Donald Trump Pledges to Eliminate ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’

Trump says a lot of things that he has no intention of doing. I'm old enough to remember when Trump promised to lock her up, build the wall, and drain the swamp. Three strikes.
So he's going to eliminate people who aren't white then?


This is exciting excellent news for White people. Diversity, equity, and inclusion has been a stain on America and is the number one cause of its decline. In order to make America great again, you must end diversity, equity, and inclusion.

we get it you are a democrat and hate trump.....good going idiot
This is exciting excellent news for White people. Diversity, equity, and inclusion has been a stain on America and is the number one cause of its decline. In order to make America great again, you must end diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Merit is the only metric that matters when you’re striving for excellence.

Donald Trump Pledges to Eliminate ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’​

As well he should. Government has no right to be involved in picking winners and losers or forcing pre-determined outcomes. If diversity it good and beneficial, it needs no one promoting it. People should be picked, hired and promoted based on their skills, education, talent, aspirations and abilities as well as their track record and not just because they were born with a white or black skin.
Exactly. It can't be accomplished. Just Trump lying again.

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.

He deserves it.

Yeah, if he can get that many eejits to cheer him, he deserves it. Hell, let's just make him the dictator of the US and get rid of the Constitution and the national day is the day he fucked Stormy Daniels (while his wife was pregnant)
Maybe Trump doesn't know these people are US citizens?
There are many people denied that is swept under the rug. This has affected lives for the worse. As a pure Progressive Socialist, you may not realize people were denied when the diversity, feminism, affirmative action which may have been promoted as equality however is not that, but equity as we know it is now started to be enforced in the early1970's. My privilege was not that. And on top of it since i am Caucasian I also was not shite enough as I have experienced profile agendas my whole life. I just experienced it again a couple of months ago from authoritarian police. for questioning them for jaywalking as the reason it cost me a total of 350 dollars because I did not "comply" immediately. They sat a 67 year old man in a car for an hour with aches and pains as their sadistic lusts were satisfied. We are free... yet we must comply. We are not free.

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