Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

Donald Trump retweets far-right videos

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
Britain First was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).
The group has grabbed attention on social media with controversial posts about what they deem "the Islamification of the UK".
It has put up members to run in European elections and by-elections on anti-immigration and anti-abortion policies, but has yet to secure any seats.

It also contested the most recent London mayoral election, receiving 1.2% of the vote.

Responding to the posts from Mr Trump, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's official spokesman said it was "wrong for the President to have done this".

Has the man gone crazy? he just showing his true colors?

Basically, what Trump did is the equivalent of RE-TWEETING videos that were first disseminated by our own KKK or White Supremacist groups.
He is far more inquisitive than an idiot like you.

The majority of Muslims are extreme if you apply the same standards to Muslims that are applied to Christians.
See two peas in a pod. Nothing but fear mongers spewing bullshit.

And trumps very inquisitive. It stems from his idiocy. He comes up with great questions like: what’s nato? Where’s Puerto Rico? If we have nukes why don’t we use them?

You want to see a dumb ass...

Take a look at what you liberals put in office....

Say hello to hank "Guam might tump over" Johnson
That link leads no where. Just like con logic.
Go to youtube. In the search window thingy type or copy the following... Hank Johnson Guam...

It's amazing to me how you people claim to be really smart when you can't even find information that isn't spoon fed to you with a direct link.
A direct link that leads no where.
Only useful to people going no where (hence the source)
And yet there you are. Too dumb to arrive any place other than nowhere. Even given all the clues and information you still couldn't do it for yourself unless it was spoon fed to you. You should probably take an inventory of yourself at this point.

Trump was right about that. He proves it every day.
See two peas in a pod. Nothing but fear mongers spewing bullshit.

And trumps very inquisitive. It stems from his idiocy. He comes up with great questions like: what’s nato? Where’s Puerto Rico? If we have nukes why don’t we use them?

You want to see a dumb ass...

Take a look at what you liberals put in office....

Say hello to hank "Guam might tump over" Johnson
That link leads no where. Just like con logic.
Go to youtube. In the search window thingy type or copy the following... Hank Johnson Guam...

It's amazing to me how you people claim to be really smart when you can't even find information that isn't spoon fed to you with a direct link.
A direct link that leads no where.
Only useful to people going no where (hence the source)
And yet there you are. Too dumb to arrive any place other than nowhere. Even given all the clues and information you still couldn't do it for yourself unless it was spoon fed to you. You should probably take an inventory of yourself at this point.
At least I can articulate my thoughts using full sentences, dummy.
You want to see a dumb ass...

Take a look at what you liberals put in office....

Say hello to hank "Guam might tump over" Johnson
That link leads no where. Just like con logic.
Go to youtube. In the search window thingy type or copy the following... Hank Johnson Guam...

It's amazing to me how you people claim to be really smart when you can't even find information that isn't spoon fed to you with a direct link.
A direct link that leads no where.
Only useful to people going no where (hence the source)
And yet there you are. Too dumb to arrive any place other than nowhere. Even given all the clues and information you still couldn't do it for yourself unless it was spoon fed to you. You should probably take an inventory of yourself at this point.
At least I can articulate my thoughts using full sentences, dummy.
Says the genius that couldn't even work up proper punctuation.

A direct link that leads no where.
Only useful to people going no where (hence the source)

You may want to jump off the grammar nazi train before it gets rolling too fast.
He is far more inquisitive than an idiot like you.

The majority of Muslims are extreme if you apply the same standards to Muslims that are applied to Christians.
See two peas in a pod. Nothing but fear mongers spewing bullshit.

And trumps very inquisitive. It stems from his idiocy. He comes up with great questions like: what’s nato? Where’s Puerto Rico? If we have nukes why don’t we use them?
If I am spewing bullshit about Muslims being mostly extreme, then you are admitting that there are no extreme Christians.

If you were to have the average Muslim and the most extreme Christian both write out their beliefs on a wide range of issues, you would not be able to properly apply the Muslim’s or the Christian’s beliefs to the believer from just what is written.

When's the last time you heard of a
Christian cutting someone's head off
or blowing up school children for Allah....
That is the point of my post.

The most extreme Christians are no more radical than touted “moderate” Muslims.
Open a history book. Christians have a very bloody past.

What does the past have to do with killing people today? Are we supposed to excuse terror now for then. That is a totally illogical argument.
I hate muslims, but I love the way they treat the homos
We don't treat them like you do. I lived ina majority Muslim country and they weren' killed or jailed for being gay. Harassed and teased like in the US, maybe.
L.G.B.T. people are twice as likely to be targeted as African-Americans, and the rate of hate crimes against them has surpassed that of crimes against Jews.
Maybe Homos should move to the safety of a muslim country, what country did you live in? me gays are treated the same way like least in Morocco we don't kill them like here in the US.
Just look at this bigoted, misleading, and inflammatory picture!

Don't worry too much

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Show me a white American who slaughtered 3000 fellow Americans all at once, you blithering idiot.
Timothy McVeigh killed 168 and injured hundreds on his did dozens of mass shooters, bigots, and others. There is bad in every group of people.
Donald Trump retweets far-right videos

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
Britain First was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).
The group has grabbed attention on social media with controversial posts about what they deem "the Islamification of the UK".
It has put up members to run in European elections and by-elections on anti-immigration and anti-abortion policies, but has yet to secure any seats.

