Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

Trump is really dangerous. He is so dangerous, it's really scary.

Scaring morons like you is one of his big positives, dear.
I guess you'l be laughing when North Korea lands an atomic bomb on American territory or when ISIS really hits America or American interests harder and more pervasively than they ever have.

When we lose the support of our strongest allies, like Great Britain. Theresa May has already commented negatively on Trump's tweeting a video from a far right group in GB. You people have very skewed knowledge and understanding of the broader world and our place in it.

And seriously, if you think getting people upset is an important aspect of what you want in a president, you are like little children wanting a school ground fight. Maybe 'ordinary' people can have an infantile view of international relations, but not a sitting president.

This is real life, and it affects all the millions of people in the US and beyond. It is very dangerous for Trump to do the idiot things he does. He is destroying America.

Yes and no Esmeralda
Trump's tweets are his responsibility.
North Korea's attacks are theirs, and ISIS theirs.
If you are giving Trump as much power over his tweets
as ISIS and North Korea with their bombs and attacks,
that's way too much power, way out of proportion.

Can't the average person tell the difference between
when Trump is mouthing off in the media and when
he seriously signs and issues orders.

If you or other nations' leaders are going to jump overboard
over Trump's tweets, then he's not the only person off balance here.

Policy makers and leaders should know better than
to make policy decisions over what is said in the media including
Trump tweeting or posting his personal statements.

That's not the same as Congressional laws or Executive orders.
We need to focus on the real policies,
and maybe separate the media games and wars going on
so these aren't confused with valid public policy.

No wonder the whole world is "blowing up"
if everyone tries to take every word out of Trump's mouth
seriously and literally. No wonder!

EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING he says matters, whether it is tweeting, in private, in public speech--everything he says represents and indicates what and who he is as a president and reflects back on us as a country. There is no difference between what he says in tweets and what he says in public speech. No difference. People across the world take everything he says seriously.

You are so wrong it is incredible. You opinion is completely lacking in common sense, understanding of reality and the broader world, and any logical reasoning.
Trump is really dangerous. He is so dangerous, it's really scary.

Scaring morons like you is one of his big positives, dear.
I guess you'l be laughing when North Korea lands an atomic bomb on American territory or when ISIS really hits America or American interests harder and more pervasively than they ever have.

When we lose the support of our strongest allies, like Great Britain. Theresa May has already commented negatively on Trump's tweeting a video from a far right group in GB. You people have very skewed knowledge and understanding of the broader world and our place in it.

And seriously, if you think getting people upset is an important aspect of what you want in a president, you are like little children wanting a school ground fight. Maybe 'ordinary' people can have an infantile view of international relations, but not a sitting president.

This is real life, and it affects all the millions of people in the US and beyond. It is very dangerous for Trump to do the idiot things he does. He is destroying America.

Yes and no Esmeralda
Trump's tweets are his responsibility.
North Korea's attacks are theirs, and ISIS theirs.
If you are giving Trump as much power over his tweets
as ISIS and North Korea with their bombs and attacks,
that's way too much power, way out of proportion.

Can't the average person tell the difference between
when Trump is mouthing off in the media and when
he seriously signs and issues orders.

If you or other nations' leaders are going to jump overboard
over Trump's tweets, then he's not the only person off balance here.

Policy makers and leaders should know better than
to make policy decisions over what is said in the media including
Trump tweeting or posting his personal statements.

That's not the same as Congressional laws or Executive orders.
We need to focus on the real policies,
and maybe separate the media games and wars going on
so these aren't confused with valid public policy.

No wonder the whole world is "blowing up"
if everyone tries to take every word out of Trump's mouth
seriously and literally. No wonder!

EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING he says matters, whether it is tweeting, in private, in public speech--everything he says represents and indicated what and who he is as a president and reflects back on us as a country. There is no difference between what he says in tweets and what he says in public speech. No difference. You are so wrong it is incredible. You opinion is completely lacking in common sense, understanding of reality and the broader world, and any logical reasoning.

Yes Esmeralda and we still have to distinguish what is
his personal opinion from what is public policy.
Yes it DOES reflect on America, I agree. And we STILL need to distinguish what he is saying.
It's BOTH not either or.
Scaring morons like you is one of his big positives, dear.
I guess you'l be laughing when North Korea lands an atomic bomb on American territory or when ISIS really hits America or American interests harder and more pervasively than they ever have.

When we lose the support of our strongest allies, like Great Britain. Theresa May has already commented negatively on Trump's tweeting a video from a far right group in GB. You people have very skewed knowledge and understanding of the broader world and our place in it.

