Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

Population loss: New York could lose two seats in Congress

Riddle me this..............After the last Census which State lost 2 Electoral vots..............

Ding Ding............New York............and who may lose more votes again........

Ding Ding............New York..........

If the Liberal Paradises.............are soooooo Great..............why is everyone packing up and running......

Proof Positive of why Leftist shouldn't be allowed to rule over a boy scout troop.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

Pretty sure you meant for the stupid...
But hey! Be sure and convince your friends of your hypothesis.
We dont want you down south anyway.
And here's a question...if it sucks so bad why the fuck do you keep moving here?
Down south? Last time I checked California is in the south...dumb as your president.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

CA is for the tough ?

Now that is funny.

Cally and NY are for the freaks of nature. No toughness in either.

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Telling someone you have to be tough to live there is hardly a recommendation for a place to live.
Tough= smart, hard working, motivated, hungry....if you cant join the farmers and get that check or live in a trailer park and own a gun in one of the great red states.
Glad he's making Florida his residence. He should move his business headquarters down here as well.

Florida is a great State to live in.
Once he moves there cat 5 hurricanes will line up for Florida.
Hes avoiding future state income taxes .....ny can still come after you on state and city tax issues from your past ....

Rush Limbaugh has to prove, at his own expense, for like 12 consecutive years after leaving NYC that he had left. They never really give up. And I’m seeing colluding media articles now about how hard it is and how vengefully New York will pursue your lest other people get the same idea. They will even check vet bills and food orders.
Can Trump Avoid Taxes by Leaving New York? It’s Not So Simple.
Does anybody know how residency works? I thought residency was contingent on where you spent the majority of your time. So wouldn’t Trumps residency have to be in DC? Or do you think he spends more time at Maralago than the White House?

Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself a Resident of Florida

I don't know, but I would assume there must be an exemption for public office, because most of the people who are in the House or Senate would be in a bind otherwise.

As far as I know, you can't run in an election to be a Senator, unless you are resident of the state you are running to be a Senator in. Yet I would take a wild guess, and assume most Senators and House members from Hawaii and Alaska for example, would have a hard time spending more time in the State, than in Washington, unless they missed the majority of votes.

Apparently the requirements for where you live, verses where you run for office, are very very low.

Hillary infamously, moved to New York having never lived there before in her life, and ran for office the year she moved there, and won.

For the House, you only have to live in the state and not in the district. That's how Maxine Waters can live in her mansion and not the slum she represents.
now if we could see the tax filings....

Forgot to laugh... lololol!!!

Trump doesn't have to turn over his taxes returns to anyone.

But you libs will cry forever that he hasn't, yet ... he did say he would ...
When he wants to, not on lib command.

Besides any intelligent person could fairly surmise Trump's 'income' and 'taxes' paid by reading
the FEC reports he's filed.


the blob doesn’t pay taxes. Fact

Are YOU calling Rachel Madcow a liar?
Yeah the more white trash tag that comes with being a Floridian does seem more appropriate. Good for him.

The great white people of Florida voted to elect Trump in 2016.

Sounds like they will pound your ass again in 2020.
Yeah the more white trash tag that comes with being a Floridian does seem more appropriate. Good for him.

The great white people of Florida voted to elect Trump in 2016.

Sounds like they will pound your ass again in 2020.'re supposed to at least PRETEND that you aren't racist
No wonder Trump wanted to leave that shithole

Brooklyn anti-cop protest turns violent, blocks traffic: 'Don't let these pigs touch us'

Brooklyn anti-cop protest turns violent, blocks traffic: 'Don't let these pigs touch us'

Close to a thousand anti-police protesters descended on Downtown Brooklyn Friday night, blocking traffic, vandalizing a city bus and shouting obscene insults at NYPD cops.

The demonstration formed soon after 7 p.m. on the streets near the Barclays Center, with protesters unfurling large banners that read “F—k the police” and “Don’t let these pigs touch us.” The crowd began dispersing by 9 p.m.

I scrolled the first few pages of new posts and didn’t see anything so I posted my question. Seem to have only caught the trolls with it.

have you seen an answer? Are residency requirements different for DC politicians than the rest of us or is Trump spending more time in Florida than DC?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.

He will lie, steal and cheat (like usual) to stay in office, as Potus he can't be indicted, and Barr is protecting him.
/——— / Tissue?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.
well shit, he's already supposed to have bankrupted all the economies, globally; fired at least 7 nukes, ate all the ice cream baskin robbins had, colluded with russia, and so much more but hey - MAYBE THIS TIME, 'eh?

keep the faith.
Trump is clearly running scared.
/——/ Like the POTUS could sneak anywhere and hide. You big dope.
After all he’s done to help everyone in NYC, I’m surprised it’s taken this long for him to leave.

Democrats have been doing everything they can to make it impossible for the wealthy and intelligent to live there.
It’s why we’ve been seeing this mass exodus of people who are sick and tired of padding the pockets of these corrupt democrats.
NYC did more to support Trump than he ever gave the city

Trump philanthropy is almost nonexistent
He won't be missed.

Is he taking his whole criminal clan with him?
Oh, really? Even Maddow had to admit he pays taxes.
Rachel Maddow Releases Trump Tax Returns

In 2005, he didn't plan on the Apprentice paying him in check. LOL
this is Penelope-

He didn't plan , the first year of the apprentice was in 2004.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.
In 2005, he didn't plan on the Apprentice paying him in check. LOL
this is Penelope-

He didn't plan , the first year of the apprentice was in 2004.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
this is Penelope-

He didn't plan , the first year of the apprentice was in 2004.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
It s your time-good luck-don't think you will find anything of importance except how dirty democrats can be

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