Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

TV presenter and journalist Piers Morgan, who has called himself a "friend" of the president, tweeted: "What the hell are you doing?"
"Please STOP this madness & undo your retweets," he said.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a US-based civil rights group, said: "These are actions one would expect to see on virulent anti-Muslim hate sites, not on the Twitter feed of the president of the United States."
"Trump's posts amount to incitement to violence against American Muslims," they added.
The head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an anti-bigotry group, said the president's retweets would "embolden bigots in the US and abroad".
Hard to believe we entrusted this man to lead our country
Not really. Just look at you idiots. In any given circumstance you will side with muslims, illegals, criminals. Anyone but the average US citizen. You lost because of that and in four years the gap will be blown open so wide you may not even fucking win California's electoral votes.
...Hard to believe we entrusted this man to lead our country
Hard to believe that the Dems would go sssooooo far to The Left that decent, respectable folks felt like they had no choice other than to take a chance on a loud-mouthed lout...

A party that sides with an invasion-wave of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than their own countrymen...

A party that crams the Gay Agenda down the country's throat...

That party is just askin' for trouble at the polls...

Well... congratulations... you wanted trouble at the polls... you got it...

"Elections have consequences." - Barack Obama, January, 2009
Glad he is awakened by the dangers Muslims can present to White people, especially ones that are handicapped. Nevertheless, American icon David Duke praised our glorious leader for retreating the video.

From David Duke, Patriotic American Icon!

David Duke
David Duke
Trump retweets video of crippled white kid in Europe being beaten by migrants, and white people being thrown off a roof and then beaten to death, He's condemned for showing us what the fake news media WON'T. Thank God for Trump! That's why we love him!
8:33 AM · Nov 29, 2017

The retweet

David Duke is a racist as are you. How many crimes were committed by Europeans. The Oklahoma City bombing was heinous and done by whites. This is inflammatory racism and nothing more. The people behind this are fascists who send Christian patrols to mosques to attempt to intimidate Muslims.

Even Alex Jones' organization is admonishing Trump for using this source. That is pretty bad. Little wonder that Americans think Trump is a racist.
Muslims don't belong in my peoples country! The brilliant founders didn't create this country for them in mind, nor Wetbacks.
Yes they did...Notice how there is reference to whom may live here...
White people of good character....

The Founders were extreme white nationalists.
The only mention of reduced status of citizens was the 3/5ths law...
Is that why Native Americans couldn’t vote or be counted as citizens initially?

Have you ever actually read what the founder’s said about race?

Hell, have you ever read what Lincoln said about integration?
Glad he is awakened by the dangers Muslims can present to White people, especially ones that are handicapped. Nevertheless, American icon David Duke praised our glorious leader for retreating the video.

From David Duke, Patriotic American Icon!

David Duke
David Duke
Trump retweets video of crippled white kid in Europe being beaten by migrants, and white people being thrown off a roof and then beaten to death, He's condemned for showing us what the fake news media WON'T. Thank God for Trump! That's why we love him!
8:33 AM · Nov 29, 2017

The retweet

David Duke is a racist as are you. How many crimes were committed by Europeans. The Oklahoma City bombing was heinous and done by whites. This is inflammatory racism and nothing more. The people behind this are fascists who send Christian patrols to mosques to attempt to intimidate Muslims.

Even Alex Jones' organization is admonishing Trump for using this source. That is pretty bad. Little wonder that Americans think Trump is a racist.
Muslims don't belong in my peoples country! The brilliant founders didn't create this country for them in mind, nor Wetbacks.
Yes they did...Notice how there is reference to whom may live here...
The founders specifically created this country for White people of European heritage via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress.

Naturalization Act of 1790

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free white persons of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians]
David Duke is a racist as are you. How many crimes were committed by Europeans. The Oklahoma City bombing was heinous and done by whites. This is inflammatory racism and nothing more. The people behind this are fascists who send Christian patrols to mosques to attempt to intimidate Muslims.

Even Alex Jones' organization is admonishing Trump for using this source. That is pretty bad. Little wonder that Americans think Trump is a racist.
Muslims don't belong in my peoples country! The brilliant founders didn't create this country for them in mind, nor Wetbacks.
Yes they did...Notice how there is reference to whom may live here...
White people of good character....

