Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

Trump feels the legal vise tightening around his throat in NY. He is fleeing the state in a futile attempt to evade justice, and taking up residence in a state where he won't have to file fake income tax returns.
I scrolled the first few pages of new posts and didn’t see anything so I posted my question. Seem to have only caught the trolls with it.

have you seen an answer? Are residency requirements different for DC politicians than the rest of us or is Trump spending more time in Florida than DC?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.
well shit, he's already supposed to have bankrupted all the economies, globally; fired at least 7 nukes, ate all the ice cream baskin robbins had, colluded with russia, and so much more but hey - MAYBE THIS TIME, 'eh?

keep the faith.
Trump is clearly running scared.
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.
well shit, he's already supposed to have bankrupted all the economies, globally; fired at least 7 nukes, ate all the ice cream baskin robbins had, colluded with russia, and so much more but hey - MAYBE THIS TIME, 'eh?

keep the faith.
Trump is clearly running scared.
clearly, huh? i mean he told everyone where he was going and shit and moved to a state with no state taxes and saved millions.

dude's a freak, huh?
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.
I'm born and bred Brooklyn

Some of our families didn't run in the 60s and 70s but I got some big gay ****** boy from lily white Martha's vinyard telling me I'm running from blacks

I was born in Bensonhurst. We moved to NJ when I was 7. I would spend a month of the summer there until all my aunts and uncles moved out. When you come out of Brooklyn back then you were tough and street smart. These spoiled libtards have no idea about what tough is.

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They have no clue how rough it actually was ..
The murder numbers are legendary and probably still unsurpassed

I'm coming up next week ....bringin the Tennessee homeless poodle with me ...I would of just flew but I'm bringing the dog....its only a 13 hour drive
I have a friend in south Jersey ...I'm stoppinG his house for a couple days first

Nice. I’m leaving NJ soon. Can’t stand it. I’m going to a gun friendly state. Enjoy your trip. If you go back to the old neighborhood, it is nothing like it use to be. It’s like a different world.

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Priorities! :laugh:

why don’t you just buy a sports car like other small-dick men trying to compensate?

Wtf are you talking about scumbag.

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LMAO And your an idiot who has never paid anywhere near as much as Trump has.
Prove it

President Then did a lot for NY. Brought a lot of jobs to NYC. Go back to sleep moron.

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the piece of shit screwed with our taxes may the mf die a horrible death

He screwed with your taxes. How did a business man screw with your taxes. Why don’t you blame it on the real problem in NY. Your ignorant fucking Democrats. That’s who’s screwing you. Your to brainwashed to see it.

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You want to call people ignorant learn the difference between to , and too and your and you're

Just mad because I’m right. Once an idiot always an idiot.

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Trump himself bragged about having tax guys that would help him not have to pay any taxes... That's NOT why he moved.

He's going to say he no longer lives in NY so the New York AG should no longer be able to see his old tax returns.
New York has his tax returns

They were filed in that state, they want to release them to Congress

You seen the news. My point was already brought up today and Governor Cuomo in interview said Trump's moving and statement will not change what New York does with sending his tax returns to Congress.
Is that his call? Seems to me that proves the whole thing is political.

How is it political? He's the Governor of New York and he is defending his state's legal standing. That's what state leaders do.

Cuomo is scum just like Dickblasio.

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Trump himself bragged about having tax guys that would help him not have to pay any taxes... That's NOT why he moved.

He's going to say he no longer lives in NY so the New York AG should no longer be able to see his old tax returns.
New York has his tax returns

They were filed in that state, they want to release them to Congress

You seen the news. My point was already brought up today and Governor Cuomo in interview said Trump's moving and statement will not change what New York does with sending his tax returns to Congress.
Is that his call? Seems to me that proves the whole thing is political.

How is it political? He's the Governor of New York and he is defending his state's legal standing. That's what state leaders do.

Cuomo is scum just like Dickblasio.

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He's no more dirty than Trump.
New York has his tax returns

They were filed in that state, they want to release them to Congress

You seen the news. My point was already brought up today and Governor Cuomo in interview said Trump's moving and statement will not change what New York does with sending his tax returns to Congress.
Is that his call? Seems to me that proves the whole thing is political.

How is it political? He's the Governor of New York and he is defending his state's legal standing. That's what state leaders do.

Cuomo is scum just like Dickblasio.

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He's no more dirty than Trump.

There dirtier. Just ask the police, fire and teachers in NYC. I have two nephews on NYPD and a bunch of friends there and I here the horror stories.

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Does anybody know how residency works? I thought residency was contingent on where you spent the majority of your time. So wouldn’t Trumps residency have to be in DC? Or do you think he spends more time at Maralago than the White House?

Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself a Resident of Florida

Why is this a concern for you? How will this be the next thing investigated by the democrats??? Because he stated he was being treated so unfairly in his home state after paying millions in taxes and fees, yet gets investigated now, because he beat the "heir apparent?" Because he beat both political parties at their own game? Because him changing where he calls home is somehow cheating NYC and the state of New York out of his millions in taxes? Why is this a big deal? Shit, why is it even news? Millions of people every friggin year move from one state to another. Tennessee, Florida, Texas and other states without a state income tax have exploded in population numbers over the year from the states where dems have entrenched themselves. Many that do move state the biggest reason for leaving to be the lower taxes in those no income states... Especially in Texas... Big property tax breaks for those of retirement age....
Dear sweet baby Jebus... I'm glad he hasn't lifted a cheek while eating in public.... Dems would file for the place to be considered a superfund site.
i just asked a simple question. That was quite the reaction.
I think this is the third topic today about this.
I scrolled the first few pages of new posts and didn’t see anything so I posted my question. Seem to have only caught the trolls with it.

have you seen an answer? Are residency requirements different for DC politicians than the rest of us or is Trump spending more time in Florida than DC?
more time in florida than DC...

yea, even stevie wonder sees where this is going.
if he spends more time in DC then why isn’t that his residency? Perhaps there is an exception for DC politicians? I don’t know, that’s the question I was asking
/----/ When re-elected Trump will be the first president from the state of Florida. Another first.
Trump feels the legal vise closing in on him. He's fleeing NY in a futile attempt to evade justice.

It won't work.

If re-elected, Trump will be the first president under indictment.

He will lie, steal and cheat (like usual) to stay in office, as Potus he can't be indicted, and Barr is protecting him.
From your link...

“The state you claim residency in should be the state where you spend the most time. Many states require that residents spend at least 183 days or more in a state to claim they live there for income tax purposes.”

So are you saying Trump spends more time in Florida than DC or are the rules different for DC politicians?
I would guess it is similar to someone in the military declaring residency
Good point
Trump does not pay taxes
Only the little people pay taxes
Oh, really? Even Maddow had to admit he pays taxes.
Rachel Maddow Releases Trump Tax Returns

In 2005, he didn't plan on the Apprentice paying him in check. LOL
this is Penelope-

He didn't plan , the first year of the apprentice was in 2004.
We will see the taxes some day, but not WHEN the Democrats demand it-I would not show them either until I wanted to.

You are not the President, and what is he hiding?? Who do you think sent the 1040 to David Kay Johnson??

I will answer for you Cheating.

He said he showed his taxes, but so far...….. nothing. There is a reason for over 300LLCs.

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