Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Uh Obama same as Bush,DESTROYED the economy.Trump has brought back THOUSANDS of jobs that were shipped overseas to america that each president from reagan all the way up to Obama shipped out.get your facts straight charlie.
It HITLERY had been elected,NONE of that would have happened.LOL

Oh and that is the best damn thing Trump HAS done since being president is not go to that evil bastard warmonger Barbara Bushs funeral.the criminal war monger who loves the fact her son had a big hand in 9/11 being pulled off.Nest thing you will say is if he does not go to Bush sr's funeral,he is a piece of shit as well.:rolleyes: you are soundling like all these paid shills that have penetrated this site and defend the corruption of government ALL THE TIME.:rolleyes:
So you're trying to stomp on my hand while I'm still down? Okay. Obama stopped the loss of 700,000 jobs a month. The economy was rolling before The Donald took office. And the only thing Trumps bullshit tax cuts mean to me, is an extra $27!
uh no,I just said he is the first president SINCE CARTER,that I have been optimistic about since like carter,he is trying to clean up the corrution in washington and fighting the deep state and like carter,also has DONE some of the things he said he would do which CANNOT be said for all the presidents we have had SINCE warmonger Reagan.

btw,whats with you all of a sudden? It USED to be a you were a cheerleader for trump when he was runnning,i was the one skeptical that he would be any different than Bush or Obama but based on his ACTIONS as president,he has won me over. at least he has done none of this.

FUN FACT READ: First The Benghazi scandal/investigation brought the Hillary Cankles illegal private servers personal email account to light. The government had no (data/emails) communication between SOS Hillary and President Obama, during the embassy attack and 4 American deaths on the 9/11 anniversary. Since Trump won the unsuspected Presidency our corrupt liberal fascists government agencies were in a pickle and started a Russian conspiracy, with Hillary to impeach Trump. In order to protect their (King) Obama and (Queen) Hillary use of illegal private servers and personal email as her official government email account. That’s a No! No! It’s government policy and mandatory to use a State . gov email account, especially when u are SOS communicating classified emails, with the president of the U.S. and vice versa. The community organizer president Obama knew this but continue to send classified emails to her personal email account, for 4 years. Hence the need to bleach Bit (33,000 emails) and destroy hard drives, blueberries phones, or other numerous items containing government classified data. Therefore prosecuting Hillary and Obama would have to follow over SOS Hillarys known illegal private servers and personal email account use for government work.
I gave Trump the benefit of the doubt (when he first started running), just like I did Bush43. But their track record tells the story. Trump is a narcissistic asshole, who makes everything about him. He nominates the most unqualified losers for his cabinet, who do nothing but spend tax payer dollars for their own benefit. We are the laughing stock of the planet, because of Trump.

Trump is a corporate bitch, doing what he's told, like a good little whore.
I think we might address your being a piece of shit even before Hillary. Then we can get on to Trump.

Obama's economy? Seriously?
This thread is not about Hillary.

As far as me being a piece of shit, tell me something I don't know.
So since you are a piece of shit, mentioning Hillary can only mitigate your shiftiness by contrast.
As far as the economy goes, Trump is riding on Obama's coat tails.
Obama’s coattails lead to over 10% unemployment, chief. The Republicans stepped in starting in 2011 and began turning everything around. President Trump was just the final piece of the puzzle to remove all of Barack Insane Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders that were still killing the U.S. economy.

When you named an actual fact (the Patriot Act), I couldn’t argue with you and didn’t even try. But you’re incapable of citing a fact for your irrational claims about Trump.
View attachment 182484 Look at the fake patriot having a circle jerk all by himself.
Donald Trump will go down in history, breaking Ronald Reagan's record as the most corrupt administration ever.
Reagan currently has the record with most members of his administration indicted or convicted.
Trump will beat that by country mile.
Right on... But Reagan was also a heartless .Mofo. He made a deal with drug cartels and allowed them to sell drugs to American populations...all to raise funds to support the rebels in Nicaragua. Despite supporting un American and unlawful endeavors harmful to his people while simultaneousy stepping up the War on Drugs against users, Reagan is seen by most RW white males as a national hero. I beg to differ...Dig the bahs- turds body up and throw his rotting carcass in jail.
So since you are a piece of shit, mentioning Hillary can only mitigate your shiftiness by contrast.
I didn't mention Hillary, you did. I merely reminded you this thread is not about her. Why is it, none of you fuckers can answer a single question about Trump, without dragging Hillary Clinton into the conversation?
Obama’s coattails lead to over 10% unemployment, chief. The Republicans stepped in starting in 2011 and began turning everything around. President Trump was just the final piece of the puzzle to remove all of Barack Insane Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders that were still killing the U.S. economy.

