Donald Trump rallies are nothing but Klan rallies wrapped in bullshit!!

Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck
That isn't even funny. It is ignorant.

I wasn't trying to be funny. On the contrary, I'm afraid for people like you and others here that find Trump appealing and worthy of being president. His rallies are violent, his audience consists of angry white racist and Trump himself is aligned with one and often is the source of the violence that ensues....this man is dangerous, so no, I wasn't trying to be funny...nothing is funny about you or your party. If that's ignorance, than so be it
And isn't it grand... watching LibTards shitting their pants over the prospect?

Ahhhhhh... life is good.
I agree Life is Good ...sweet even..:2up:

Yeah the libtards in the GOP are scared shit less seriously shit less

Party in a Panic! 7 GOP Hypocrites Freak Out About Trump ...

The GOP got in bed with Sarah Palin in 2008 and woke up with Donald Trump in 2016

Republican leaders in panic mode to halt Donald Trump's march toward GOP nomination

As the Trump Juggernaut rolls on, the Ruling Elites of the Republican Party become less and less relevant to their own rank-and-file...

Unfortunately for the Democrats, their own pitching bullpen is so shallow that their standard bearer is about to be raked over the coals by the Justice Dept...

Enjoy the downward spiral...

Fun-time's over, kiddies... time for the Other Guys to get another turn at-bat.
.all the GOP/Republican front runner has done is rip off the hood of his Party's establishment Leaders!

The rank and file ..the ones that show up in crowds at the midnight BBQ's know who's under the hood.

The establishment folks wore the hood in the mistaken, even delusional belief ..that us town folk (We THE PEOPLE) didn't know who they are!

We THE PEOPLE ...see you!

LOL ...Lady Lindsey said it best "My Party has gone batsh*t crazy!"
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

If that's the case, Demotards should LOVE Trump, as you assholes founded the Klan.
Thanks for the update.

Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?
.all the GOP/Republican front runner has done is rip off the hood of his Party's establishment Leaders!

The rank and file ..the ones that show up in crowds at the midnight BBQ's know who's under the hood.

The establishment folks wore the hood in the mistaken, even delusional belief ..that us town folk (We THE PEOPLE) didn't know who they are!

We THE PEOPLE ...see you!

LOL ...Lady Lindsey said it best "My Party has gone batsh*t crazy!"
Enjoy the downward spiral... it's gonna be interesting, watching LibTards piss and moan and pour earth over their heads and tear their hair shirts, on November 9th...
Fun-time's over, kiddies... time for the Other Guys to get another turn at-bat.

They, the GOP establishment, are not going to let Trump represent hook or crook they are going to stop him...when they do the GOP will splinter ...thank GOD
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?
They prefer the previous millennium two centuries ago...they feel much more comfortable there..

they want to conflate the 1860 s with the 2016
Three black skanks from New York state. Any of them look familiar to you?
Fun-time's over, kiddies... time for the Other Guys to get another turn at-bat.

They, the GOP establishment, are not going to let Trump represent hook or crook they are going to stop him...when they do the GOP will splinter ...thank GOD
There's always that possibility... but it's far more likely that the chickenshits at the top lack the balls to buck The People.
Fun-time's over, kiddies... time for the Other Guys to get another turn at-bat.

They, the GOP establishment, are not going to let Trump represent hook or crook they are going to stop him...when they do the GOP will splinter ...thank GOD
There's always that possibility... but it's far more likely that the chickenshits at the top lack the balls to buck The People.
what they lack in balls they will make up with lust for power LOL

Inside the Republican Plan to Stop Trump

Inside the Republican Plan to Stop Trump
And isn't it grand... watching LibTards shitting their pants over the prospect?

Ahhhhhh... life is good.
I agree Life is Good ...sweet even..:2up:

Yeah the libtards in the GOP are scared shit less seriously shit less

Party in a Panic! 7 GOP Hypocrites Freak Out About Trump ...

