Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Somehow, I just can't believe you. With a Republican dominated congress hovering over him throughout most of his presidency
It doesn't make sense that they would ignore all that alleged skuldugery you attribute to Obama.
Most of the Republicans are repulsive politicians who play political games. Some even went on record stating they “feared” the political blowback if they impeached Obama for his crimes.

Like the Democrats, the Republicans were more worried about their jobs and getting re-elected rather than adhering to the law.
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Exactly. Wife/Mother vs. actual World Leader. So you do agree that Barack Insane Obama is a complete and total piece of shit.

Oh...and let’s not forget that Obama was laughing and taking selfies at the funeral of Nelson Mandela. Ultimate piece of shit.
Like you give a shit about Mandela, or Margaret Thatcher?
First of all, like you “give a shit” about Barbara Bush.

Second, what does “giving a shit” have to do with anything? We weren’t discussing feelings, snowflake. You stated your evidence that President Trump was a “piece of shit” was the fact that he didn’t attend Barbara Bush’s funeral (which he couldn’t). Well, by that standard, Barack Insane Obama is 10x’s the piece of shit. He refused to attend the funeral of Margaret Thatcher and he took selfies like a pompous egomaniac during Nelson Mandela’s funeral.
Donald Trump WILL go down in history as the greatest LYING president of all time

there, FTFY.
there, FTFY.
Sorry, we don’t speak 15 year old girl texting here. Literally have no idea what “FTFY” means.

This illustrates why you struggle in life. You’re too lazy to even write a complete sentence. No wonder you can’t hold a job.
Donald Trump WILL go down in history as the greatest LYING president of all time
Nah...nobody could top Bill Clinton and Barack Insane Obama when it comes to lying. How do you feel about the American people loving President Trump more than Obama?

Somehow, I just can't believe you. With a Republican dominated congress hovering over him throughout most of his presidency
It doesn't make sense that they would ignore all that alleged skuldugery you attribute to Obama.
Most of the Republicans are repulsive politicians who play political games. Some even went on record stating they “feared” the political blowback if they impeached Obama for his crimes.

Like the Democrats, the Republicans were more worried about their jobs and getting re-elected rather than adhering to the law.

I don't remember any crimes Obama commited.. But I do remember the RW ruckus that ensued when Obama dodged GOP obstructionist strategies by issuing executive orders. A cursory review of those ordersi revealed Obama based them on existing law.
Qu33r, democrat judges generally hate the Constitution.

Most in the federal government merely ignore the Constitution.

It's been that way for a while. Just look at how FDR locked up innocent Japanese Americans with virtually no opposition even though everyone today concedes it was not Constitutional.

And they call Trump a racist bigot while FDR goes down as one of the best in US history?

Pure insanity.

no. most don't ignore the constitution.

but we can talk about Donald's behavior if you want.
I don't remember any crimes Obama commited.. But I do remember the RW ruckus that ensued when Obama dodged GOP obstructionist strategies by issuing executive orders.
Uh...yeah...those were the crimes. The President of the United States is not authorized to bypass Congress because they are not doing what he wants them to do. That’s the entire point of the separation of powers. :eusa_doh:
A cursory review of those ordersi revealed Obama based them on existing law.
A “cursory review” of your post reveals an outrageous lie. For example, Barack Insane Obama issued two Presidential Memorandums in November 2014 (he almost always issued Presidential Memorandums instead of Executive Orders to dupe his mindless supporters - but I digress) essentially granting amnesty to illegal aliens. That is in direct opposition to federal law (both the use of the Presidential Memorandum itself and the granting of the “temporary” amnesty).
no. most don't ignore the constitution.
Almost all ignore the U.S. Constitution (almost as much as you ignore the facts).
but we can talk about Donald's behavior if you want.
Please - let’s do that! We can illustrate your ignorance. President Trump hasn’t violated the U.S. Constitution even once.

Why do you have so much hate in your heart and why do you embrace lying like you do? I’m just curious.
First of all, like you “give a shit” about Barbara Bush.
Okay, you got me there!