When you named an actual fact (the Patriot Act), I couldn’t argue with you and didn’t even try. But you’re incapable of citing a fact for your irrational claims about Trump.
Obama stopped the loss of over 700,000 jobs a month.

What Obama deserves credit for
[When Obama took office] Unemployment was increasing by roughly 700,000 to 800,000 job losses a month. No one knew when the downward spiral would stop.

In this turbulence, Obama was a model of calm and confidence. The policies he embraced — various economic stimulus packages, support for the Federal Reserve, the rescue of the auto industry, the shoring up of the banking system — were what the economy needed, though they were not perfect in every detail.

And as for Trump...

Barack Insane Obama refused to go to Margaret Thatcher’s funeral!!! And she was a legendary world leader.

So I guess you agree that Barack Insane Obama is the ultimate piece of shit?
Thatcher is not the wife (and mother) of two American Presidents.
Exactly. Wife/Mother vs. actual World Leader. So you do agree that Barack Insane Obama is a complete and total piece of shit.

Oh...and let’s not forget that Obama was laughing and taking selfies at the funeral of Nelson Mandela. Ultimate piece of shit.
But Reagan was also a heartless .Mofo. He made a deal with drug cartels and allowed them to sell drugs to American populations...all to raise funds to support the rebels in Nicaragua. Despite supporting un American and unlawful endeavors harmful to his people...
Even if that precious little conspiracy theory were true, how is that Reagan’s fault? The piece of shit loser buying the drugs to get high is responsible for their own actions. Ronald Reagan didn’t (and couldn’t) force anyone to buy drugs and then ingest them.

Progressives can never take responsibility for their own actions.
But Reagan was also a heartless .Mofo. He made a deal with drug cartels and allowed them to sell drugs to American populations...all to raise funds to support the rebels in Nicaragua. Despite supporting un American and unlawful endeavors harmful to his people...
Even if that precious little conspiracy theory were true, how is that Reagan’s fault? The piece of shit loser buying the drugs to get high is responsible for their own actions. Ronald Reagan didn’t (and couldn’t) force anyone to buy drugs and then ingest them.

Progressives can never take responsibility for their own actions.
I find it disturbing that a true conservative American would be an apologist for someone complicit in felonious activity against Americans, even if the crook was President of the USA.
I find it disturbing that a true conservative American would be an apologist for someone complicit in felonious activity against Americans, even if the crook was President of the USA.
Boy, I agree with you on that 100%. I am in complete agreement with you on that. Which is why I find it baffling that you have such devotion to Barack Insane Obama - who oversaw the most corrupt Administration in the history of the United States.

He violated the U.S. Constitution dozens of times and violated federal law hundreds of times.
I find it disturbing that a true conservative American would be an apologist for someone complicit in felonious activity against Americans, even if the crook was President of the USA.
Boy, I agree with you on that 100%. I am in complete agreement with you on that. Which is why I find it baffling that you have such devotion to Barack Insane Obama - who oversaw the most corrupt Administration in the history of the United States.

He violated the U.S. Constitution dozens of times and violated federal law hundreds of times.
Somehow, I just can't believe you. With a Republican dominated congress hovering over him throughout most of his presidency
It doesn't make sense that they would ignore all that alleged skuldugery you attribute to Obama.
Exactly. Wife/Mother vs. actual World Leader. So you do agree that Barack Insane Obama is a complete and total piece of shit.

Oh...and let’s not forget that Obama was laughing and taking selfies at the funeral of Nelson Mandela. Ultimate piece of shit.
Like you give a shit about Mandela, or Margaret Thatcher?

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