Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

Talk about funny, Trump hasn't paid any taxes in New York in years!

You moron.
Trump is an individual. He has numerous corporations and other business entities.
They pay ALL KINDS of fees, licenses, inspections etc etc etc. To the tune of MILLIONS.
Hopefully he'll sell off his over taxed, over regulated buildings in NewYork before it collapses and buy up real estate in a state that knows better than to kill the golden goose, like Florida.

Ohhhh I can assure you....poor widdle NewYork Shitty will DEFINITELY feel his absence.

Watching Lefties screw themselves royally is GREAT entertainment :113:
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Seems to me that when Trump was a private citizen in NY, and a RE Magnate, the Democrats and Hollywood LOVED him. He was donating more to Democrats. Then he changed his political thinking (as many of US do) to a more conservative view. As soon as he declared he was a Republican and ran for POTUS, at first, they made fun of him. Then as momentum started to grow for his campaign, the MSM and Democrats turned downright nasty. Frankly I don't blame him for moving, NY is one of the most Democrat-run States in the union and the Democrat-Run "paper of record" (The NYT) constantly bashes him.

Oh poster please. Rump has no "political thinking" and never did. He's a sleazeball opportunist who will tell you A this minute, then turn around and tell somebody else Z the next, and deny he ever said A. "Conservative view" my ass.
Talk about funny, Trump hasn't paid any taxes in New York in years!

You moron.
Trump is an individual. He has numerous corporations and other business entities.
They pay ALL KINDS of fees, licenses, inspections etc etc etc. To the tune of MILLIONS.
Hopefully he'll sell off his over taxed, over regulated buildings in NewYork before it collapses and buy up real estate in a state that knows better than to kill the golden goose, like Florida.

Ohhhh I can assure you....poor widdle NewYork Shitty will DEFINITELY feel his absence.

Watching Lefties screw themselves royally is GREAT entertainment :113:

You might want to let the governor of New York in on this:

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tweeted "Good riddance. It's not like @realDonaldTrump paid taxes here anyway."

As for Trump's New York businesses, he will still have to pay taxes on them, unless he sells them. By changing his residence, he only changes his personal taxes, which he hasn't paid in the last decade.

I think that tax laws are beyond your paygrade, Basic.
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Governor Cuomo said he didn't want any conservatives in New York. He told them all to get out. The city and state has been hemorrhaging money ever since. For every producer that leaves six families of refugees on welfare move in.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.
I'm born and bred Brooklyn

Some of our families didn't run in the 60s and 70s but I got some big gay ****** boy from lily white Martha's vinyard telling me I'm running from blacks

I was born in Bensonhurst. We moved to NJ when I was 7. I would spend a month of the summer there until all my aunts and uncles moved out. When you come out of Brooklyn back then you were tough and street smart. These spoiled libtards have no idea about what tough is.

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They have no clue how rough it actually was ..
The murder numbers are legendary and probably still unsurpassed

I'm coming up next week ....bringin the Tennessee homeless poodle with me ...I would of just flew but I'm bringing the dog....its only a 13 hour drive
I have a friend in south Jersey ...I'm stoppinG his house for a couple days first

Nice. I’m leaving NJ soon. Can’t stand it. I’m going to a gun friendly state. Enjoy your trip. If you go back to the old neighborhood, it is nothing like it use to be. It’s like a different world.

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And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

CA is for the tough ?

Now that is funny.

Cally and NY are for the freaks of nature. No toughness in either.

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He might have to go back to a New York jail.
It wouldn't surprise me if fat donnie is so stupid he thinks moving his residency gets him off the legal hook. :71:
It gets him out of paying confiscatory taxes, moron.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

CA is for the tough ?

Now that is funny.

Cally and NY are for the freaks of nature. No toughness in either.

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Telling someone you have to be tough to live there is hardly a recommendation for a place to live.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.
I'm born and bred Brooklyn

Some of our families didn't run in the 60s and 70s but I got some big gay ****** boy from lily white Martha's vinyard telling me I'm running from blacks

I was born in Bensonhurst. We moved to NJ when I was 7. I would spend a month of the summer there until all my aunts and uncles moved out. When you come out of Brooklyn back then you were tough and street smart. These spoiled libtards have no idea about what tough is.

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They have no clue how rough it actually was ..
The murder numbers are legendary and probably still unsurpassed

I'm coming up next week ....bringin the Tennessee homeless poodle with me ...I would of just flew but I'm bringing the dog....its only a 13 hour drive
I have a friend in south Jersey ...I'm stoppinG his house for a couple days first

Nice. I’m leaving NJ soon. Can’t stand it. I’m going to a gun friendly state. Enjoy your trip. If you go back to the old neighborhood, it is nothing like it use to be. It’s like a different world.

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I'm only down here 3 years ...the old neighborhood hasn't been the old neighborhood for a while ....:04: I'm from Williamsburg.....the leftovers is what they use to call us we laughed when we took thier rent money

I'm gonna have pizza ,mussels and beer the second I hit Jersey

I've lived other places for shOrt periods of time but they were always major metropolitan areas ...

I'm a brand new hillbilly
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

CA is for the tough ?

Now that is funny.

Cally and NY are for the freaks of nature. No toughness in either.

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Telling someone you have to be tough to live there is hardly a recommendation for a place to live.

See your a typical liberal moron. You didn’t read all of it. Back in the day NY was a tough place to live. Back in the 70’s you had to be tough to survive, but you didn’t read far enough so you make an assumption. NYC cleaned up when Giuliani was the prosecutor and even more when he was Mayor. When he left it turned back to a shit hole under Democrats watch. Now with the pathetic Cuomo and Deblasio it even worse. Rat and homeless infested like it’s cousin on the west coast California.

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And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

CA is for the tough ?

Now that is funny.

Cally and NY are for the freaks of nature. No toughness in either.

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Telling someone you have to be tough to live there is hardly a recommendation for a place to live.

See your a typical liberal moron. You didn’t read all of it. Back in the day NY was a tough place to live. Back in the 70’s you had to be tough to survive, but you didn’t read far enough so you make an assumption. NYC cleaned up when Giuliani was the prosecutor and even more when he was Mayor. When he left it turned back to a shit hole under Democrats watch. Now with the pathetic Cuomo and Deblasio it even worse. Rat and homeless infested like it’s cousin on the west coast California.

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Nice. Enjoy the food while your here. Your better off in Hillbilly land. I’m not to far behind you. I hate it here.

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Although I am a democrat, I don't blame him at all. I have never lived in New York and think I would hate it. Snow, Rain, Cold, Crazy traffic, no thank you. Florida is sunny, beautiful, warm all year round, no snow, don't have the traffic like NYC. If I had the money I'd live down there too.
He waited until he’s in his 70’s to make this wise decision?

Apparently, it only became an unbearable shithole once he became president.

Sad. Believe me.

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