Donald Trump rallies are nothing but Klan rallies wrapped in bullshit!!

Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

Take your race card and shove it up you @ss. Trump will do more for minorities than Hillary will. In fact, Trump already has with his company.
He already has helped illegal Polish workers
The curious case of Donald Trump and illegal Polish workers

If true then Liberals should LOVE him. Granted, they weren't illegal, murdering Mexicans bringing drugs across the border looking for sanctuary cities which Liberals really love, but illegals non the less.

What this tells me is he knows the system and how to get around it. Now he's calling bullshit and is going to fix it. I can think of any one more qualified to do this.

All that he accomplished?? You really don't want to go there, now do you? Other than damn near bankrupting the nation with his John Wayne fetish of wanting to conquer communism by any means neccessary, DO TELL WHAT THE FUCK THIS INSANE SHIT FOR BRAINS MAN DID, BESIDES MISS A BULLET?
Your posts really do belong in the rubber room. I can't read them without envisioning someone bouncing around in a straight jacket in their padded cell.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
Until you and yours acknowledge the criminal liar phony currently in office who is 100 times worse than any candidate running this year --- your opinion on anyone else is moot, null and void.
Hysteria becomes you are standard "shrill partisan attacker" trying to change the OP to something more your liking..

All that he accomplished?? You really don't want to go there, now do you? Other than damn near bankrupting the nation with his John Wayne fetish of wanting to conquer communism by any means neccessary, DO TELL WHAT THE FUCK THIS INSANE SHIT FOR BRAINS MAN DID, BESIDES MISS A BULLET?
Your posts really do belong in the rubber room. I can't read them without envisioning someone bouncing around in a straight jacket in their padded cell.
That is how I envision Trump supporters ...mass bouncing around unhinged...
Of course it's not OK. Neither is the crap that the BLM clowns are pulling. I'm not changing the subject merely pointing out that these supposed horrors from the trump people are mirrored on the left.

The BLM students have been consequenced ...this guy is a welcome presence and has zero consequences ..
And what consequences were those? All I've seen are administrators cheering them on.
Of course it's not OK. Neither is the crap that the BLM clowns are pulling. I'm not changing the subject merely pointing out that these supposed horrors from the trump people are mirrored on the left.

The BLM students have been consequenced ...this guy is a welcome presence and has zero consequences ..
And what consequences were those? All I've seen are administrators cheering them on.
start a thread on it ...apparently this thread has to do not with BLM but with "Trump rallies turning into KKK fests".... I surely understand your sympathy for the KKK is causing you to change the subject...relax start your BLM thread OK
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
Until you and yours acknowledge the criminal liar phony currently in office who is 100 times worse than any candidate running this year --- your opinion on anyone else is moot, null and void.
Hysteria becomes you are standard "shrill partisan attacker" trying to change the OP to something more your liking..
Until you rid yourself of that very blasphemous avatar, I have no interest in considering you worthy of any discussion.
white females have never made false accusations against Blacks never ever ever...only Blacks are bad ...
Oh here we go, it's all right wing lies. Racism, nazis.
because there is no bias or racism against Blacks of course not .that is "libtard lies" ..not like the persecution of Christians by wishing them Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas or the Starbucks persecution by "red coffee cup with snow crystal" holiday cups persecution..
Until you rid yourself of that very blasphemous avatar, I have no interest in considering you worthy of any discussion.
typical religious wing nut Trump supporter LOL
white folks do not lie they never have or will..only Black folks do that which is why Nazis and the KKK are firmly on the side of Trump...
Former Ku Klux Klan leader declares support for Donald .
And I suppose the black panthers vote repub? How about la rasa? Both sides have their idiots.
Black panthers have never gone around lynching white people you do realize that don't you ?

and exactly what has La Raza done..

Listen should you not be sticking to the OP instead of changing the subject to Black Panthers, BLM, and now La Raza...just saying
Until you rid yourself of that very blasphemous avatar, I have no interest in considering you worthy of any discussion.
typical religious wing nut Trump supporter LOL
Typical 4th grader.

You could not defend your insanity in any forum. Yet, you choose to remain a clown. "Hey everyone, look at me. I am so daring and cool!"
You are so Superior :321: LOL I am in about these Klansman and Nazis in the woodwork think my avatar is worse than the Klan supporting the leading GOP candidate ? why ? you do know the Klan is quite Christian don't you ?
white females have never made false accusations against Blacks never ever ever...only Blacks are bad ...
Oh here we go, it's all right wing lies. Racism, nazis.
because there is no bias or racism against Blacks of course not .that is "libtard lies" ..not like the persecution of Christians by wishing them Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas or the Starbucks persecution by "red coffee cup with snow crystal" holiday cups persecution..
There's racism out there, no where near what the left would have you believe.
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

The ignorance and race baiting is just amusing.
white folks do not lie they never have or will..only Black folks do that which is why Nazis and the KKK are firmly on the side of Trump...
Former Ku Klux Klan leader declares support for Donald .
And I suppose the black panthers vote repub? How about la rasa? Both sides have their idiots.
Black panthers have never gone around lynching white people you do realize that don't you ?

and exactly what has La Raza done..

Listen should you not be sticking to the OP instead of changing the subject to Black Panthers, BLM, and now La Raza...just saying
I am sticking to the op. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy contained there in. And how many trump supporters have lynched some one? La rasa is the hispanic KKK.

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