Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

Maybe Trump should consider building a wall around NYC. When the city collapses, as it surely will, we don't need those defective people fleeing and contaminating the neighboring regions.
Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
Trump is illustrating what happens in Blue states that raise taxes. The rich leave the state and pay taxes elsewhere.
New York is a shithole....and so is California.
Democrats want to turn Texas into the same kind of liberal shithole.

The way Democrats spread their filth all over the country is they destroy their cities and states with their lax laws and their high taxes....causing people to flee the city or state....and they bring their liberal BS ideas with them to other states.....and the cycle repeats.
I'm not the word mod here BUT there instead of they're, and here instead of hear????? Are all republicans proud of their stupidity?? I doubt there's more than 5 here that graduated HS

Conservative education standards

Actually, its liberal educators who ignore grammar, so they can concentrate on teaching the 153 different genders as well as correct procedures and protocols for performing Homosex in Sex Education class.
Do conservative schools have a course in LYING 101 ?? How many lies, how much bullshit must the moron in our WH throw before you know you're the nations biggest fools?

Actually, President Trump's ideas have worked out pretty freaking well. I like Trump's idea of record low unemployment, and stock market highs. He deserves saluted for his policy of keeping America out of new wars, and his courageous decision to have Al-Baghdadi whacked.

Promises made, promises kept
Obama stepped up to a mike and said ""bin Laden is dead Trump is making a movie over him being responsible for this death of a murderer Gives the dog a medal??? How many times did you hear trump call dems dogs filithy dogs etc etc??

Trump did call liberals "human scum" among other terms.

But the libs called him a racist, nazi, traitor, sexual predator, etc., etc., etc., first. Remember that Donald J. Trump grew up in the mean streets of New York with characters like his fellow New Yorkers Iron Mike Tyson and Asap Rocky. They don't put up with any feces there.
You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.
Are you KIDDING? They go after Trump FIRST! Big fish and all. You have stopped being a reasonable person by hating and trying everything to get Trump. Try to say one good thing about him-I dare you!
  • For all the democraps

Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
Trump is illustrating what happens in Blue states that raise taxes. The rich leave the state and pay taxes elsewhere.
New York is a shithole....and so is California.
Democrats want to turn Texas into the same kind of liberal shithole.

The way Democrats spread their filth all over the country is they destroy their cities and states with their lax laws and their high taxes....causing people to flee the city or state....and they bring their liberal BS ideas with them to other states.....and the cycle repeats.
They are Locust.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

Pretty sure you meant for the stupid...
But hey! Be sure and convince your friends of your hypothesis.
We dont want you down south anyway.
And here's a question...if it sucks so bad why the fuck do you keep moving here?
Down south? Last time I checked California is in the south...dumb as your president.

Again....why do you keep moving here?
I scrolled the first few pages of new posts and didn’t see anything so I posted my question. Seem to have only caught the trolls with it.

have you seen an answer? Are residency requirements different for DC politicians than the rest of us or is Trump spending more time in Florida than DC?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.
well shit, he's already supposed to have bankrupted all the economies, globally; fired at least 7 nukes, ate all the ice cream baskin robbins had, colluded with russia, and so much more but hey - MAYBE THIS TIME, 'eh?

I KNOW - LETS GO FOR MOST IMPEACHMENT ATTEMPTS AGAINST HIM!!!! give him that prize and a big 0'fer from the left.

keep the faith.

And that is why Pelosi has been so reluctant. She knows that a failure to remove him from office leaves him with vindication as a campaign slogan, a really fired up base eager to vote for him, a demoralized bunch of haters who won't vote because they're discouraged, and a whole lot of Independents wondering why the democrats are so rabid about attacking him. Add to that he's going to be really touched off, is vengeful and has a lot of power.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.
well shit, he's already supposed to have bankrupted all the economies, globally; fired at least 7 nukes, ate all the ice cream baskin robbins had, colluded with russia, and so much more but hey - MAYBE THIS TIME, 'eh?

keep the faith.
Trump is clearly running scared.
clearly, huh? i mean he told everyone where he was going and shit and moved to a state with no state taxes and saved millions.

dude's a freak, huh?

Apparently the foil helmets aren't working too well with that crew.
I scrolled the first few pages of new posts and didn’t see anything so I posted my question. Seem to have only caught the trolls with it.

have you seen an answer? Are residency requirements different for DC politicians than the rest of us or is Trump spending more time in Florida than DC?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.

He will lie, steal and cheat (like usual) to stay in office, as Potus he can't be indicted, and Barr is protecting him.

Wow, they should have just asked you instead of spending all that time and money on Mueller's investigation.
Oh, really? Even Maddow had to admit he pays taxes.
Rachel Maddow Releases Trump Tax Returns

In 2005, he didn't plan on the Apprentice paying him in check. LOL
this is Penelope-

He didn't plan , the first year of the apprentice was in 2004.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.

As long as it's legal, what are you complaining about?
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.