The GOP got in bed with Sarah Palin in 2008 and woke up with Donald Trump in 2016

Republican leaders in panic mode to halt Donald Trump's march toward GOP nomination

As the Trump Juggernaut rolls on, the Ruling Elites of the Republican Party become less and less relevant to their own rank-and-file...

Unfortunately for the Democrats, their own pitching bullpen is so shallow that their standard bearer is about to be raked over the coals by the Justice Dept...

Enjoy the downward spiral...

Fun-time's over, kiddies... time for the Other Guys to get another turn at-bat.

Every single time you guys rally and celebrate conservative victories....correct me if I'm always, always end up disappointed, disillusioned and running head first to any democrat running for president, even a black man will do.....anything but them sorry mf's you voted for....does 2014 ring a bell? Or the nightmare Bush 1 and 2 ring a bell? :banana::banana::banana:
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?

I didn't mention your party's Robert Byrd. You did.
But, the fact remains - the KKK was FOUNDED by your party. You'll just have to put that in your mouth and suck it son. Sorry. Facts are facts.
Every single time you guys rally and celebrate conservative victories....correct me if I'm always, always end up disappointed, disillusioned and running head first to any democrat running for president, even a black man will do.....anything but them sorry mf's you

Happy to correct you.
Ronald Reagan. We didn't need a black man to help us after that.
You're welcome.
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?

I didn't mention your party's Robert Byrd. You did.
But, the fact remains - the KKK was FOUNDED by your party. You'll just have to put that in your mouth and suck it son. Sorry. Facts are facts.
It is irrelevant since the KKK is now strictly GOP
Why You Can't Spell KKK Without the Letters GOP
.all the GOP/Republican front runner has done is rip off the hood of his Party's establishment Leaders!

The rank and file ..the ones that show up in crowds at the midnight BBQ's know who's under the hood.

The establishment folks wore the hood in the mistaken, even delusional belief ..that us town folk (We THE PEOPLE) didn't know who they are!

We THE PEOPLE ...see you!

LOL ...Lady Lindsey said it best "My Party has gone batsh*t crazy!"
Enjoy the downward spiral... it's gonna be interesting, watching LibTards piss and moan and pour earth over their heads and tear their hair shirts, on November 9th...

Uh, didn't you predict the very same shit when yaw took both the house and senate? Correct me if I'm wrong....but uh, you sorry mf's got so fucked over by your own party, your now placing all bets on a idiot clown named Trump...that's who pissed and moan'd you fucks are getting.....:dance::dance::dance:
Every single time you guys rally and celebrate conservative victories....correct me if I'm always, always end up disappointed, disillusioned and running head first to any democrat running for president, even a black man will do.....anything but them sorry mf's you

Happy to correct you.
Ronald Reagan. We didn't need a black man to help us after that.
You're welcome.

There have been how many GOP presidents since and before Reagan....and yet the only damned president you fucks ever want to regurgitate and celebrate is that brained dead simple fuck Reagan, who left this country with THE HIGHEST DEFICT IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY AT THE TIME....Now you tell me, who the fuck is insane?:desk::desk::desk:
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?
They prefer the previous millennium two centuries ago...they feel much more comfortable there..

they want to conflate the 1860 s with the 2016

So one would gather this cry of wanting to take the country back....means we want to take it back to the 1860's?? LOL
.all the GOP/Republican front runner has done is rip off the hood of his Party's establishment Leaders!

The rank and file ..the ones that show up in crowds at the midnight BBQ's know who's under the hood.

The establishment folks wore the hood in the mistaken, even delusional belief ..that us town folk (We THE PEOPLE) didn't know who they are!

We THE PEOPLE ...see you!

LOL ...Lady Lindsey said it best "My Party has gone batsh*t crazy!"
I never thought I would see the day, I'd agree with Lady L....but I couldn't agree more!!:bowdown::bowdown:

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