Second, what does “giving a shit” have to do with anything? We weren’t discussing feelings, snowflake. You stated your evidence that President Trump was a “piece of shit” was the fact that he didn’t attend Barbara Bush’s funeral (which he couldn’t). Well, by that standard, Barack Insane Obama is 10x’s the piece of shit. He refused to attend the funeral of Margaret Thatcher and he took selfies like a pompous egomaniac during Nelson Mandela’s funeral.
Taking selfies at a funeral is not as bad as having hookers peeing in a bed you slept in. It's a good thing Trump doesn't go to funerals. If he did, he probably would hit on the widow? I can see him walking up to the crying widow and going, "Hey, what's going on?"
I don't remember any crimes Obama commited.. But I do remember the RW ruckus that ensued when Obama dodged GOP obstructionist strategies by issuing executive orders.
Uh...yeah...those were the crimes. The President of the United States is not authorized to bypass Congress because they are not doing what he wants them to do. That’s the entire point of the separation of powers. :eusa_doh:
Uh..but Obama based his executive orders on laws already in existence. He didn't bypass congress he just outsmarted them.
I don't remember any crimes Obama commited.. But I do remember the RW ruckus that ensued when Obama dodged GOP obstructionist strategies by issuing executive orders.
Uh...yeah...those were the crimes. The President of the United States is not authorized to bypass Congress because they are not doing what he wants them to do. That’s the entire point of the separation of powers. :eusa_doh:
Uh..but Obama based his executive orders on laws already in existence. He didn't bypass congress he just outsmarted them. he didn’t. He egregiously violated laws. We have existing immigration laws in place. Only Congress has the authority to alter law. His Presidential Memorandums granting amnesty violated those laws.

And Barack Insane Obama couldn’t “outsmart” a goat. It’s sad that you celebrate his serious criminal actions with such exuberance and denounce President Trump’s respect for law (not to mention astounding success) simply because you feel entitled to what other people own. he didn’t. He egregiously violated laws. We have existing immigration laws in place. Only Congress has the authority to alter law. His Presidential Memorandums granting amnesty violated those laws.
The Supreme court of 8 justices split 4-4 on the Constitutionallity of Obama's amnesty EO. That sent the case back to the lower court ruling against Obama.

But Obama's EO was just a retread of an idea spawned in the mind of the high priest of American RW conservatism: Ronald Reagan.
Are you aware that in 1986 Reagan signed the most sweeping immigration amnesty reform bill in history. Here is a quote from Reagan that might send shivers down your spine:
"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally,"

Reagan later signed a bill giving amnesty to more than 3 million undocumented workers in this country.. So...what were you saying about the un Constitutionality of Obama's EO?

And Barack Insane Obama couldn’t “outsmart” a goat. It’s sad that you celebrate his serious criminal actions with such exuberance and denounce President Trump’s respect for law
Why do you bottom feeders persist in calling Obama insane or inferring that you are smarter than him? Obama appears to be far saner than the narcissist megalomaniac you RW crusaders voted for. Obama was a classy, fit, handsome and smart president respected around the world for his infectious diplomacy
Trump is a self centered troll and just as ugly as one, inside and out..If respect for the law was high among Trump's priorities he wouldnt
have invited Russian hackers to publish more of Hillary's emails. You do remember that televised example of Trump's support for illegal activity, don't you? If you want more example of Trumps affinity for criminals who do things that help him...I give you his friend... Vladimir Putin.
you feel entitled to what other people own.
That's a lie. I don't want a damn thing from you or your kind.. I've earned everything I own by working for it. Where do you nut jobs come up with your outlandish notions?
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Uh Obama same as Bush,DESTROYED the economy.Trump has brought back THOUSANDS of jobs that were shipped overseas to america that each president from reagan all the way up to Obama shipped out.get your facts straight charlie.
It HITLERY had been elected,NONE of that would have happened.LOL

Oh and that is the best damn thing Trump HAS done since being president is not go to that evil bastard warmonger Barbara Bushs funeral.the criminal war monger who loves the fact her son had a big hand in 9/11 being pulled off.Nest thing you will say is if he does not go to Bush sr's funeral,he is a piece of shit as well.:rolleyes: you are soundling like all these paid shills that have penetrated this site and defend the corruption of government ALL THE TIME.:rolleyes:
So you're trying to stomp on my hand while I'm still down? Okay. Obama stopped the loss of 700,000 jobs a month. The economy was rolling before The Donald took office. And the only thing Trumps bullshit tax cuts mean to me, is an extra $27!

you are funny as hell.other way around.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah:
As far as the economy goes, Trump is riding on Obama's coat tails.
Obama’s coattails lead to over 10% unemployment, chief. The Republicans stepped in starting in 2011 and began turning everything around. President Trump was just the final piece of the puzzle to remove all of Barack Insane Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders that were still killing the U.S. economy.

