Donald Trump rallies are nothing but Klan rallies wrapped in bullshit!!

Enjoy the downward spiral... it's gonna be interesting, watching LibTards piss and moan and pour earth over their heads and tear their hair shirts, on November 9th...
The GOP is doing that now ...why wait to enjoy yourself
Read more here: Panic swells talk of contested convention to propel Marco Rubio to nomination
And no mention of racists or nazis. Imagine that.
However his observation that the Trump surge is a product of being BASED ON ANGER, ENVY AND IGNORANCE says it all does it not LOL
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?

I didn't mention your party's Robert Byrd. You did.
But, the fact remains - the KKK was FOUNDED by your party. You'll just have to put that in your mouth and suck it son. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Facts are in Fact Fact

Neo-Nazis at Trump rally caught on video roughing up black woman: ‘You’re scum, your time will come!’
“I was called a n****r and a c*nt and got kicked out,” said Shiya Nwanguma, a University of Louisville student. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They’re disgusting and dangerous.”

You see the man in the red cap..he is known as ..........
The Little Führer...........his name is Matthew Heimbach, head of the Traditionalist Worker Party,
The Little Führer: A Day in the Life of the New Generation of Nationalists
Read more here: Panic swells talk of contested convention to propel Marco Rubio to nomination
And no mention of racists or nazis. Imagine that.
However his observation that the Trump surge is a product of being BASED ON ANGER, ENVY AND IGNORANCE says it all does it not LOL
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?

I didn't mention your party's Robert Byrd. You did.
But, the fact remains - the KKK was FOUNDED by your party. You'll just have to put that in your mouth and suck it son. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Facts are in Fact Fact

Neo-Nazis at Trump rally caught on video roughing up black woman: ‘You’re scum, your time will come!’
“I was called a n****r and a c*nt and got kicked out,” said Shiya Nwanguma, a University of Louisville student. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They’re disgusting and dangerous.”

You see the man in the red cap..he is known as ..........
The Little Führer...........his name is Matthew Heimbach, head of the Traditionalist Worker Party,
The Little Führer: A Day in the Life of the New Generation of Nationalists
Sounds like she was treated like white students at Dartmouth were treated by BLM folks.
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?

I didn't mention your party's Robert Byrd. You did.
But, the fact remains - the KKK was FOUNDED by your party. You'll just have to put that in your mouth and suck it son. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Facts are in Fact Fact

Neo-Nazis at Trump rally caught on video roughing up black woman: ‘You’re scum, your time will come!’
“I was called a n****r and a c*nt and got kicked out,” said Shiya Nwanguma, a University of Louisville student. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They’re disgusting and dangerous.”

You see the man in the red cap..he is known as ..........
The Little Führer...........his name is Matthew Heimbach, head of the Traditionalist Worker Party,
The Little Führer: A Day in the Life of the New Generation of Nationalists
Sounds like she was treated like white students at Dartmouth were treated by BLM folks.

there were avowed Nazis among the BLM protesters...?

Read more here: Panic swells talk of contested convention to propel Marco Rubio to nomination
And no mention of racists or nazis. Imagine that.
However his observation that the Trump surge is a product of being BASED ON ANGER, ENVY AND IGNORANCE says it all does it not LOL
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
If that is true and you believe it, the size of those rallys and the tens of thousands who go, must have your shit leaking out of your ass and into your socks.
this may help you tipsy cracka in your journey and new roll

Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?

I didn't mention your party's Robert Byrd. You did.
But, the fact remains - the KKK was FOUNDED by your party. You'll just have to put that in your mouth and suck it son. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Facts are in Fact Fact

Neo-Nazis at Trump rally caught on video roughing up black woman: ‘You’re scum, your time will come!’
“I was called a n****r and a c*nt and got kicked out,” said Shiya Nwanguma, a University of Louisville student. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They’re disgusting and dangerous.”

You see the man in the red cap..he is known as ..........
The Little Führer...........his name is Matthew Heimbach, head of the Traditionalist Worker Party,
The Little Führer: A Day in the Life of the New Generation of Nationalists
Sounds like she was treated like white students at Dartmouth were treated by BLM folks.

there were avowed Nazis among the BLM protesters...?

So black students pushing a white girl up against a wall and screaming F U white bitch isn't racist?
So black students pushing a white girl up against a wall and screaming F U white bitch isn't racist?

So wait Neo Nazis beating up people at a Trump rally is OK ...its the New normal ? its not fascist and racist ? how about discuss the OP and not some attempt to change the subject
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

Take your race card and shove it up you @ss. Trump will do more for minorities than Hillary will. In fact, Trump already has with his company.
So black students pushing a white girl up against a wall and screaming F U white bitch isn't racist?

So wait Neo Nazis beating up people at a Trump rally is OK ...its the New normal ? its not fascist and racist ? how about discuss the OP and not some attempt to change the subject
So black students pushing a white girl up against a wall and screaming F U white bitch isn't racist?

So wait Neo Nazis beating up people at a Trump rally is OK ...its the New normal ? its not fascist and racist ? how about discuss the OP and not some attempt to change the subject
Of course it's not OK. Neither is the crap that the BLM clowns are pulling. I'm not changing the subject merely pointing out that these supposed horrors from the trump people are mirrored on the left.
Listen, if N E BODY IS GUILTY OF OBSESSION OVER BLACK PEOPLE, ITS YOUR MORONS ON USMESSAGE BOARD. I simply point out the hypocrisy you idiots display both here and on a nation scale. You can't stand the heat, than damit get out the kitchen. Calling you ass ho's out does not constitute any failures on my part.
Can't stand the heat? Have you ever heard the old saying when a man is making a fool of themselves, get out of the way.

You see, your "message" is having the exact opposite effect that you think it does.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

Take your race card and shove it up you @ss. Trump will do more for minorities than Hillary will. In fact, Trump already has with his company.
He already has helped illegal Polish workers
The curious case of Donald Trump and illegal Polish workers
Hillary said the number one priority was to portray Trump as a bigot. These are just workers.
Of course it's not OK. Neither is the crap that the BLM clowns are pulling. I'm not changing the subject merely pointing out that these supposed horrors from the trump people are mirrored on the left.

The BLM students have been consequenced ...this guy is a welcome presence and has zero consequences ..
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
Until you and yours acknowledge the criminal liar phony currently in office who is 100 times worse than any candidate running this year --- your opinion on anyone else is moot, null and void.
white females have never made false accusations against Blacks never ever ever...only Blacks are bad ...

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