Donald Trump on Cruz: He's Hispanic. Almost an immigrant. Evangelicals don't come from Cuba.

Trump’s Message to Iowa: Ted Cruz Isn’t One of Us

So for Cruz, this is what it's like having the tables turned. How long before Donald asks for Cruz's birth certificate?

Remember, Rafael Cruz's father said he bribed to leave Cuba. That makes him an illegal alien.

“To the best of my knowledge, not too many evangelicals come out of Cuba, OK? Just remember that, OK? Just remember,” Trump said.

However, what Trump is doing here is reminding voters, who have heard him deriding Hispanic immigrants since the day he launched his campaign, that Cruz is both Hispanic and one generation removed from being an immigrant.
Obama...African American...damn near an immigrant...proud patriots don't come from Kenya.
Or Cuba. We need to be vigilant.
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Here is the thing- I don't care for Cruz. But I do care about the facts.

What makes his father an illegal alien?

Cruz was born in Canada- and I have seen nothing to indicate that his father was illegally in Canada.

Senator Ted Cruz’s Dad Tells NPR that He Bribed His Way Into the United States

Bribes are illegal. That makes him an illegal alien.

Bribes were illegal in Cuba- that made him a criminal in Cuba- it didn't- and doesn't make him an illegal alien in the United States.

Like I said- I don't like Cruz- but no reason to lie about his father.
If you immigrate to one country illegally, you are an illegal alien. Period. If you are a drunk driver in the US, but not in Canada, you are still a drunk driver.

Fine.. then deport him with all the rest of the illegals.

Still has no effect on Cruz's eligibility.
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.
If true then he should have no problem presenting his official long form birth certificate and having it examined by professionals to confirm its authenticity. Yet despite multiple requests he has refused. What is he trying to hide?

Because..... it is a known FACT that his mother is a natural born American. Nothing else matters.

Why do you hate Hispanics?
We don't know that's his real mother. His father was a high ranking communist who bribed his way into the country. Who knows what orders he is under from Fidel Castro? How many America backed rebels did he murder at the bay of pigs?

Like I said, an authentic, independently verified long form birth certificate would clear all this up, yet Raphael Eduardo Cruz continually refuses to present one. What is he hiding?

Take your meds for God's sake.

I am the medicine this county needs!
Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.
If true then he should have no problem presenting his official long form birth certificate and having it examined by professionals to confirm its authenticity. Yet despite multiple requests he has refused. What is he trying to hide?

Because..... it is a known FACT that his mother is a natural born American. Nothing else matters.

Why do you hate Hispanics?
We don't know that's his real mother. His father was a high ranking communist who bribed his way into the country. Who knows what orders he is under from Fidel Castro? How many America backed rebels did he murder at the bay of pigs?

Like I said, an authentic, independently verified long form birth certificate would clear all this up, yet Raphael Eduardo Cruz continually refuses to present one. What is he hiding?

Take your meds for God's sake.

I am the medicine this county needs!

Why limit yourself.... maybe you're the medicine the whole country needs!!!
If true then he should have no problem presenting his official long form birth certificate and having it examined by professionals to confirm its authenticity. Yet despite multiple requests he has refused. What is he trying to hide?

Because..... it is a known FACT that his mother is a natural born American. Nothing else matters.

Why do you hate Hispanics?
We don't know that's his real mother. His father was a high ranking communist who bribed his way into the country. Who knows what orders he is under from Fidel Castro? How many America backed rebels did he murder at the bay of pigs?

Like I said, an authentic, independently verified long form birth certificate would clear all this up, yet Raphael Eduardo Cruz continually refuses to present one. What is he hiding?

Take your meds for God's sake.

I am the medicine this county needs!

Why limit yourself.... maybe you're the medicine the whole country needs!!!
I am only concerned with my county. It's very important.
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.
If true then he should have no problem presenting his official long form birth certificate and having it examined by professionals to confirm its authenticity. Yet despite multiple requests he has refused. What is he trying to hide?

That Obama was from Mars and Cruz is from Venus...
I think you have that backwards. Obama is clearly the female in this senario :)
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.


So,let's see... we havethe Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan, Michelle saying he is Kenyan, Obama himself referring to his Muslim faith and Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...

And we have no reason to say, "hey, wait a minute".....
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.
If true then he should have no problem presenting his official long form birth certificate and having it examined by professionals to confirm its authenticity. Yet despite multiple requests he has refused. What is he trying to hide?

That Obama was from Mars and Cruz is from Venus...
I think you have that backwards. Obama is clearly the female in this senario :)

Can't get anything past you guys today. Tilly busted me on the London joke and now you busted me on the Mars and Venus one...

Well at least I did not claim one of them were from Uranus...
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.


