Donald Trump rallies are nothing but Klan rallies wrapped in bullshit!!

I stand firmly by what I said. Trump is nothing but rehashed version of Nazi-ism, only he's wrapped in a suit and tie and his followers although dumb and white, are just more ignorant. The very source of all the pain you white people are having in this country, this need to be heard, this feeling of being left behind, this wanting to take your country back, make it great....all this anst you red racist are feeling....the source...Trump, the top 1% of this nation that takes all the wealth and feed peanuts to the rest of us...and you, conservatives are worshiping the very intity that is destroying this country and your too damned foolish, blind and stupid to see it.
You angry Negroes are blind as bats. Which is why you'll always occupy society's bottom rung. Keep following the black race pimps and you're doomed forever.

I'd love to continue following the black race, where ever that made lead...only these days, its kinda hard....WITH SO MANY WHITE BITCHES IN THAT SAME LINE OF DOOM......OH SNAP!!:beer:

All that he accomplished?? You really don't want to go there, now do you? Other than damn near bankrupting the nation with his John Wayne fetish of wanting to conquer communism by any means neccessary, DO TELL WHAT THE FUCK THIS INSANE SHIT FOR BRAINS MAN DID, BESIDES MISS A BULLET?
Your posts really do belong in the rubber room. I can't read them without envisioning someone bouncing around in a straight jacket in their padded cell.

......AND YET....YOU ALWAYS MANAGE TO SHOW UP AND ENGAGE. Speaks volume about you, more than me. I don't feel a person's vibe, I ignore them, you on the other hand......well, lets just're lonely and bored.
Let's just say you're full of shit. As always. You say outlandish racist shit for attention so ....if the shoe fits ...

And like flies to a pile of shit, you morons flock to any post out put out here.....:9:
I stand firmly by what I said. Trump is nothing but rehashed version of Nazi-ism, only he's wrapped in a suit and tie and his followers although dumb and white, are just more ignorant. The very source of all the pain you white people are having in this country, this need to be heard, this feeling of being left behind, this wanting to take your country back, make it great....all this anst you red racist are feeling....the source...Trump, the top 1% of this nation that takes all the wealth and feed peanuts to the rest of us...and you, conservatives are worshiping the very intity that is destroying this country and your too damned foolish, blind and stupid to see it.
He's a progressive. What did you expect?

Every time one of you nuts come out ya shell, its time to disown em' people are a hoot, a mental case yes, but a hoot none the less.
Pretty interesting the way the white "supremacists" (hee hee) have become so enamored of the guy.

Is it just because of the Muslim thing, did they just extrapolate that into a purely racial issue?

How did that happen? Were they that desperate for a "leader"? Is their last "leader" in debtor's prison?
I stand firmly by what I said. Trump is nothing but rehashed version of Nazi-ism, only he's wrapped in a suit and tie and his followers although dumb and white, are just more ignorant. The very source of all the pain you white people are having in this country, this need to be heard, this feeling of being left behind, this wanting to take your country back, make it great....all this anst you red racist are feeling....the source...Trump, the top 1% of this nation that takes all the wealth and feed peanuts to the rest of us...and you, conservatives are worshiping the very intity that is destroying this country and your too damned foolish, blind and stupid to see it.
The Donald is a-comin' fer you, boy... ya'll best be checkin' unner yer bed every night... lordamercy... yawzir...


If he's as big as he says he is....this granny welcomes the visit:banana::banana:
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

If that's the case, Demotards should LOVE Trump, as you assholes founded the Klan.
Thanks for the update.

Isn't there a ship somewhere you should be on? You and the nuts here have got to get out of the past.....and come hither into the 21st century, we're all waiting for ya
Every single time you guys rally and celebrate conservative victories....correct me if I'm always, always end up disappointed, disillusioned and running head first to any democrat running for president, even a black man will do.....anything but them sorry mf's you

Happy to correct you.
Ronald Reagan. We didn't need a black man to help us after that.
You're welcome.

There have been how many GOP presidents since and before Reagan....and yet the only damned president you fucks ever want to regurgitate and celebrate is that brained dead simple fuck Reagan, who left this country with THE HIGHEST DEFICT IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY AT THE TIME....Now you tell me, who the fuck is insane?:desk::desk::desk:

The insane one is the President that took the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion.
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?