The Founders were extreme white nationalists.
The only mention of reduced status of citizens was the 3/5ths law...
Is that why Native Americans couldn’t vote or be counted as citizens initially?

Have you ever actually read what the founder’s said about race?

Hell, have you ever read what Lincoln said about integration?
It was the declared 100 years war with the Indians that prevented that, plus they have sovereignty rights and are considered their own nations....Thus the use of the treaty for a contract..
Muslims don't belong in my peoples country! The brilliant founders didn't create this country for them in mind, nor Wetbacks.
Yes they did...Notice how there is reference to whom may live here...
White people of good character....

The Founders were extreme white nationalists.
The only mention of reduced status of citizens was the 3/5ths law...
Is that why Native Americans couldn’t vote or be counted as citizens initially?

Have you ever actually read what the founder’s said about race?

Hell, have you ever read what Lincoln said about integration?
It was the declared 100 years war with the Indians that prevented that, plus they have sovereignty rights and are considered their own nations....Thus the use of the treaty for a contract..
There were plenty of “assimilated” natives that still couldn’t enjoy of the right of citizenship.

Try again.
The truth about the muzz should never be revealed. It hurts their feelings.
The truth about the Christians should never be revealed. It hurts their feelings.


That's a DNC gathering from back in the day....good find.
It's a right wing Christian terrorist gathering.

Your political ancestors.

You're welcome.

Not sure if my ancestors were members of the KKK but many of my ancestors did save blacks from dying in Africa by putting them to work here in the states. How thoughtful of them huh? What awesome people they were to save people on the other side of the globe from near certain death by disease, starvation, murder...etc.
Does that scare the fuck out of or what? Are you rolling up in the fetal position? Need a straight jacket?

You have no idea of reality.

And you're stupid.

There was nothing good about being kidnapped, taken far from home, having your language, culture, religion beaten and raped out of you.

The idea that enslaving human beings saved them from the very thing they faced BECAUSE they were kidnapped - smh

You are right...

Slavery was an evil and terrible thing and those

that participated are no doubt burning in hell...

But if all the civil rights leaders of today could

go back in time and press a magic button, and

make it where slavery never happened, and

they would all be born in Africa instead of America........

Would they push the button?
Yes they did...Notice how there is reference to whom may live here...
White people of good character....

The Founders were extreme white nationalists.
The only mention of reduced status of citizens was the 3/5ths law...
Is that why Native Americans couldn’t vote or be counted as citizens initially?

Have you ever actually read what the founder’s said about race?

Hell, have you ever read what Lincoln said about integration?
It was the declared 100 years war with the Indians that prevented that, plus they have sovereignty rights and are considered their own nations....Thus the use of the treaty for a contract..
There were plenty of “assimilated” natives that still couldn’t enjoy of the right of citizenship.

Try again.
If the state allowed for it, but not until 1924 at the fed level....
White people of good character....

The Founders were extreme white nationalists.
The only mention of reduced status of citizens was the 3/5ths law...
Is that why Native Americans couldn’t vote or be counted as citizens initially?

Have you ever actually read what the founder’s said about race?

Hell, have you ever read what Lincoln said about integration?
It was the declared 100 years war with the Indians that prevented that, plus they have sovereignty rights and are considered their own nations....Thus the use of the treaty for a contract..
There were plenty of “assimilated” natives that still couldn’t enjoy of the right of citizenship.

Try again.
If the state allowed for it, but not until 1924 at the fed level....
Because people like Jefferson and Franklin and the entire continental congress were unabashed white nationalists.

You are a fool if you truly believe otherwise.
The truth about the Christians should never be revealed. It hurts their feelings.


That's a DNC gathering from back in the day....good find.
It's a right wing Christian terrorist gathering.

Your political ancestors.

You're welcome.

Not sure if my ancestors were members of the KKK but many of my ancestors did save blacks from dying in Africa by putting them to work here in the states. How thoughtful of them huh? What awesome people they were to save people on the other side of the globe from near certain death by disease, starvation, murder...etc.
Does that scare the fuck out of or what? Are you rolling up in the fetal position? Need a straight jacket?

You have no idea of reality.

And you're stupid.

There was nothing good about being kidnapped, taken far from home, having your language, culture, religion beaten and raped out of you.

The idea that enslaving human beings saved them from the very thing they faced BECAUSE they were kidnapped - smh

You are right...

Slavery was an evil and terrible thing and those

that participated are no doubt burning in hell...