So,let's see... we havethe Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan, Michelle saying he is Kenyan, Obama himself referring to his Muslim faith and Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...

And we have no reason to say, "hey, wait a minute".....

I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.


So,let's see... we havethe Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan, Michelle saying he is Kenyan, Obama himself referring to his Muslim faith and Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...

And we have no reason to say, "hey, wait a minute".....

I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.

I think you are a weird little conspiracy freak.
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.


So,let's see... we havethe Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan, Michelle saying he is Kenyan, Obama himself referring to his Muslim faith and Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...

And we have no reason to say, "hey, wait a minute".....

I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.

I think you are a weird little conspiracy freak.

Weird? Sure.... freak? DEFINITELY.

What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.


So,let's see... we havethe Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan, Michelle saying he is Kenyan, Obama himself referring to his Muslim faith and Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...

And we have no reason to say, "hey, wait a minute".....

I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.

I think you are a weird little conspiracy freak.

Your pugs are cute btw. I'm a Golden Retriever guy myself though.
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.


So,let's see... we havethe Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan, Michelle saying he is Kenyan, Obama himself referring to his Muslim faith and Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...

And we have no reason to say, "hey, wait a minute".....

I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.

I think you are a weird little conspiracy freak.

Your pugs are cute btw. I'm a Golden Retriever guy myself though.

Thank you. I love all dogs, it's just that pugs are low maintenance and easy to keep indoors.
Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.


So,let's see... we havethe Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan, Michelle saying he is Kenyan, Obama himself referring to his Muslim faith and Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...

And we have no reason to say, "hey, wait a minute".....

I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.

I think you are a weird little conspiracy freak.

Your pugs are cute btw. I'm a Golden Retriever guy myself though.

Thank you. I love all dogs, it's just that pugs are low maintenance and easy to keep indoors.

Mine the other morning when it was storming... she's such a baby... darn thing was on my pillows!!!


I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.

I think you are a weird little conspiracy freak.

Your pugs are cute btw. I'm a Golden Retriever guy myself though.

Thank you. I love all dogs, it's just that pugs are low maintenance and easy to keep indoors.

Mine the other morning when it was storming... she's such a baby... darn thing was on my pillows!!!

View attachment 59011

Awww, she's so pretty!

Here's mine with a T-Rump comb-over.

I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.

I think you are a weird little conspiracy freak.

Your pugs are cute btw. I'm a Golden Retriever guy myself though.

Thank you. I love all dogs, it's just that pugs are low maintenance and easy to keep indoors.

Mine the other morning when it was storming... she's such a baby... darn thing was on my pillows!!!

View attachment 59011

Awww, she's so pretty!

Here's mine with a T-Rump comb-over.

View attachment 59013

HA HA HA.... that's awesome.
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Here is the thing- I don't care for Cruz. But I do care about the facts.

What makes his father an illegal alien?

Cruz was born in Canada- and I have seen nothing to indicate that his father was illegally in Canada.

Senator Ted Cruz’s Dad Tells NPR that He Bribed His Way Into the United States

Bribes are illegal. That makes him an illegal alien.

Bribes were illegal in Cuba- that made him a criminal in Cuba- it didn't- and doesn't make him an illegal alien in the United States.

Like I said- I don't like Cruz- but no reason to lie about his father.
If you immigrate to one country illegally, you are an illegal alien. Period. If you are a drunk driver in the US, but not in Canada, you are still a drunk driver.

No- I don't know if you are just acting like an idiot to be a troll or really are an idiot.

Cruz's father seems like a bit of an evangelical whacko but there is no evidence at all that he was either an illegal alien in Canada (when Cruz was born) or was an illegal alien when he arrived in the United States.

If someone has a parking ticket in Germany- that doesn't make them an illegal alien in the United States.
What say you white wingers? Is Cruz eligible or not? At least Obama was born in this country and his father wasn't an illegal alien.

Cruz was born in Canada to a natural born American parent. It matters not where he was born any more than had Obama actually been born in Kenya; he too was born to a natural born American parent.

End of discussion.


So,let's see... we havethe Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan, Michelle saying he is Kenyan, Obama himself referring to his Muslim faith and Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...

And we have no reason to say, "hey, wait a minute".....

I think it raised questions.... don't you? But I don't think it negated his eligibility. But it is reasonable to question conflicting statements. If it tell you one day I'm Irish Catholic and a week later I say I'm a Hindu.... that's kind of a "wait a minute" moment.

But why would all of those falsehoods raise any questions- to you?
Soggy in NOLA said:
  • the Kenyan government saying Obama is Kenyan,
  • Michelle saying he is Kenyan,
  • Hawaii now saying no such birth certificate exists...
Not one of those things is true- despite the attempts of Birthers to spin reality so that gullible Birthers would believe them.

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