Donald Trump Releases ‘Mugshot Edition’ Digital Trading Cards—Offers Pieces Of Suit From Fulton County Arrest

Not seeing an issue here. People contribute to campaigns and get nothing in return. Offering a keepsake is not a negative.

In order to make a mountain out of a need to start with a molehill.

This is a big nothing burger.
Not seeing an issue here. People contribute to campaigns and get nothing in return. Offering a keepsake is not a negative.

In order to make a mountain out of a need to start with a molehill.

This is a big nothing burger.
The unhinged humping RINOs Trump haters want to make an issue out of anything. Even if Trump takes a breath.
The grift goes on. Those lawyers fees have to be paid after all. Every time you think this man can't get more embarrassing and shameless he has a "hold my beer" moment. I've never seen such a clown car in my life that is now the United States of America. Every day we get closer to living in an actual episode of South Park.

Former President Donald Trump announced the latest round of his digital trading cards, the “Mugshot Edition,” which includes a bonus offer for a piece of Trump’s suit from his Fulton County, Georgia mug shot and dinner with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, following the success of previous editions.

And Trump is now the Shamwow Guy

This is a clue to absolutely low on money P01135809. His legal bills are staggering and he knows the brain dead members of his cult will buy something that does not exist.
You responded to me, retard. This is exactly how it starts and it will end with you running with your tail between your legs to the mods. You fucking cowardly retard.
Still off topic, so you agree Trump has nothing to do with the cards, thanks for agreeing with us.
Not seeing an issue here. People contribute to campaigns and get nothing in return. Offering a keepsake is not a negative.

In order to make a mountain out of a need to start with a molehill.

This is a big nothing burger.
well I wouldn't go that far, people pay to see legistation changes to their advantage by the people they donate to. If they don't do what they say, then we no pay no moe
What they are going wind up receiving a piece of blue cloth. FNG's to buy cards that do NOT existent. His cult is really fucking stupid and as equally gullible.
Still don’t know what a cult is! If one follows demofks synchronization, it’s right there! Hahaha gaslighting is a neat game you play
Pieces of his fuckin' clothes. Definitely not a cult.

How are these people not insulted?
Want to listen to the actual cultists? haahhaahahaahahahahaha can't make this shit up!
Go to 25:40 in this video! Hahaha. Demofks own media, here’s the proof and the actual cult and their narrative.

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