Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

Good, productive, real American’s are leaving all disgusting blue shitholes...Good people prefer to live amongst good people. Weird huh?

Don't you live in So. Cal surrounded by Mexicans? So are they good people or are you a piece of shit?

I live far removed from wetbacks...they can’t afford to drive through my city. No wetbacks means no graffiti, no trash or Modello bottles on our roadways, no shitty diapers in parking lots, no uninsured drunk drivers in every other car, no loiterers at hardware stores pissing in parking lots, no homes with 14 human cockroaches to a two bedroom, no emergency rooms packed with disgusting humans speaking jibber-jabber, no stores with EBT signs out front, no stray pit bulls roaming the streets, virtually no criminal activity....This city totally sucks for filthy’d hate it here.

What city in So Cal do you live in that doesn't have Mexicans?

SW Orange County....still white, still clean, no crime, no dark folks...fucking weird huh?
Nah. He used AF1. No greyhound involved.

Oh and you can bet your stupid ass that NY will miss his tax dollars. He should move his business headquarters to Florida as well. You would hear NY screaming all over the country.

The man is a crook and will use every devious method to not pay his share

LMAO And your an idiot who has never paid anywhere near as much as Trump has.
Prove it

President Then did a lot for NY. Brought a lot of jobs to NYC. Go back to sleep moron.

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the piece of shit screwed with our taxes may the mf die a horrible death

He screwed with your taxes. How did a business man screw with your taxes. Why don’t you blame it on the real problem in NY. Your ignorant fucking Democrats. That’s who’s screwing you. Your to brainwashed to see it.

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From your link...

“The state you claim residency in should be the state where you spend the most time. Many states require that residents spend at least 183 days or more in a state to claim they live there for income tax purposes.”

So are you saying Trump spends more time in Florida than DC or are the rules different for DC politicians?
I would guess it is similar to someone in the military declaring residency
now if we could see the tax filings....

Forgot to laugh... lololol!!!

Trump doesn't have to turn over his taxes returns to anyone.

But you libs will cry forever that he hasn't, yet ... he did say he would ...
When he wants to, not on lib command.

Besides any intelligent person could fairly surmise Trump's 'income' and 'taxes' paid by reading
the FEC reports he's filed.


the blob doesn’t pay taxes. Fact
If you mean Trump, betcha $5 he does.
How are you going to prove it?
The man is a crook and will use every devious method to not pay his share

LMAO And your an idiot who has never paid anywhere near as much as Trump has.
Prove it

President Then did a lot for NY. Brought a lot of jobs to NYC. Go back to sleep moron.

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the piece of shit screwed with our taxes may the mf die a horrible death

He screwed with your taxes. How did a business man screw with your taxes. Why don’t you blame it on the real problem in NY. Your ignorant fucking Democrats. That’s who’s screwing you. Your to brainwashed to see it.

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You want to call people ignorant learn the difference between to , and too and your and you're
Trump himself bragged about having tax guys that would help him not have to pay any taxes... That's NOT why he moved.

He's going to say he no longer lives in NY so the New York AG should no longer be able to see his old tax returns.
New York has his tax returns

They were filed in that state, they want to release them to Congress

You seen the news. My point was already brought up today and Governor Cuomo in interview said Trump's moving and statement will not change what New York does with sending his tax returns to Congress.
Is that his call? Seems to me that proves the whole thing is political.
Know what is really funny about this whole thing? When a person switches their domicile like that, and they are wealthy, there is a domicile audit that happens.

Guess we're finally gonna see Trump's tax returns.
I think this is the third topic today about this.
I scrolled the first few pages of new posts and didn’t see anything so I posted my question. Seem to have only caught the trolls with it.

have you seen an answer? Are residency requirements different for DC politicians than the rest of us or is Trump spending more time in Florida than DC?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
BAHAHAHAHA! Too bad New York, wave Bye Bye to all hose luscious tax dollars. And with any luck many more will follow Trump's sensible move.

Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself a Resident of Florida
Let's see if the loony libs on here can respond to this in an intelligent, articulate fashion. My guess would be NO.
Am I supposed to care?

You did enough to respond to the post.
It's a message board, not message bored. We're supposed to do that kinda stuff.
Trump himself bragged about having tax guys that would help him not have to pay any taxes... That's NOT why he moved.

He's going to say he no longer lives in NY so the New York AG should no longer be able to see his old tax returns.
New York has his tax returns

They were filed in that state, they want to release them to Congress

You seen the news. My point was already brought up today and Governor Cuomo in interview said Trump's moving and statement will not change what New York does with sending his tax returns to Congress.
Is that his call? Seems to me that proves the whole thing is political.

How is it political? He's the Governor of New York and he is defending his state's legal standing. That's what state leaders do.
Am I supposed to care?
You SHOULD care, because NONE of YOUR posts are EVER intelligent or articulate. Smarten up before you try posting again.
Lol, so that's why i should care where Cheeto Jesus hangs his hat?

Do you ever make sense?

No one asked for your pathetic opinion. We know it’s always ignorant.

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Oh, a combined attack!

I must really be getting to you kids!

View attachment 287480

No actually you don’t. Your the kid not I. When you can talk with truth and accuracy then maybe I’ll listen. Until then hide in your basement like a good sissy boy you are.

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You kids and lousy insults.

You really aren't very good at this.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

CA is for the tough ?

Now that is funny.

Cally and NY are for the freaks of nature. No toughness in either.

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Telling someone you have to be tough to live there is hardly a recommendation for a place to live.

See your a typical liberal moron. You didn’t read all of it. Back in the day NY was a tough place to live. Back in the 70’s you had to be tough to survive, but you didn’t read far enough so you make an assumption. NYC cleaned up when Giuliani was the prosecutor and even more when he was Mayor. When he left it turned back to a shit hole under Democrats watch. Now with the pathetic Cuomo and Deblasio it even worse. Rat and homeless infested like it’s cousin on the west coast California.

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Uhmmmmm........Britpat9643 is anything but left wing.
After all he’s done to help everyone in NYC, I’m surprised it’s taken this long for him to leave.

Democrats have been doing everything they can to make it impossible for the wealthy and intelligent to live there.
It’s why we’ve been seeing this mass exodus of people who are sick and tired of padding the pockets of these corrupt democrats.
Next New York transplant to Florida- Sean Hannity. A long distance handjob just won't cut it.
I think this is the third topic today about this.
I scrolled the first few pages of new posts and didn’t see anything so I posted my question. Seem to have only caught the trolls with it.

have you seen an answer? Are residency requirements different for DC politicians than the rest of us or is Trump spending more time in Florida than DC?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.
I think this is the third topic today about this.
I scrolled the first few pages of new posts and didn’t see anything so I posted my question. Seem to have only caught the trolls with it.

have you seen an answer? Are residency requirements different for DC politicians than the rest of us or is Trump spending more time in Florida than DC?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.
well shit, he's already supposed to have bankrupted all the economies, globally; fired at least 7 nukes, ate all the ice cream baskin robbins had, colluded with russia, and so much more but hey - MAYBE THIS TIME, 'eh?

I KNOW - LETS GO FOR MOST IMPEACHMENT ATTEMPTS AGAINST HIM!!!! give him that prize and a big 0'fer from the left.

keep the faith.

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