And seriously, if you think getting people upset is an important aspect of what you want in a president, you are like little children wanting a school ground fight. Maybe 'ordinary' people can have an infantile view of international relations, but not a sitting president.

This is real life, and it affects all the millions of people in the US and beyond. It is very dangerous for Trump to do the idiot things he does. He is destroying America.

Yes and no Esmeralda
Trump's tweets are his responsibility.
North Korea's attacks are theirs, and ISIS theirs.
If you are giving Trump as much power over his tweets
as ISIS and North Korea with their bombs and attacks,
that's way too much power, way out of proportion.

Can't the average person tell the difference between
when Trump is mouthing off in the media and when
he seriously signs and issues orders.

If you or other nations' leaders are going to jump overboard
over Trump's tweets, then he's not the only person off balance here.

Policy makers and leaders should know better than
to make policy decisions over what is said in the media including
Trump tweeting or posting his personal statements.

That's not the same as Congressional laws or Executive orders.
We need to focus on the real policies,
and maybe separate the media games and wars going on
so these aren't confused with valid public policy.

No wonder the whole world is "blowing up"
if everyone tries to take every word out of Trump's mouth
seriously and literally. No wonder!

EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING he says matters, whether it is tweeting, in private, in public speech--everything he says represents and indicated what and who he is as a president and reflects back on us as a country. There is no difference between what he says in tweets and what he says in public speech. No difference. You are so wrong it is incredible. You opinion is completely lacking in common sense, understanding of reality and the broader world, and any logical reasoning.

Yes Esmeralda and we still have to distinguish what is
his personal opinion from what is public policy.
Yes it DOES reflect on America, I agree. And we STILL need to distinguish what he is saying.
It's BOTH not either or.
You know, I really consider you a complete idiot. Don't respond to my posts, ever. You are a fool. Intellectually foolish and limited,
You'll have forgive Esmi, she's a menopausal dingbat.
Trump...the gift that keeps on giving :)

The next seven years will fly by too fast.
The president is president 24/7, 365 days a year. Whatever he says at anytime in any situation matters equally.
Yes Esmeralda and we still have to distinguish what is
his personal opinion from what is public policy.
Yes it DOES reflect on America, I agree. And we STILL need to distinguish what he is saying.
It's BOTH not either or.
You know, I really consider you a complete idiot. Don't respond to my posts, ever. You are a fool. Intellectually foolish and limited,

So let me get this right, Esmeralda
If I can do BOTH things
(ie deal with Trump as representing America AND distinguish his personal speech from public policy)
then "I'm the one who's limited" not you?

Since when does YOUR lack of discernment
make me the idiot here?

If you are more "intellectual"
can you explain this to me?

If I fail to understand, that is my fault.
But if you can't explain it, that's your problem not mine.

I told you I AGREE with you and it's BOTH things at the same time.
How is that "limited" when it INCLUDES what BOTH of us are saying???
The president is president 24/7, 365 days a year. Whatever he says at anytime in any situation matters equally.

YES Esmeralda and this also includes distinguishing
his personal comments within freedom of speech
from public policy within Constitutional duties.

When Obama announces he changed his mind about gay marriage,
that is his personal choice, opinion and statement of belief.
He has the right to say that for himself, but govt does not have authority to establish that BELIEF for the nation.

Trump can announce he supports building a wall.
But if that is not constitutional, because it violates beliefs of half the nation,
then it can't be done without violating equal constitutional protections of all people.

So just because Trump says something that reflect on America
does not mean it carries the weight of Constitutional law and duties of govt.

Is that more clear?
Both types of statements reflect on America,
but things outside Constitutional duty and limits are different.
Turns out that one of the videos is fake, the one of the "refugee" beating someone up, he's actually a dutch citizen and was born there.

Fake news! Netherlands police confirm that attacker in video Trump retweeted is NOT a migrant or Muslim, but Dutch national

Fake news! Netherlands police confirm that attacker in video Trump retweeted is NOT a migrant or Muslim, but Dutch national"

If the US president wants to know what is a real threat, 11,000 gun murders a year is a REAL FUCKING THREAT.
The president is president 24/7, 365 days a year. Whatever he says at anytime in any situation matters equally.

YES Esmeralda and this also includes distinguishing
his personal comments within freedom of speech
from public policy within Constitutional duties.

When Obama announces he changed his mind about gay marriage,
that is his personal choice, opinion and statement of belief.
He has the right to say that for himself, but govt does not have authority to establish that BELIEF for the nation.

