Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Is money-laundering legal?
Nope. And I haven’t heard even a single allegation of “money-laundering” by President Trump. I noticed you failed to add any details or a link. If you have something that isn’t just an absurd left-wing smear campaign, I would be glad to look at it.
Is money-laundering legal?
Nope. And I haven’t heard even a single allegation of “money-laundering” by President Trump. I noticed you failed to add any details or a link. If you have something that isn’t just an absurd left-wing smear campaign, I would be glad to look at it.

LOL! You'd better clean the wax out of your years. Trump's money laundering has been whispered about for years. Even Bannon spoke of it openly. Considering Manafort's past dealings with Russian Oligarchs, why would anyone be surprised? Keep in mind that Trump couldn't get a loan from any American bank due to his numerous bankruptcies. As a result, he turned to the East to do business with Russia. Even his sons mentioned it on the record years ago.

The end result is that Trump is eventually going down. He and his supporter will make a lot of noise in the process, but the facts will win the day.
Is money-laundering legal?
Nope. And I haven’t heard even a single allegation of “money-laundering” by President Trump. I noticed you failed to add any details or a link. If you have something that isn’t just an absurd left-wing smear campaign, I would be glad to look at it.
LOL! You'd better clean the wax out of your years. Trump's money laundering has been whispered about for years.
And there it is. Mustang wants President Trump impeached for whispers from anti-Trump lunatics. Come back when you have a link to post.
The end result is that Trump is eventually going down.
The end result is that your tinfoil hat is not helping your thought process any. Every time you progressives “predict” Trump’s demise he just reaches new levels of success.
Donald Trump,,the first President to bring the DOW to 25,000
Obama, the first President to take the DOW down to 6,000
there u go

Idiot, Great Recession took dow to 6500, under Obama it grew to record high 19000.
We’re now seeing the benefits of electing an intelligent man as president. :2up:
More than that....a businessman and a non politician. He doesn’t give a damn about appearances or party. He’s just interested in results.
Voters are finally moving away from thinking career politicians have their best interest at heart.
Democrats are especially bad with corruption and serving themselves.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

Trump is a lame duck President since the first day in office.

All he can do is write EO's that liberal courts will strike down.

I reckon he did appoint someone to SCOTUS.

That's about it.

Neither party likes him, nor does the press
Neither party likes him but America loves him. Maybe having the greatest economy or a administration that creates PRIVATE SECTOR jobs or lower taxes isn’t important to either party but the citizens of America love it. The reason Trump was elected was because both democrat and republican globalist politicians hate him. History will look back at the greatest American Presidents, Washington, Jefferson, and Trump.Washington gave us our independence, Jefferson helped create our great Constitution, Trump saved us from the Globalist. Long live the America our founders gave us, and as Ben Franklin said “if we can keep it”.
I know....and I remember a talk we had on this board where you weren't quit sure of him just after he got elected.......which means even people that weren't full on board trumpers like myself are seeing the benefits.....I cant wait for pull that lever again!
You are 100% correct on all accounts buckeye45_73. However, here are two prime examples of my concerns with Donald Trump. I know that he has been very good to this point - but there is 0 excuse for either of these.

Trump Buckled at the Knees on Immigration Reform in Worst Day of His Presidency

There is no excuse for DACA. Rewarding criminal behavior is unforgivable. The other (even more) ridiculous situation is him encouraging congressmen to bring back pork spending. Appalling. He’s supposed to be the shrewd businessman who understands budgets and debt.

Conservatives Warn Trump Not to Revive Earmarks If He Wants to Drain the Swamp
President Trump continues to make America great again...
An abundance of untapped energy lies beneath America’s ground and off the coasts. For six years, America has been the world’s largest petroleum and natural gas producer, supporting more than 10 million jobs and contributing more than $1.3 trillion to the economy.

The increase in energy supplies has lowered prices for households and businesses. Families are saving hundreds, if not more than $1,000 each year on electricity bills and home-heating costs, and paying less at the gas pump.
Cheaper energy. More jobs. Higher GDP. This is the epitome of making America great again.

New Offshore Drilling Plan Will Reverse Obama Restrictions, Unleash US Energy Dominance
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

Trump is a lame duck President since the first day in office.

All he can do is write EO's that liberal courts will strike down.

I reckon he did appoint someone to SCOTUS.

That's about it.

Neither party likes him, nor does the press
Neither party likes him but America loves him. Maybe having the greatest economy or a administration that creates PRIVATE SECTOR jobs or lower taxes isn’t important to either party but the citizens of America love it. The reason Trump was elected was because both democrat and republican globalist politicians hate him. History will look back at the greatest American Presidents, Washington, Jefferson, and Trump.Washington gave us our independence, Jefferson helped create our great Constitution, Trump saved us from the Globalist. Long live the America our founders gave us, and as Ben Franklin said “if we can keep it”.
Who knows what you're talking about?

Trump's job approval rating of around 40% does not indicate America loves him and as far as private sector jobs, 2017 was the worst year in the last 7:

2011: 2,403,000
2012: 2,209,000
2013: 2,370,000
2014: 2,871,000
2015: 2,561,000
2016: 2,039,000
2017: 2,013,000

All employees, thousands, total private, seasonally adjusted

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