Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

President Trump continues to illustrate real leadership. Putting America first. The sole reason why the anti-American left has so much contempt for him.
The Department of Homeland Security has drafted a proposal that would negatively affect legal immigrants' chances of attaining permanent residency in the U.S. if he or she used public benefits prior to applying for that status, according to a report published Thursday afternoon.
There isn’t absolutely no reason to further burden an already over-burdened system (thanks to progressives) with parasites. The U.S. needs immigrants who are self-sufficient. People who are producers and innovators. And who respect and support the U.S.

Trump administration may block permanent residency requests from visa recipients who receive government benefits
There isn’t absolutely no reason to further burden an already over-burdened system (thanks to progressives) with parasites. The U.S. needs immigrants who are self-sufficient. People who are producers and innovators. And who respect and support the U.S.

Trump administration may block permanent residency requests from visa recipients who receive government benefits

We should expand that by two generations. Anybody whose father/mother or grandfather/grandmother came here as an immigrant, who goes on government support for more than three months, gets deported to their parents/grand parents country of origin.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

but probably won't..
There isn’t absolutely no reason to further burden an already over-burdened system (thanks to progressives) with parasites. The U.S. needs immigrants who are self-sufficient. People who are producers and innovators. And who respect and support the U.S.

Trump administration may block permanent residency requests from visa recipients who receive government benefits

We should expand that by two generations. Anybody whose father/mother or grandfather/grandmother came here as an immigrant, who goes on government support for more than three months, gets deported to their parents/grand parents country of origin.

Make sure you forward your post to Pelosi.
We continue to move towards constitutional government. We still have a long way to go, but this is a respectable start.
Originally, it included $59.9 billion for the Department of Education, which would have reduced spending at the agency by $7.1 billion—a 10.5% decrease from the 2017 enacted level. It would have done so by, among other reforms, eliminating billions of dollars for duplicative and ineffective programs and those that are “more appropriately supported through state, local, or private funds.”
We won’t be constitutional again with regards to education until the Department of Education is eliminated, but this is a good start. If President Trump followed this pattern every year and was elected to a second term, there would be more than an 80% reduction to the DoE by the time he left office.

What Trump’s Education Budget Gets Right, and Where It Can Improve
What he is achieving is simply astounding. Who would have imagined that Donald Trump would be the one to save the U.S. Constitution?

San Francisco Is Suddenly for States Rights When It Comes to Deporting Illegal Aliens

Yeah, what Trump is achieving is pretty impressive I must admit. Handing the United States over to Vladimir Putin is an impressive accomplishment, in a very perverse sort of way. But Trump is a traitor to his country and a Russian mole, so it's to be expected.
Yeah, what Trump is achieving is pretty impressive I must admit. Handing the United States over to Vladimir Putin is an impressive accomplishment, in a very perverse sort of way. But Trump is a traitor to his country and a Russian mole, so it's to be expected.
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats. Oops...
Of note, Jones currently runs the Penn Quarter Group, a "research and invesigative advisory" firm whose website was registered in April of 2016, days before Steele delivered his first in a series of Trump-Russia memos. Jones began tweeting out articles suggesting illicit ties between the Trump campaign and Russia as early as 2017.
The Russia witch-hunt has backfired on the left. They were desperate to remove President Trump from office and all they’ve done isn’t expose the corruption within their own party.

Leaked Texts Suggest Former Feinstein Staffer Part Of Ongoing Scramble To Verify Dossier
Yeah, what Trump is achieving is pretty impressive I must admit. Handing the United States over to Vladimir Putin is an impressive accomplishment, in a very perverse sort of way. But Trump is a traitor to his country and a Russian mole, so it's to be expected.
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats. Oops...
Of note, Jones currently runs the Penn Quarter Group, a "research and invesigative advisory" firm whose website was registered in April of 2016, days before Steele delivered his first in a series of Trump-Russia memos. Jones began tweeting out articles suggesting illicit ties between the Trump campaign and Russia as early as 2017.
The Russia witch-hunt has backfired on the left. They were desperate to remove President Trump from office and all they’ve done isn’t expose the corruption within their own party.

Leaked Texts Suggest Former Feinstein Staffer Part Of Ongoing Scramble To Verify Dossier that why Trump finally admitted that Russia meddled in the 2016 election? Is that why Michael Flynn and numerous other Trump cronies have pleaded guilty?

Keep lying to yourself, goober. It's fun watching you mentally ill Repugs perform deranged mental gymnastics, in a futile effort to explain Trump's treasonous behavior.
A urinal will be installed over his grave to take part in the 24/7 piss mattress party Filthy Don has come to know and love. And that's a good thing!
Approval ratings are going down again. Donny is back in the 30's for approval. Average Americans still don't think the Liar in Chief is so great.
Approval ratings are going down again. Donny is back in the 30's for approval. Average Americans still don't think the Liar in Chief is so great.
Would these be the same polls that predicted Hitlery Clinton would be the next President of the United States in a “landslide”? :laugh:

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