Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless
Simply by ascending to the presidency, Trump became one of the most consequential presidents in US history. American, and indeed world politics will never be the same.

Your right... We never underestimated the ability to misinform people.
Ha ha...

Thats all you got... Your guy said that the Nazis have some good people...

There is no way Lincoln would have supported that ass... Not one single living President supported him...

Ah sheep boi - you're such a fucking liar - such is the way of Stalinists.

No, Trump did not say"Nazis have some good people." The crowd in Virginia were not Nazis. It appears the the few stupid fucks who claimed to be - 5 out of 50,000 - were ringers sent in by you Soros goons.

Regardless, he acknowledged that most of the crowd were good people, which they were, despite the hatred you Stalinists have for America and for history.

Now as far as Lincoln, what exactly do you see as "progressive / socialist" traits in Lincoln? What do you base your moronic idiocy on?
Today, Lincoln wouldn't be a Republican
Now that is true. Today, Abraham Lincoln would be a member of the Tea Party. The Republican Party is pure progressive RINO and the Dumbocrat Party is pure communism.

Bernie Sanders openly ran as a socialist and was the most popular candidate on the left by far. The DNC had to rig the primary just to get Hitlery the nominee.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless
If the right embraced the Bill of Rights, they wouldn't have voted for the Patriot Act.

Trump will go down as one of the biggest pieces of shit in humankind.
Not one single living President supported him...
Well, considering George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Calvin Coolidge, and Ronald Reagan are all dead - it's not the least bit surprising that "not one single living President" didn't support an outsider who wasn't the servant of one of the two major party's.

Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Insane Obama are monumental idiots who destroyed the U.S. That leaves the Bush's. I mean....really? Seriously? The Bush's? :laugh:
If the right embraced the Bill of Rights, they wouldn't have voted for the Patriot Act.
I agree with that 100%. But Bush, McCain, and company were not conservatives by any measure. We have largely cleaned the swamp on our side of the aisle. We ushered in the era of the Tea Party with true conservatives with real character (Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, etc.). It's a damn shame your side of the aisle won't do the same thing.
I agree with that 100%. But Bush, McCain, and company were not conservatives by any measure. We have largely cleaned the swamp on our side of the aisle. We ushered in the era of the Tea Party with true conservatives with real character (Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, etc.). It's a damn shame your side of the aisle won't do the same thing.
The "bagger nation", is about the dumbest bunch of Americans, I have ever seen.

On another front, we don't get credit for dumping Rose O' Donnell?
Trump will go down as one of the biggest pieces of shit in humankind.
It speaks volumes that you're disgusted that President Trump (and the Republicans) have created record highs in the market, near record lows in unemployment, secured the border, solved the North Korea issue, and defeated ISIS.

At the end of the day, anyone who calls President Trump as this point a "piece of shit" is clearly a fuck'n parasite who mooches off of society. There is not a single thing that someone could genuinely wine about unless they are someone who wants to mooch off of society. And to those people we say...

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On another front, we don't get credit for dumping Rose O' Donnell?
When did you guys actually “dump” Rosie O’Donnell? She’s pretty much the face of your party.

If you did dump her, I would give you all the credit in the world (even though she isn’t a politician and thus “dumping” her isn’t really draining the swamp and doesn’t do much to help Washington).
Let’s take a look at 3 different statements you made, Billo_Really. The first statement is factual. As such, you are able to specifically cite a fact (in this case, a bill passed under the Republicans). And, as such, I’m unable to disagree and I do not even try. I immediately respond that “I agree 100%”.
If the right embraced the Bill of Rights, they wouldn't have voted for the Patriot Act.
Now, let’s examine two more statements by you. Both are completely false, idiotic, and immature. As such, you’re incapable of citing a single fact, data, quote, etc. You’re incapable of supporting you statement because they are inherently false.
Trump will go down as one of the biggest pieces of shit in humankind.

The "bagger nation", is about the dumbest bunch of Americans, I have ever seen.
See, you can’t support what isn’t true.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless
Simply by ascending to the presidency, Trump became one of the most consequential presidents in US history. American, and indeed world politics will never be the same.

Your right... We never underestimated the ability to misinform people.
Butt hurt is not consequential to history.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless
If the right embraced the Bill of Rights, they wouldn't have voted for the Patriot Act.

Trump will go down as one of the biggest pieces of shit in humankind.

okay I have ALWAYS backed you in the past many times before on MANY issues but not this time because I am sorry but he is right,you are losing your credibility here because he is the FIRST president since carter,the last DECENT president we had,to to do ANYTHING of what he said he would do.
Not one single living President supported him...
Well, considering George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Calvin Coolidge, and Ronald Reagan are all dead - it's not the least bit surprising that "not one single living President" didn't support an outsider who wasn't the servant of one of the two major party's.

Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Insane Obama are monumental idiots who destroyed the U.S. That leaves the Bush's. I mean....really? Seriously? The Bush's? :laugh:

Uh you are showing you are one of the many brainwashed sheep who has fallen for the Corporate controlled media slandering of carter.Carter like Trump ALSO fought the deep state. He also tried to get rid of the CIA as our last great president JFK did which is why he only served one term and you are embarrassing yourself here Putting war monger bastard Reagan in the same breath as greats washington,Jefferson,and coolidge since this is the REAL REAGAN the corporate controlled media WONT talk about in post# 45 of mine.:abgg2q.jpg:

Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man
It speaks volumes that you're disgusted that President Trump (and the Republicans) have created record highs in the market, near record lows in unemployment, secured the border, solved the North Korea issue, and defeated ISIS.

At the end of the day, anyone who calls President Trump as this point a "piece of shit" is clearly a fuck'n parasite who mooches off of society. There is not a single thing that someone could genuinely wine about unless they are someone who wants to mooch off of society. And to those people we say...

View attachment 189274
As far as the economy goes, Trump is riding on Obama's coat tails.

As far as him being a piece of shit, he wouldn't even go to B-Bush's funeral.
When did you guys actually “dump” Rosie O’Donnell? She’s pretty much the face of your party.

If you did dump her, I would give you all the credit in the world (even though she isn’t a politician and thus “dumping” her isn’t really draining the swamp and doesn’t do much to help Washington).
Although I agree the DNC is not the answer, the "swamp" is nothing but Republican gutter trash. That's why so many of you are retiring.
okay I have ALWAYS backed you in the past many times before on MANY issues but not this time because I am sorry but he is right,you are losing your credibility here because he is the FIRST president since carter,the last DECENT president we had,to to do ANYTHING of what he said he would do.
You are comparing Donald "piss in Obama's bed" Trump, to decency?
It speaks volumes that you're disgusted that President Trump (and the Republicans) have created record highs in the market, near record lows in unemployment, secured the border, solved the North Korea issue, and defeated ISIS.

At the end of the day, anyone who calls President Trump as this point a "piece of shit" is clearly a fuck'n parasite who mooches off of society. There is not a single thing that someone could genuinely wine about unless they are someone who wants to mooch off of society. And to those people we say...

View attachment 189274
As far as the economy goes, Trump is riding on Obama's coat tails.

As far as him being a piece of shit, he wouldn't even go to B-Bush's funeral.

Uh Obama same as Bush,DESTROYED the economy.Trump has brought back THOUSANDS of jobs that were shipped overseas to america that each president from reagan all the way up to Obama shipped out.get your facts straight charlie.
It HITLERY had been elected,NONE of that would have happened.LOL

Oh and that is the best damn thing Trump HAS done since being president is not go to that evil bastard warmonger Barbara Bushs funeral.the criminal war monger who loves the fact her son had a big hand in 9/11 being pulled off.Nest thing you will say is if he does not go to Bush sr's funeral,he is a piece of shit as well.:rolleyes: you are soundling like all these paid shills that have penetrated this site and defend the corruption of government ALL THE TIME.:rolleyes:
okay I have ALWAYS backed you in the past many times before on MANY issues but not this time because I am sorry but he is right,you are losing your credibility here because he is the FIRST president since carter,the last DECENT president we had,to to do ANYTHING of what he said he would do.
You are comparing Donald "piss in Obama's bed" Trump, to decency?

uh no,I just said he is the first president SINCE CARTER,that I have been optimistic about since like carter,he is trying to clean up the corrution in washington and fighting the deep state and like carter,also has DONE some of the things he said he would do which CANNOT be said for all the presidents we have had SINCE warmonger Reagan.

btw,whats with you all of a sudden? It USED to be a you were a cheerleader for trump when he was runnning,i was the one skeptical that he would be any different than Bush or Obama but based on his ACTIONS as president,he has won me over. at least he has done none of this.

FUN FACT READ: First The Benghazi scandal/investigation brought the Hillary Cankles illegal private servers personal email account to light. The government had no (data/emails) communication between SOS Hillary and President Obama, during the embassy attack and 4 American deaths on the 9/11 anniversary. Since Trump won the unsuspected Presidency our corrupt liberal fascists government agencies were in a pickle and started a Russian conspiracy, with Hillary to impeach Trump. In order to protect their (King) Obama and (Queen) Hillary use of illegal private servers and personal email as her official government email account. That’s a No! No! It’s government policy and mandatory to use a State . gov email account, especially when u are SOS communicating classified emails, with the president of the U.S. and vice versa. The community organizer president Obama knew this but continue to send classified emails to her personal email account, for 4 years. Hence the need to bleach Bit (33,000 emails) and destroy hard drives, blueberries phones, or other numerous items containing government classified data. Therefore prosecuting Hillary and Obama would have to follow over SOS Hillarys known illegal private servers and personal email account use for government work.
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As far as the economy goes, Trump is riding on Obama's coat tails.

As far as him being a piece of shit, he wouldn't even go to B-Bush's funeral.
I think we might address your being a piece of shit even before Hillary. Then we can get on to Trump.

Obama's economy? Seriously?

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