But if all the civil rights leaders of today could

go back in time and press a magic button, and

make it where slavery never happened, and

they would all be born in Africa instead of America........

Would they push the button?
They have the button. It's a one way ticket for a flight back to Africa you get online. Click the button.
It’s “far right” to post videos of Muslims destroying churches?

The retweets were from a known far-right British group..but you knew that, right?

By retweeting them. Trump gives the appearance of agreeing with the groups aims and methods..some see it as emboldening those pond scum in this country that adhere to extreme Alt/right views...others see it as fear-mongering..still others see it as simply inappropriate for the President of the US to throw gas on these fires.

Of course, his base, especially those who are anti-Muslim--will eat this up like custard.

Me? I cheer every time Trump posts stuff like this...he reveals who and what he is...and two thirds of the country...are watching in disgust.

The 34%? Well..enjoy the moment...a reckoning is coming.

Hey Butt Hurt...
Where were you at on the obama's
going to a Racist Church for 20 years?

I don't give a shit about who goes to what church..and i don't give a shit about Obama..he never was my guy.
The truth about the Christians should never be revealed. It hurts their feelings.


That's a DNC gathering from back in the day....good find.
It's a right wing Christian terrorist gathering.

Your political ancestors.

You're welcome.

Not sure if my ancestors were members of the KKK but many of my ancestors did save blacks from dying in Africa by putting them to work here in the states. How thoughtful of them huh? What awesome people they were to save people on the other side of the globe from near certain death by disease, starvation, murder...etc.
Does that scare the fuck out of or what? Are you rolling up in the fetal position? Need a straight jacket?

You have no idea of reality.

And you're stupid.

There was nothing good about being kidnapped, taken far from home, having your language, culture, religion beaten and raped out of you.

The idea that enslaving human beings saved them from the very thing they faced BECAUSE they were kidnapped - smh

You are right...

Slavery was an evil and terrible thing and those

that participated are no doubt burning in hell...

But if all the civil rights leaders of today could

go back in time and press a magic button, and

make it where slavery never happened, and

they would all be born in Africa instead of America........

Would they push the button?

The obvious answer is scary to acknowledge for the nutless Left. Most will pretend they never read your post.
Donald Trump retweets far-right videos

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
Britain First was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).
The group has grabbed attention on social media with controversial posts about what they deem "the Islamification of the UK".
It has put up members to run in European elections and by-elections on anti-immigration and anti-abortion policies, but has yet to secure any seats.

It also contested the most recent London mayoral election, receiving 1.2% of the vote.

Responding to the posts from Mr Trump, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's official spokesman said it was "wrong for the President to have done this".

Has the man gone crazy? he just showing his true colors?
True colors. He has always been anti Muslim. He makes up bigoted stories, bans them from entering the country, and generally equates the entire religion to a small percentage of extremists/ terrorists.
He loves conspiracy theories, doesn’t vet his sources, and is very susceptible to anything that encourages his extreme xenophobia.
He is far more inquisitive than an idiot like you.

The majority of Muslims are extreme if you apply the same standards to Muslims that are applied to Christians.
See two peas in a pod. Nothing but fear mongers spewing bullshit.

And trumps very inquisitive. It stems from his idiocy. He comes up with great questions like: what’s nato? Where’s Puerto Rico? If we have nukes why don’t we use them?

You want to see a dumb ass...

Take a look at what you liberals put in office....

Say hello to hank "Guam might tump over" Johnson

Last edited:
Donald Trump retweets far-right videos

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
Britain First was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).
The group has grabbed attention on social media with controversial posts about what they deem "the Islamification of the UK".
It has put up members to run in European elections and by-elections on anti-immigration and anti-abortion policies, but has yet to secure any seats.

It also contested the most recent London mayoral election, receiving 1.2% of the vote.

Responding to the posts from Mr Trump, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's official spokesman said it was "wrong for the President to have done this".

Has the man gone crazy? he just showing his true colors?
True colors. He has always been anti Muslim. He makes up bigoted stories, bans them from entering the country, and generally equates the entire religion to a small percentage of extremists/ terrorists.
He loves conspiracy theories, doesn’t vet his sources, and is very susceptible to anything that encourages his extreme xenophobia.
He is far more inquisitive than an idiot like you.

