Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Great things happen when the government doesn’t confiscate people’s wealth...

AT&T, Comcast giving $1,000 bonuses to hundreds of thousands of workers after tax bill
I know....and I remember a talk we had on this board where you weren't quit sure of him just after he got elected.......which means even people that weren't full on board trumpers like myself are seeing the benefits.....I cant wait for pull that lever again!
I’ve made dozens of posts openly admitting that I was 100% wrong about President Trump. I was the biggest “Never Trump” conservative in America.

I’ve been stunned by his rejection of power and his respect for the U.S. Constitution. I figured a megalomaniac like him would pull a Barack Insane Obama and piss all over the U.S. Constitution. I was also gravely concerned about his history as a life-long staunch progressive.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless

You may be right, but only if he's both impeached & later indicted.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

He might. But probably not.
You may be right, but only if he's both impeached & later indicted.
For what...tweeting the truth in a way that upsets the left?

No, of course not.

Let's start with Trump's years-long business connections with Russia and Russians which have been publically confirmed years ago by Trump's son.

Oddly enough (or not so much so), Trump hired Manafort as his campaign manager and former US Army Lt. General Michael Flynn as his closest foreign policy advisor, and they BOTH had close ties to Russia. Coincidence?

Then there's the fact that Trump lies all the time about everything under the sun. If he didn't do so, his protestations of his innocence in his campaign's collusion with Russia might just carry more weight. As it is, his protestations seem extremely empty and self-serving.

When one considers Trumps numerous bankruptcies, the numerous lawsuits filed against him for cheating contractors and investors, and his debacle that was known as Trump University which took 10's of thousands of dollars from thousands of hopeful students and delivered nothing as promised, it's clear that Trump has no qualms about lying and cheating the very people who Trump has worked hard to earn their trust.

The man is simply heading for the biggest fall in American political history.
You may be right, but only if he's both impeached & later indicted.
For what...tweeting the truth in a way that upsets the left?
No, of course not. Let's start with Trump's years-long business connections with Russia and Russians which have been publically confirmed years ago by Trump's son.
I hate to be the one to drop this “bomb” on you but it is 100% perfectly legal to have “business connections with Russia and Russians”. Millions of Americans have them. Literally millions. Bill Gates. Larry Ellison. Bill Browder. Hell, even the Clintons.
Then there's the fact that Trump lies all the time about everything under the sun.
Yeah...that’s not illegal either, my friend. If it were, Bill Clinton, Hitlery Clinton, and Barack Obama all would have been executed decades ago. Each of them lies more in any given 10 minutes than President Trump lies in a year.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Of course Republicans would agree with that because they are as racist as he is. I've been saying it but no one would believe it.

They do now.
The latest fakery is that he's racist.
Women, Russians, racist-all the distraction that the liberals promised as revenge.
He is making America Great again event with the infants, dependents, ilegals and malcontents kicking and screaming about it.
You complainers can also benefit from this new environment if you just get on board
You may be right, but only if he's both impeached & later indicted.
For what...tweeting the truth in a way that upsets the left?
No, of course not. Let's start with Trump's years-long business connections with Russia and Russians which have been publically confirmed years ago by Trump's son.
I hate to be the one to drop this “bomb” on you but it is 100% perfectly legal to have “business connections with Russia and Russians”. Millions of Americans have them. Literally millions. Bill Gates. Larry Ellison. Bill Browder. Hell, even the Clintons.

Is money-laundering legal?

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