Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

Seems to me that when Trump was a private citizen in NY, and a RE Magnate, the Democrats and Hollywood LOVED him. He was donating more to Democrats. Then he changed his political thinking (as many of US do) to a more conservative view. As soon as he declared he was a Republican and ran for POTUS, at first, they made fun of him. Then as momentum started to grow for his campaign, the MSM and Democrats turned downright nasty. Frankly I don't blame him for moving, NY is one of the most Democrat-run States in the union and the Democrat-Run "paper of record" (The NYT) constantly bashes him.

Outside of his view on abortion, he did not change his political thinking, he is still the NY Liberal that was donating to the Dems. He only ran on the Repub side because it was the easier road to the nomination.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.
NY, and CA are for queers/commies/illegals/etc
it is the illegal/immigrant capital of the world with over crowded schools
they pay illegals for being -----------ILLEGAL!!! hahaha
San Francisco To Pay Undocumented Immigrant $190K For Violating Sanctuary Policy
deviants going to restaurants naked/etc--SINNERS
Most expensive to live in and bottom third in poverty = shithole

Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
He will still be paying taxes in NY. When someone has as many businesses as he does in that state alone, he'll still be paying taxes.

I would be impressed if he pulled ALL of his assets out of NY. So, the evil corrupt Cuomo is not concerned.
I swear you Trumpers and your cult worship is goofy....

"Breaking News, Trump smeared shit all over himself!"

Trumper reply: "Smart move Trump, you totally triggered the libs !!"
BAHAHAHAHA! Too bad New York, wave Bye Bye to all hose luscious tax dollars. And with any luck many more will follow Trump's sensible move.

Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself a Resident of Florida
Glad to get rid of him

New Yorkers have hated him for decades
Let Florida hate him now

Don't project your own hate on the rest of the world!

So sad to be you!:(

Lived in the NY metropolitan area my whole life
Trump is openly despised

Good Riddance
He doesn't know there is an extradition treaty between NY and Florida. He never paid his taxes in NY anyway.
Trump himself bragged about having tax guys that would help him not have to pay any taxes... That's NOT why he moved.

He's going to say he no longer lives in NY so the New York AG should no longer be able to see his old tax returns.
Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”

Those taxes were being used to target him, at least if we consider the worlds of the AG there and others.

Why would he fund this assault against himself?
Between Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump moving out of NY the stupid Democrat assholes in NY have lost tens of millions in tax revenue.
Tax free baby! How well democrats pay for all
Them social programs!?
the pos never paid taxes in ny anyway GOOD FN RIDDANCE

Somebody needs his diaper changed. NY is a shit hole just like California. I don’t blame him for leaving. Pathetic scum like you live there.

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Trump Tower is a shithole
They should tear it down

Maybe the city can buy it, and convert it into housing for the homeless and illegals?

Have the Golden Escalator removed first however, and ship it to Palm Beach as part of the Trump Presidential Library.
Glad he's making Florida his residence. He should move his business headquarters down here as well.

Florida is a great State to live in.

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