Trump can announce he supports building a wall.
But if that is not constitutional, because it violates beliefs of half the nation,
then it can't be done without violating equal constitutional protections of all people.

So just because Trump says something that reflect on America
does not mean it carries the weight of Constitutional law and duties of govt.

Is that more clear?
Both types of statements reflect on America,
but things outside Constitutional duty and limits are different.

According to the White House any tweet he makes from the official twitter account is an official statement.
Let me repeat your basic lesson for the millionth time, liberal train-wrecks. ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!! ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!! ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!! It's a praised-by-Hitler, mass Jew-beheading, rape-epidemic ideology of PURE hate that comes in ALL races, including white. It is a series of various human rights atrocities that only the sickest sick fucks would find attractive, because it does NOTHING POSITIVE! Its effects on every society have been 100% negative. Liberal filth are such self-loathing-Americans, they sadistically get off on fellow Americans suffering, .

If your oh-so-precious Pisslam is so wonderful, WHY is every muslim-majority country an oppressive, barbaric 3rd-world-toilet of human misery? Why do muslim countries stone women to death, teach children to be suicide bombers, fuck and/or behead the children of non-muslims, butcher little girls for going to school, etc.?
The screw up lefties want the same for the westerners
Trump Shares Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Videos, and Britain’s Leader Condemns Them

"At least one of the videos, however, did not show a “Muslim migrant,” as it claimed, but a teenage boy who was born in the Netherlands, according to Dutch authorities. The other two showed incidents in Syria and Egypt in 2013 without any explanation of the context of the political unrest then taking place in those countries.

No modern American president has promoted inflammatory content of this sort from an extremist organization. Mr. Trump’s two most recent predecessors, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, both made a point of avoiding public messages that were likely to be seen as anti-Muslim and could exacerbate racial and religious animosities, arguing that the war against terrorism was not a war against Islam."

Tss, Britain's Leader should condemns the muslims killer and agree with Trump. there crying lefties again because Trump is defending is people.:eek:
Pointing out the recurring Muslim mass murders of innocent people is not hate or intolerance.
We can’t solve the problem if we are too cowardly to even identify the problem.
Left Wingers are fighting against the reality of Islamic hate and violence.
Have you noticed that the Left Wingers are not outraged about Islamic Violence, but they are outraged at someone exposing the reality of it?
Are Left Wingers knutts?
...There were plenty of 'assimilated' natives that still couldn’t enjoy of the right of citizenship. Try again.
It's what happens when Neolithic nomadic proto-culture meets a highly-advanced actual culture and its collective and organizational and technological capabilities.

The same sort of thing happened to the aboriginal tribes of Australia... with local variations... 19th Century A.D. meets 15,000 B.C... not exactly unexpected.

Nova Europa (America) and Nova Britannia (Australia) were, in practice, massive European Lebensraum campaigns, easily pushing aside the lightweights already there.

Peoples so easily swept aside routinely get little respect from the heavy-hitters who did the sweeping.

Perhaps they (the Natives) will do better in the Next Life... because there's no going back now... and no point in kvetching over something un-changeable.

In truth, beyond the descendants of The Losers, nobody cares... at least nowhere near enough to do something about it.
In all seriousness who is pro Muslim anymore anyway? Unless you have lived in a cave for the last 10 years, greeting these folks with open arms and seeking more of them is self inflicted harm
In all seriousness who is pro Muslim anymore anyway?
I can tell you that the Gays in Orlando and the Christians in San Bernardino are no longer pro Muslim.. Want to ask them what they think about the President's tweets?

San Bernardino shooting updates
50 dead, Islamic terrorism tie eyed in Orlando gay bar shooting
What the hell will be your excuse when the next Muslim terror attack happens??

Because you KNOW it will happen & we should NOT be inviting more trouble into our country when we do not HAVE to!!
I feel that President Trump (for whom I proudly voted) should NOT have posted those videos, especially if there is doubt about their authenticity.

I also feel that Prime Minister May should NOT have criticized our president, although I realize that she was under pressure to do so.


This whole Muslim matter is such an emotional one that it is very hard to discuss it in a civil manner.

Some people insist that Muslim immigrants are no different from Christian or Jewish or Buddhist immigrants.

But other people feel that Muslim beliefs differ markedly from what most Christians, Jewish people, or Buddhists believe in 2017.


Some Americans are concerned about the impact that Muslims will have on our country if they continue to grow in numbers and start exerting their influence on legislation regarding abortion, gay rights, women's rights, etc.

I feel that such a concern is legitimate and should not be instantly dismissed as "racist."

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