I didn't mention your party's Robert Byrd. You did.
But, the fact remains - the KKK was FOUNDED by your party. You'll just have to put that in your mouth and suck it son. Sorry. Facts are facts.

We may have founded the mf's, but you white fucks on the right....PERFECTED IT
Every single time you guys rally and celebrate conservative victories....correct me if I'm always, always end up disappointed, disillusioned and running head first to any democrat running for president, even a black man will do.....anything but them sorry mf's you

Happy to correct you.
Ronald Reagan. We didn't need a black man to help us after that.
You're welcome.

There have been how many GOP presidents since and before Reagan....and yet the only damned president you fucks ever want to regurgitate and celebrate is that brained dead simple fuck Reagan, who left this country with THE HIGHEST DEFICT IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY AT THE TIME....Now you tell me, who the fuck is insane?:desk::desk::desk:

The insane one is the President that took the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion.

Two things you nuts repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and .....ever motherfuckin election cycle....THE NATIONAL FUCKIN DEBT THAT HAS YET EVER TO DESTROY THE DAMN COUNTRY AND CUTTING TAXES.....DO YOU DEAD BRAIN BITCHES EVER COME UP WITH ANYTHING ELSE NEW?
Will there ever and I mean ever come a day, you simple minded red fucks will ever return to the 21st century with this Bird as a Klan crap. Tell you want, I bet he knows God better than any Klan before or after him in the after life, wanna bet?

I didn't mention your party's Robert Byrd. You did.
But, the fact remains - the KKK was FOUNDED by your party. You'll just have to put that in your mouth and suck it son. Sorry. Facts are facts.

Facts are in Fact Fact

Neo-Nazis at Trump rally caught on video roughing up black woman: ‘You’re scum, your time will come!’
“I was called a n****r and a c*nt and got kicked out,” said Shiya Nwanguma, a University of Louisville student. “They were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They’re disgusting and dangerous.”

You see the man in the red cap..he is known as ..........
The Little Führer...........his name is Matthew Heimbach, head of the Traditionalist Worker Party,
The Little Führer: A Day in the Life of the New Generation of Nationalists
Sounds like she was treated like white students at Dartmouth were treated by BLM folks.

there were avowed Nazis among the BLM protesters...?

So black students pushing a white girl up against a wall and screaming F U white bitch isn't racist?

Sure they
Folks, lets face it, yaw know and I know Trump is nothing but a Klan leader leading his mindless minions, ie white folks down the path of a Hitler move. He will be great divider...good luck

Take your race card and shove it up you @ss. Trump will do more for minorities than Hillary will. In fact, Trump already has with his company.

Hey, the fact he's hung like a donkey, he's already got my vote....LOLOLOLO

All that he accomplished?? You really don't want to go there, now do you? Other than damn near bankrupting the nation with his John Wayne fetish of wanting to conquer communism by any means neccessary, DO TELL WHAT THE FUCK THIS INSANE SHIT FOR BRAINS MAN DID, BESIDES MISS A BULLET?
Your posts really do belong in the rubber room. I can't read them without envisioning someone bouncing around in a straight jacket in their padded cell.

......AND YET....YOU ALWAYS MANAGE TO SHOW UP AND ENGAGE. Speaks volume about you, more than me. I don't feel a person's vibe, I ignore them, you on the other hand......well, lets just're lonely and bored.
Let's just say you're full of shit. As always. You say outlandish racist shit for attention so ....if the shoe fits ...

And like flies to a pile of shit, you morons flock to any post out put out here.....:9:
Thanks for finally admitting your posts are a pile of shit.
I understand the anger part and there's more than enough ignorance on both sides. I'm afraid I don't get the envy, I've always associated that with the left. Most people on the right that I know do not envy anything on the left.
I do not envy you or the GOP I REPUDIATE you and the GOP
I'm not a republican, I'm just tired of the constant race baiting from the left. It's the standard fall back position of the left. When all else fails call racism.
This coming from a party that has dissed latino's, muslims, blacks and the GOP and you want to talk race baiting??? Next?

Now, you do a good enough job race baiting.


I've learned from the best, and thank you for lesson!!

That's what happens to the liberals, they learn from each other.
Every single time you guys rally and celebrate conservative victories....correct me if I'm always, always end up disappointed, disillusioned and running head first to any democrat running for president, even a black man will do.....anything but them sorry mf's you

Happy to correct you.
Ronald Reagan. We didn't need a black man to help us after that.
You're welcome.

