Winning.
Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods announced in a blog post Monday that his company will invest $50 billion in the U.S. over the next five years.

Woods credited both recent regulatory reform and the corporate tax rate cut that President Donald Trump signed into law last month for the company’s expansion plans. The tax rate was cut from 35% to 21%.

“These are all possible because of the resource base developed by our industry along with sound tax and regulatory policies that create a pro-growth business climate here in the U.S.,” Woods wrote.
It’s such a shame that so many had to suffer for so long under the failed policies of the left. None of this is rocket science. Whoever creates the best climate for businesses will get the jobs and tax revenues that come with it.

Exxon Mobil CEO announces $50 billion investment in US production and jobs, credits tax cuts
Sound, proven conservative policy doing what it always does - creating unimaginable prosperity...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple is planning to build a new corporate campus and hire 20,000 U.S. workers in an expansion driven in part by a tax cut that will enable the iPhone maker to bring an estimated $245 billion back to its home country.

The pledge announced Wednesday comes less than a month after Congress approved a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax code championed by President Donald Trump that will increase corporate profits.

Besides dramatically lowering the standard corporate tax rate, the reforms offer a one-time break on cash held overseas.

Apple plans to take advantage of that provision to bring back most of its roughly $252 billion in offshore cash, generating a tax bill of about $38 billion. That anticipated tax bill implies Apple intends to bring back about $245 billion of its overseas cash, based on the temporary tax rate of 15.5% on foreign profits.
Idiotic failed left-wing policy ensured that that money stayed overseas - benefiting other nations. Now it will return to the U.S. where it belongs - to benefit the U.S.

Apple Banks on Tax Break to Build 2nd Campus, Hire 20,000
That’s because it absolutely was unifying - unlike any speech ever given by Barack Insane Obama.
More than eight out of 10 Americans - 81% - who watched President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night think he was trying to unite the country, not divide it, a CBS News poll found.
Which begs the question - what is wrong with the other 2 out of 10 who can’t accept or admit reality?

Trump Sought to Unite the Country in State of the Union Address, CBS News Poll Finds
President Trump had the most astounding, successful first year of any President of the past 200 years...
But one year into the Trump administration, the facts on the ground—in Syria and Iraq—have changed dramatically. The Islamic State, also known as ISIS, lost control of Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, in July 2017. Three months later, ISIS’ capital—the Syrian city of Raqqa—fell. Many fighters retreated to Deir ez-Zor in the country’s east. In November 2017, that too fell. The “caliphate” that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced with such fanfare in the summer of 2014 was in tatters.

Did Trump Really Beat ISIS? Here Are the Facts

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