How long have you worked as an IRS agent that you would know that? Or maybe you read a story that said the IRS doesn't have the ability to audit every rich guy and believe that means they can't audit President Trump because it makes you feel like you can claim they're not doing it. It's so hard to know what the true believers actually know these days.
Oh, really? Even Maddow had to admit he pays taxes.
Rachel Maddow Releases Trump Tax Returns

In 2005, he didn't plan on the Apprentice paying him in check. LOL
this is Penelope-

He didn't plan , the first year of the apprentice was in 2004.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
/—-/ As we have explained in the simplest terms possible, you Progs are on a fishing expedition and will use any info in his returns and claim it’s illegal, or a tax dodge or proof of some crime even if not true. As we’ve seen with Adam Shytface, you clowns will just make stuff up. So go pound sand.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.
/—-/ You are only partially right. The IRS targets low income areas where people take the earned income credit. That being said: “
The majority of audited returns are for taxpayers who earn $200,000 a year or more, and most of them had incomes of over $1 million. If nothing else, all that income results in some pretty complex tax returns, and complex tax returns are more likely to include errors.

Conversely, you stand a higher chance of being audited if you manage to wipe out most of your income through the use of tax deductions. Only about 1 percent of taxpayers earning between $200,000 and $499,999 were audited in 2016, whereas 3.25 percent of those who reported no adjusted gross income found themselves under the IRS microscope.

According to IRS statistics, you’re safest if you report income in the neighborhood of $50,000 to $74,999. These taxpayers are audited the least. “
Watch Out for These 13 Tax Audit Triggers
You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.

How long have you worked as an IRS agent that you would know that? Or maybe you read a story that said the IRS doesn't have the ability to audit every rich guy and believe that means they can't audit President Trump because it makes you feel like you can claim they're not doing it. It's so hard to know what the true believers actually know these days.

I really doubt they will lose anything as far as taxes when he moves to Florida. Mayor Peter said something yesterday,

" the president does not exist for self glorification"

At least I'm not a flip flopper, so many Republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, I have the same opinion of him then and now.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.
Millionaires face 1 in 10 chance of being audited

A new report from the tax collection agency shows that nearly 1 in 10, or 9.55 percent, of returns filed with a reported income of $1 million or more were audited or examined in 2015.
That’s up from 7.5 percent in 2014 and nearly double the rate of 2008. The following year, in 2009, the agency created a special group targeting the ultra-wealthy.

According to the IRS data, millionaire earners were more than 12 times as likely to be audited than the rest of America. People earning $200,000 or less — in other words, 95 percent of tax filers — faced a 0.76 percent chance of being audited. Overall, less than 1 percent of tax filers, 0.84 percent, were audited...

...In 2009, the IRS created a special group targeting the super-rich, called the Global High Wealth Industry Group, staffed by experts in closely held companies, trust and estates law, and overseas accounts.

Do you ever get tired of making stuff up?
You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.
Millionaires face 1 in 10 chance of being audited

A new report from the tax collection agency shows that nearly 1 in 10, or 9.55 percent, of returns filed with a reported income of $1 million or more were audited or examined in 2015.
That’s up from 7.5 percent in 2014 and nearly double the rate of 2008. The following year, in 2009, the agency created a special group targeting the ultra-wealthy.

According to the IRS data, millionaire earners were more than 12 times as likely to be audited than the rest of America. People earning $200,000 or less — in other words, 95 percent of tax filers — faced a 0.76 percent chance of being audited. Overall, less than 1 percent of tax filers, 0.84 percent, were audited...

...In 2009, the IRS created a special group targeting the super-rich, called the Global High Wealth Industry Group, staffed by experts in closely held companies, trust and estates law, and overseas accounts.

Do you ever get tired of making stuff up?

Just like I said, and I doubt they even attempted to audit tramp.

In 2010, the IRS as a whole audited over 32,000 millionaires. By 2018, that number had fallen to just over 16,000, according to data compiled by Syracuse University. Audits of the wealthiest Americans have collapsed 52 percent since 2011, falling more substantially than audits of the middle class and the poor.Apr 5, 2019
The Top 0.5% Underpay $50 Billion a Year In Taxes and ... › article › ultrawealthy-taxes-irs-internal-revenue...
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.
Millionaires face 1 in 10 chance of being audited

A new report from the tax collection agency shows that nearly 1 in 10, or 9.55 percent, of returns filed with a reported income of $1 million or more were audited or examined in 2015.
That’s up from 7.5 percent in 2014 and nearly double the rate of 2008. The following year, in 2009, the agency created a special group targeting the ultra-wealthy.

According to the IRS data, millionaire earners were more than 12 times as likely to be audited than the rest of America. People earning $200,000 or less — in other words, 95 percent of tax filers — faced a 0.76 percent chance of being audited. Overall, less than 1 percent of tax filers, 0.84 percent, were audited...

...In 2009, the IRS created a special group targeting the super-rich, called the Global High Wealth Industry Group, staffed by experts in closely held companies, trust and estates law, and overseas accounts.

Do you ever get tired of making stuff up?

Just like I said, and I doubt they even attempted to audit tramp.
Like you said?? You said they go after the poor and middle class. You truly are in la la land.
now if we could see the tax filings....

Forgot to laugh... lololol!!!

Trump doesn't have to turn over his taxes returns to anyone.

But you libs will cry forever that he hasn't, yet ... he did say he would ...
When he wants to, not on lib command.

Besides any intelligent person could fairly surmise Trump's 'income' and 'taxes' paid by reading
the FEC reports he's filed.


the blob doesn’t pay taxes. Fact

Are YOU calling Rachel Madcow a liar?
Got anything in the last seven years?

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