Donald Trump rallies are nothing but Klan rallies wrapped in bullshit!!

Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

How childish.

More or less than trying to insinuate that a candidate had a small penis because of his hand size?

No comment. man.
Guys gotta keep his appetite, ya know?
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
yes, I think you are right, if elected he is going to tear apart all of the racial unity that obama created.
everyone has been so loving for the last 7 years.

you mean the racial harmony created by the bigots because they haven't been able to cope with the fact that they've had a black president for the past 7 years.

meh.... the president isn't responsible for your insanity.
Read more here: Panic swells talk of contested convention to propel Marco Rubio to nomination
And no mention of racists or nazis. Imagine that.
However his observation that the Trump surge is a product of being BASED ON ANGER, ENVY AND IGNORANCE says it all does it not LOL
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
This coming from a party that has dissed latino's, muslims, blacks and the GOP and you want to talk race baiting??? Next?
I'm not a republican, I just hate a hippocrates. Sure there are idiots on the right, there are just as many idiots on the left. If you want to take bigots on, start with your own.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
yes, I think you are right, if elected he is going to tear apart all of the racial unity that obama created.
everyone has been so loving for the last 7 years.

you mean the racial harmony created by the bigots because they haven't been able to cope with the fact that they've had a black president for the past 7 years.

meh.... the president isn't responsible for your insanity.
You're an idiot aren't you.
I mean, its ok to admit it.
However his observation that the Trump surge is a product of being BASED ON ANGER, ENVY AND IGNORANCE says it all does it not LOL
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
This coming from a party that has dissed latino's, muslims, blacks and the GOP and you want to talk race baiting??? Next?
I'm not a republican, I just hate a hippocrates. Sure there are idiots on the right, there are just as many idiots on the left. If you want to take bigots on, start with your own.

In hippocrates defense, he was more of a lover not a fighter.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

How childish.

More or less than trying to insinuate that a candidate had a small penis because of his hand size?

Who cares how big Hillary's penis is?


However his observation that the Trump surge is a product of being BASED ON ANGER, ENVY AND IGNORANCE says it all does it not LOL
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
This coming from a party that has dissed latino's, muslims, blacks and the GOP and you want to talk race baiting??? Next?
I'm not a republican, I just hate a hippocrates. Sure there are idiots on the right, there are just as many idiots on the left. If you want to take bigots on, start with your own.
The party with bigot issues is the GOP ....
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
This coming from a party that has dissed latino's, muslims, blacks and the GOP and you want to talk race baiting??? Next?
I'm not a republican, I just hate a hippocrates. Sure there are idiots on the right, there are just as many idiots on the left. If you want to take bigots on, start with your own.
The party with bigot issues is the GOP ....
We'll have to disagree on that point. I see mindless bigotry on both sides of the aisle.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
Does your shrink know that you are experiencing these types of paranoid delusions?
However his observation that the Trump surge is a product of being BASED ON ANGER, ENVY AND IGNORANCE says it all does it not LOL
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
This coming from a party that has dissed latino's, muslims, blacks and the GOP and you want to talk race baiting??? Next?

Now, you do a good enough job race baiting.


I've learned from the best, and thank you for lesson!!
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
This coming from a party that has dissed latino's, muslims, blacks and the GOP and you want to talk race baiting??? Next?
I'm not a republican, I just hate a hippocrates. Sure there are idiots on the right, there are just as many idiots on the left. If you want to take bigots on, start with your own.
The party with bigot issues is the GOP ....
We'll have to disagree on that point. I see mindless bigotry on both sides of the aisle.
Challenge, show me any words you can quote where democrats are CONSISTANT WITH RACIAL OVERTONES.....not this one line shit that happened ions ago, but a consistant do this or shut up!!
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
Does your shrink know that you are experiencing these types of paranoid delusions?

My final visit with my shrink, resulted in the following.....Not only is Donald Trump a racist, he's a pervert and a he's a liar....we all know his dick is really the size of a salt grain, that's why he only fucks with imports from abroad...and is going on wife number 5, yes? LOLOLOLOLOLOL...white women clearly like a little meat behind them balls, LOLOLO No?
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

How childish.

More or less than trying to insinuate that a candidate had a small penis because of his hand size?

Who cares how big Hillary's penis is?
Clearly you do.
white folks do not lie they never have or will..only Black folks do that which is why Nazis and the KKK are firmly on the side of Trump...
Former Ku Klux Klan leader declares support for Donald .
And I suppose the black panthers vote repub? How about la rasa? Both sides have their idiots.

Why is it every time you conservative fucks show your ass, its always equal billing for both parties? Democrats don't act stupid like this, especially on a national stage. What the GOP is experiencing is a ghetto motherfucker wrapped up in dollar bills, who, without the wealth, would be classified as pure white ghetto trash....Obama, you make us all so proud to have had you as our leader and chief.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

Take your race card and shove it up you @ss. Trump will do more for minorities than Hillary will. In fact, Trump already has with his company.
He already has helped illegal Polish workers
The curious case of Donald Trump and illegal Polish workers

If true then Liberals should LOVE him. Granted, they weren't illegal, murdering Mexicans bringing drugs across the border looking for sanctuary cities which Liberals really love, but illegals non the less.

What this tells me is he knows the system and how to get around it. Now he's calling bullshit and is going to fix it. I can think of any one more qualified to do this.

If Trump didn't have some serious coins in the bank, all you white motherfuckers would be calling his ass pure white trash, cause that's what he is, white trash-y
So black students pushing a white girl up against a wall and screaming F U white bitch isn't racist?

So wait Neo Nazis beating up people at a Trump rally is OK ...its the New normal ? its not fascist and racist ? how about discuss the OP and not some attempt to change the subject

Every single topic that exposes the hypocrisy of conservatism, every thread that does that, is high jacked and deflective bullshit ensues....wanna know why? CAUSE WHITE NEO NUTS CAN NOT, WILL NOT EVER, NOT ONLY ACCEPT THE FACT THEIR A HOPELESS RACE, BUT ALSO THAT CONSERVATIVES ARE NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF FOOLS AND A CANCER IN OUR NATIONS POLTICS. :spinner::spinner:

All that he accomplished?? You really don't want to go there, now do you? Other than damn near bankrupting the nation with his John Wayne fetish of wanting to conquer communism by any means neccessary, DO TELL WHAT THE FUCK THIS INSANE SHIT FOR BRAINS MAN DID, BESIDES MISS A BULLET?
Your posts really do belong in the rubber room. I can't read them without envisioning someone bouncing around in a straight jacket in their padded cell.

......AND YET....YOU ALWAYS MANAGE TO SHOW UP AND ENGAGE. Speaks volume about you, more than me. I don't feel a person's vibe, I ignore them, you on the other hand......well, lets just're lonely and bored.

All that he accomplished?? You really don't want to go there, now do you? Other than damn near bankrupting the nation with his John Wayne fetish of wanting to conquer communism by any means neccessary, DO TELL WHAT THE FUCK THIS INSANE SHIT FOR BRAINS MAN DID, BESIDES MISS A BULLET?
Your posts really do belong in the rubber room. I can't read them without envisioning someone bouncing around in a straight jacket in their padded cell.

......AND YET....YOU ALWAYS MANAGE TO SHOW UP AND ENGAGE. Speaks volume about you, more than me. I don't feel a person's vibe, I ignore them, you on the other hand......well, lets just're lonely and bored.
Let's just say you're full of shit. As always. You say outlandish racist shit for attention so ....if the shoe fits ...

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