It also contested the most recent London mayoral election, receiving 1.2% of the vote.

Responding to the posts from Mr Trump, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's official spokesman said it was "wrong for the President to have done this".

Has the man gone crazy? he just showing his true colors?
What a fucking loser. Whines incessantly about fake news but he's the one putting out fake news.

Trump is really dangerous. He is so dangerous, it's really scary.

Scaring morons like you is one of his big positives, dear.
I guess you'l be laughing when North Korea lands an atomic bomb on American territory or when ISIS really hits America or American interests harder and more pervasively than they ever have.

When we lose the support of our strongest allies, like Great Britain. Theresa May has already commented negatively on Trump's tweeting a video from a far right group in GB. You people have very skewed knowledge and understanding of the broader world and our place in it.

And seriously, if you think getting people upset is an important aspect of what you want in a president, you are like little children wanting a school ground fight. Maybe 'ordinary' people can have an infantile view of international relations, but not a sitting president.

This is real life, and it affects all the millions of people in the US and beyond. It is very dangerous for Trump to do the idiot things he does. He is destroying America.
Trump is really dangerous. He is so dangerous, it's really scary.

Scaring morons like you is one of his big positives, dear.
I guess you'l be laughing when North Korea lands an atomic bomb on American territory or when ISIS really hits America or American interests harder and more pervasively than they ever have.

When we lose the support of our strongest allies, like Great Britain. Theresa May has already commented negatively on Trump's tweeting a video from a far right group in GB. You people have very skewed knowledge and understanding of the broader world and our place in it.

And seriously, if you think getting people upset is an important aspect of what you want in a president, you are like little children wanting a school ground fight. Maybe 'ordinary' people can have an infantile view of international relations, but not a sitting president.

This is real life, and it affects all the millions of people in the US and beyond. It is very dangerous for Trump to do the idiot things he does. He is destroying America.
Theresa May is a traitorous bitch, just like Merkel.
Donald Trump retweets far-right videos

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
Britain First was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).
The group has grabbed attention on social media with controversial posts about what they deem "the Islamification of the UK".
It has put up members to run in European elections and by-elections on anti-immigration and anti-abortion policies, but has yet to secure any seats.

It also contested the most recent London mayoral election, receiving 1.2% of the vote.

Responding to the posts from Mr Trump, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's official spokesman said it was "wrong for the President to have done this".

Has the man gone crazy? he just showing his true colors?

Britain First are a bunch of ignorant idiots. They left the BNP because they didn't like Nick Griffin, and the Far Right has sunk down ever since. Griffin was their only hope, but he had them speaking tricky language, instead of outright racism, and they hated it. The Far Right hates itself as much as it hates others. They're just hate filled idiots, and I don't use the term "idiot" as an insult, it's a reality.
Trump is really dangerous. He is so dangerous, it's really scary.

Scaring morons like you is one of his big positives, dear.
I guess you'l be laughing when North Korea lands an atomic bomb on American territory or when ISIS really hits America or American interests harder and more pervasively than they ever have.

When we lose the support of our strongest allies, like Great Britain. Theresa May has already commented negatively on Trump's tweeting a video from a far right group in GB. You people have very skewed knowledge and understanding of the broader world and our place in it.

And seriously, if you think getting people upset is an important aspect of what you want in a president, you are like little children wanting a school ground fight. Maybe 'ordinary' people can have an infantile view of international relations, but not a sitting president.

This is real life, and it affects all the millions of people in the US and beyond. It is very dangerous for Trump to do the idiot things he does. He is destroying America.
Theresa May is a traitorous bitch, just like Merkel.
Do you actually, seriously believe this kind of thing? You are nuts.
Trump is really dangerous. He is so dangerous, it's really scary.

Scaring morons like you is one of his big positives, dear.
I guess you'l be laughing when North Korea lands an atomic bomb on American territory or when ISIS really hits America or American interests harder and more pervasively than they ever have.

When we lose the support of our strongest allies, like Great Britain. Theresa May has already commented negatively on Trump's tweeting a video from a far right group in GB. You people have very skewed knowledge and understanding of the broader world and our place in it.

And seriously, if you think getting people upset is an important aspect of what you want in a president, you are like little children wanting a school ground fight. Maybe 'ordinary' people can have an infantile view of international relations, but not a sitting president.

This is real life, and it affects all the millions of people in the US and beyond. It is very dangerous for Trump to do the idiot things he does. He is destroying America.

Yes and no Esmeralda
Trump's tweets are his responsibility.
North Korea's attacks are theirs, and ISIS theirs.
If you are giving Trump as much power over his tweets
as ISIS and North Korea with their bombs and attacks,
that's way too much power, way out of proportion.

Can't the average person tell the difference between
when Trump is mouthing off in the media and when
he seriously signs and issues orders.

If you or other nations' leaders are going to jump overboard
over Trump's tweets, then he's not the only person off balance here.

Policy makers and leaders should know better than
to make policy decisions over what is said in the media including
Trump tweeting or posting his personal statements.

That's not the same as Congressional laws or Executive orders.
We need to focus on the real policies,
and maybe separate the media games and wars going on
so these aren't confused with valid public policy.

No wonder the whole world is "blowing up"
if everyone tries to take every word out of Trump's mouth
seriously and literally. No wonder!

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