There have been how many GOP presidents since and before Reagan....and yet the only damned president you fucks ever want to regurgitate and celebrate is that brained dead simple fuck Reagan, who left this country with THE HIGHEST DEFICT IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY AT THE TIME....Now you tell me, who the fuck is insane?:desk::desk::desk:

The insane one is the President that took the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion.

Two things you nuts repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and .....ever motherfuckin election cycle....THE NATIONAL FUCKIN DEBT THAT HAS YET EVER TO DESTROY THE DAMN COUNTRY AND CUTTING TAXES.....DO YOU DEAD BRAIN BITCHES EVER COME UP WITH ANYTHING ELSE NEW?
That's just one of the problems the ignorant "takers" in our country don't get. They don't have the mental capacity to understand the peril $20 Trillion in debt, and growing, poses to our entire economic system.
Every single time you guys rally and celebrate conservative victories....correct me if I'm always, always end up disappointed, disillusioned and running head first to any democrat running for president, even a black man will do.....anything but them sorry mf's you

Happy to correct you.
Ronald Reagan. We didn't need a black man to help us after that.
You're welcome.

There have been how many GOP presidents since and before Reagan....and yet the only damned president you fucks ever want to regurgitate and celebrate is that brained dead simple fuck Reagan, who left this country with THE HIGHEST DEFICT IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY AT THE TIME....Now you tell me, who the fuck is insane?:desk::desk::desk:

The insane one is the President that took the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion.

Two things you nuts repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and .....ever motherfuckin election cycle....THE NATIONAL FUCKIN DEBT THAT HAS YET EVER TO DESTROY THE DAMN COUNTRY AND CUTTING TAXES.....DO YOU DEAD BRAIN BITCHES EVER COME UP WITH ANYTHING ELSE NEW?

You are the stupid bastard that brought the national debt up. At least I think you meant National Debt even though you posted national deficit. Apparently you don't know the difference since Reagan never had a deficit that even came close to being as high Obama's smallest one.

And Obama has had over 7 years to raise taxes back to what they were on middle and lower class wage earners when Bush lowered the and hasn't done it. Have you ever wondered why? That is where the money is since they are 98% of the taxpayers.

You posted:
"There have been how many GOP presidents since and before Reagan....and yet the only damned president you fucks ever want to regurgitate and celebrate is that brained dead simple fuck Reagan, who left this country with THE HIGHEST DEFICT IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY AT THE TIME....Now you tell me, who the fuck is insane?"
Every single time you guys rally and celebrate conservative victories....correct me if I'm always, always end up disappointed, disillusioned and running head first to any democrat running for president, even a black man will do.....anything but them sorry mf's you

Happy to correct you.
Ronald Reagan. We didn't need a black man to help us after that.
You're welcome.

There have been how many GOP presidents since and before Reagan....and yet the only damned president you fucks ever want to regurgitate and celebrate is that brained dead simple fuck Reagan, who left this country with THE HIGHEST DEFICT IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY AT THE TIME....Now you tell me, who the fuck is insane?:desk::desk::desk:

The insane one is the President that took the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion.

Two things you nuts repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and .....ever motherfuckin election cycle....THE NATIONAL FUCKIN DEBT THAT HAS YET EVER TO DESTROY THE DAMN COUNTRY AND CUTTING TAXES.....DO YOU DEAD BRAIN BITCHES EVER COME UP WITH ANYTHING ELSE NEW?

You are the stupid bastard that brought the national debt up. At least I think you meant National Debt even though you posted national deficit. Apparently you don't know the difference since Reagan never had a deficit that even came close to being as high Obama's smallest one.

And Obama has had over 7 years to raise taxes back to what they were on middle and lower class wage earners when Bush lowered the and hasn't done it. Have you ever wondered why? That is where the money is since they are 98% of the taxpayers.

You posted:
"There have been how many GOP presidents since and before Reagan....and yet the only damned president you fucks ever want to regurgitate and celebrate is that brained dead simple fuck Reagan, who left this country with THE HIGHEST DEFICT IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY AT THE TIME....Now you tell me, who the fuck is insane?"

Deficit when Reagan left office - 450billion
Current deficit under numb nuts - 1.4trillion

Need a fucking calculator?

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