When you named an actual fact (the Patriot Act), I couldn’t argue with you and didn’t even try. But you’re incapable of citing a fact for your irrational claims about Trump.

He has obviously been listening wayyyyy to much what the CIA CONTROLLED media has told him.:iyfyus.jpg:

Traiter Obama bringing back what 70,000 jobs i think is what he said? comedy gold,that is the FUNNIEST post of the YEAR. :laughing0301: as I said,Trump was the one that did THAT.:laughing0301:

he probably wont read this excellent informative link here i am sure.LOL

14 states hit record low unemployment

I am going easy on him and am not going to say he is a brainwashed sheep like i usually reserve for the Obama braiwnashed apologists because he DID bring up a good point that he has not made good post nominations. I was not happy about that either and was pissed as hell about that myself but thats the thing about Trump you got to know about him is that is part of his clever game plan,you have heard the old saying-keep your enemies closer?

thats what he is doing so he can learn what they are REALLY up to. he has obviously not done any research into this as we have to understand the deep state is out to kill him because he is NOT part of the round table group that the clintons,bushs,and Obamas all are part of that have plottted against american and are against americans.

there have been people on the inside in the CIA that have told patriot Ron Paul there are plans to kill him. Thank god he is aware of how the secret service betrayed kennedy and was in on it the fact he has his OWN personal bodyguards guarding him and NOT them.:yes_text12:

the last several months I have to say i myself was saying trump was a wolf in sheeps clothing but that was BEFORE it was documented from independent patriotic news sources NOT controlled by the CIA controlled media such as American Free Press and others that he has indeed brought back jobs,deported illegal aliens which was well known Obama let them have a free pass into our country,:rolleyes: but more importantly,what convinced me beyond a doubt he really is FOR the people as kennedy was,is Bill needs to read his executive order,cause it calls for going after our corrupt instittutions such as the CIA and FBI.:yes_text12::dance:

PLUS and here is what REALLY did it for me,there have been high ranking military oficers that are onboard with trump that have come out and said they are going to back him in overthrowing the deep state.:yes_text12:

maybe THIS time that WILL happen since as i said,trump is smart enough to learn from kennedys mistake to trust the secret service.:up::yes_text12:
We are the laughing stock of the planet, because of Trump.

Like the USA was NOT a laughstock under both Bush and has pal Obama? quit while you can,you are totally embarassing yourself here.:abgg2q.jpg:
View attachment 182484 Look at the fake patriot having a circle jerk all by himself.
Donald Trump will go down in history, breaking Ronald Reagan's record as the most corrupt administration ever.
Reagan currently has the record with most members of his administration indicted or convicted.
Trump will beat that by country mile.
Right on... But Reagan was also a heartless .Mofo. He made a deal with drug cartels and allowed them to sell drugs to American populations...all to raise funds to support the rebels in Nicaragua. Despite supporting un American and unlawful endeavors harmful to his people while simultaneousy stepping up the War on Drugs against users, Reagan is seen by most RW white males as a national hero. I beg to differ...Dig the bahs- turds body up and throw his rotting carcass in jail.

Well at LEAST you and fellow moron Reasonable are NOT idiots about the atrocities of Reagan as most american sheep are so you both have ONE FOOT in the door i will give you credit for which is the ONLY reason i gave a like for your post. you bother are obviously brainwashed fools who same as Billo,worship the atrocities of what the democrats do turning a blind eye to THEIR corruption never mind the fact that Obama was every bit as corrupt as Bush was with the SAME policys:rolleyes: if you both would stop listening to what the CIA comtrolled LAMESTREAM media tells you,you would see what fools you are lumping Trump in there with traiter Reagan the fact Trump is fighting the deep state and is a RINO.:rolleyes:

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