Donald Trump rallies are nothing but Klan rallies wrapped in bullshit!!

I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
This coming from a party that has dissed latino's, muslims, blacks and the GOP and you want to talk race baiting??? Next?
I'm not a republican, I just hate a hippocrates. Sure there are idiots on the right, there are just as many idiots on the left. If you want to take bigots on, start with your own.
The party with bigot issues is the GOP ....
We'll have to disagree on that point. I see mindless bigotry on both sides of the aisle.
Challenge, show me any words you can quote where democrats are CONSISTANT WITH RACIAL OVERTONES.....not this one line shit that happened ions ago, but a consistant do this or shut up!!
You want examples of racism from the left? Start with these...

Why is it every time you conservative fucks show your ass, its always equal billing for both parties? Democrats don't act stupid like this, especially on a national stage. What the GOP is experiencing is a ghetto motherfucker wrapped up in dollar bills, who, without the wealth, would be classified as pure white ghetto trash....Obama, you make us all so proud to have had you as our leader and chief.

If Trump didn't have some serious coins in the bank, all you white motherfuckers would be calling his ass pure white trash, cause that's what he is, white trash-y

Every single topic that exposes the hypocrisy of conservatism, every thread that does that, is high jacked and deflective bullshit ensues....wanna know why? CAUSE WHITE NEO NUTS CAN NOT, WILL NOT EVER, NOT ONLY ACCEPT THE FACT THEIR A HOPELESS RACE, BUT ALSO THAT CONSERVATIVES ARE NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF FOOLS AND A CANCER IN OUR NATIONS POLTICS
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

Take your race card and shove it up you @ss. Trump will do more for minorities than Hillary will. In fact, Trump already has with his company.
He has already hired illegal Polish workers for example...

that truth is self evident...your beef is with reality

SNL slams Donald Trump with warm and fuzzy Klan and Nazi ‘Racists for Trump’ ad
Featuring bucolic scenes of “real America,” and soft focus photography, average Americans are seen extolling the many virtues of Trump (“He’s definitely not PC”) while ironing a Klan costume or building a warming fire with books.

that truth is self evident...your beef is with reality

SNL slams Donald Trump with warm and fuzzy Klan and Nazi ‘Racists for Trump’ ad
Featuring bucolic scenes of “real America,” and soft focus photography, average Americans are seen extolling the many virtues of Trump (“He’s definitely not PC”) while ironing a Klan costume or building a warming fire with books.

that truth is self evident...your beef is with reality

SNL slams Donald Trump with warm and fuzzy Klan and Nazi ‘Racists for Trump’ ad
Featuring bucolic scenes of “real America,” and soft focus photography, average Americans are seen extolling the many virtues of Trump (“He’s definitely not PC”) while ironing a Klan costume or building a warming fire with books.
That was a wonderful segment on SNL.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

Take your race card and shove it up you @ss. Trump will do more for minorities than Hillary will. In fact, Trump already has with his company.
He has already hired illegal Polish workers for example...

Then Liberals should love him, especially if he took jobs away from lower and middle class, hard-working Americans.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

I suggest that you would be a much better divider than Trump since you refer to all white folks as mindless minions.

This is a political forum, my ire is solely aimed at conservatives on the right white minions. Liberals, no matter what color are cool with me, always will be and has the mops sleeping with black men, that's a whole new topic for discussion.
Here ye, here ye, long before the Media called out Trump for being a Nazi inspired redneck, The Tiger called it first....just sayin
Here ye, here ye, long before the Media called out Trump for being a Nazi inspired redneck, The Tiger called it first....just sayin

And you were wrong as usual.

"TRUMP: Ok, so let me tell you. I'm sitting in a house in Florida with a very bad ear piece that they gave me and you can hardly hear what he was saying. But what I heard was various groups -- and I don't mind disavowing anybody, and I disavowed David Duke and I disavowed him the day before at a major news conference, which is surprising because he was at the major news conference -- CNN was at the major news conference and they heard me very easily disavow David Duke. Now I go and I sit down again. I have a lousy ear piece that is provided by them. And frankly, he talked about groups -- he also talked about groups. And I have no problem with disavowing groups but I'd at least like to know who they are. It would be very unfair to disavow a group, Matt, if the group shouldn't be disavowed. I have to know who the groups are. But I disavowed David Duke. Now, if you look on Facebook right after that, I also disavowed David Duke. When we looked at it -- looked at the question, I disavowed David Duke. So, I disavowed David Duke all weekend long on Facebook, on Twitter and, obviously it's never enough. Ridiculous."

Trump Disavows KKK, Duke: "How Many Times Do I Have To Continue To Disavow People?"
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
Ten posters found this post to be funny. That is the only classification they could find to tell you that your statement is ludicrous and ignorant. If you want to find a divider, look no further than our present dictator. Obama has been the most divisive president in history.

Now, provide a link to prove the fact that Trump is a Klan leader. You can't find that because there is none. However, we can find a link that shows your present choice for president, Hillary embracing Senator Byrd, who was the most racist individual in history before Obama.

Stop looking for excuses and look inward to find an answer to the racism we see today.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
Ten posters found this post to be funny. That is the only classification they could find to tell you that your statement is ludicrous and ignorant. If you want to find a divider, look no further than our present dictator. Obama has been the most divisive president in history.

Now, provide a link to prove the fact that Trump is a Klan leader. You can't find that because there is none. However, we can find a link that shows your present choice for president, Hillary embracing Senator Byrd, who was the most racist individual in history before Obama.

Stop looking for excuses and look inward to find an answer to the racism we see today.

People like you are too far gone to ration with, I mean you can't be helped. Hillary huggin Senator Byrd? I mean is that the best you nuts can come up with? And just for the record pal, white people, you, its your race thats taking this country into the dark ages. Obama has done nothing but support a black family who's child was STALKED BY A WHITE MAN AND THEN MURDERED AND IF YOU BASTARDS FIND THAT A DIVISIVE MOVE, THAT DAMIT SO BE IT.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
Ten posters found this post to be funny. That is the only classification they could find to tell you that your statement is ludicrous and ignorant. If you want to find a divider, look no further than our present dictator. Obama has been the most divisive president in history.

Now, provide a link to prove the fact that Trump is a Klan leader. You can't find that because there is none. However, we can find a link that shows your present choice for president, Hillary embracing Senator Byrd, who was the most racist individual in history before Obama.

Stop looking for excuses and look inward to find an answer to the racism we see today.

People like you are too far gone to ration with, I mean you can't be helped. Hillary huggin Senator Byrd? I mean is that the best you nuts can come up with? And just for the record pal, white people, you, its your race thats taking this country into the dark ages. Obama has done nothing but support a black family who's child was STALKED BY A WHITE MAN AND THEN MURDERED AND IF YOU BASTARDS FIND THAT A DIVISIVE MOVE, THAT DAMIT SO BE IT.
So, tell me the name of the white man that murdered I assume a black.

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