The majority of Muslims are extreme if you apply the same standards to Muslims that are applied to Christians.
See two peas in a pod. Nothing but fear mongers spewing bullshit.

And trumps very inquisitive. It stems from his idiocy. He comes up with great questions like: what’s nato? Where’s Puerto Rico? If we have nukes why don’t we use them?

You want to see a dumb ass...

Take a look at what you liberals put in office....

Say hello to hank "Guam might tump over" Johnson
That link leads no where. Just like con logic.
Ptbw laughs because him and trump are two peas in a pod.
I laugh because you are a dumbass who genuinely doesn't have a clue.

Trump can’t reveal what he believes on most issues because the vast majority of the country and the western world is every bit as reactionary as a 2 year old when it comes to religion and race.
Every thought that crosses trumps mind, is spoken out loud. That’s one of his main problems. (Besides being a narcissistic psychopath)
Except his siding with the alt-right on Twitter that he doesn’t back up when he has a microphone to his face....
Donald Trump retweets far-right videos

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
Britain First was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).
The group has grabbed attention on social media with controversial posts about what they deem "the Islamification of the UK".
It has put up members to run in European elections and by-elections on anti-immigration and anti-abortion policies, but has yet to secure any seats.

It also contested the most recent London mayoral election, receiving 1.2% of the vote.

Responding to the posts from Mr Trump, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's official spokesman said it was "wrong for the President to have done this".

Has the man gone crazy? he just showing his true colors?
True colors. He has always been anti Muslim. He makes up bigoted stories, bans them from entering the country, and generally equates the entire religion to a small percentage of extremists/ terrorists.
He loves conspiracy theories, doesn’t vet his sources, and is very susceptible to anything that encourages his extreme xenophobia.
He is far more inquisitive than an idiot like you.

The majority of Muslims are extreme if you apply the same standards to Muslims that are applied to Christians.
See two peas in a pod. Nothing but fear mongers spewing bullshit.

And trumps very inquisitive. It stems from his idiocy. He comes up with great questions like: what’s nato? Where’s Puerto Rico? If we have nukes why don’t we use them?
If I am spewing bullshit about Muslims being mostly extreme, then you are admitting that there are no extreme Christians.

If you were to have the average Muslim and the most extreme Christian both write out their beliefs on a wide range of issues, you would not be able to properly apply the Muslim’s or the Christian’s beliefs to the believer from just what is written.

When's the last time you heard of a
Christian cutting someone's head off
or blowing up school children for Allah....
Glad he is awakened by the dangers Muslims can present to White people, especially ones that are handicapped. Nevertheless, American icon David Duke praised our glorious leader for retreating the video.

From David Duke, Patriotic American Icon!

David Duke
David Duke
Trump retweets video of crippled white kid in Europe being beaten by migrants, and white people being thrown off a roof and then beaten to death, He's condemned for showing us what the fake news media WON'T. Thank God for Trump! That's why we love him!
8:33 AM · Nov 29, 2017

The retweet

David Duke is a racist as are you. How many crimes were committed by Europeans. The Oklahoma City bombing was heinous and done by whites. This is inflammatory racism and nothing more. The people behind this are fascists who send Christian patrols to mosques to attempt to intimidate Muslims.

Even Alex Jones' organization is admonishing Trump for using this source. That is pretty bad. Little wonder that Americans think Trump is a racist.
Muslims don't belong in my peoples country! The brilliant founders didn't create this country for them in mind, nor Wetbacks.

White trash like you does not belong in this country. The founders created this country as a haven for people to seek freedom. They did not make it for just 1 group of people. Why racists like you are tolerated is beyond me.
The founding fathers were far more racist than David Duke ever has been.

The problem is that none of you idiots actually know anything about the founding of this country.

You would slander the founding fathers to defend David Duke. For example, the founding fathers made blacks a half a person so as not to reward slaveholding states.
Glad he is awakened by the dangers Muslims can present to White people, especially ones that are handicapped. Nevertheless, American icon David Duke praised our glorious leader for retreating the video.

From David Duke, Patriotic American Icon!

David Duke
David Duke
Trump retweets video of crippled white kid in Europe being beaten by migrants, and white people being thrown off a roof and then beaten to death, He's condemned for showing us what the fake news media WON'T. Thank God for Trump! That's why we love him!
8:33 AM · Nov 29, 2017

The retweet

David Duke is a racist as are you. How many crimes were committed by Europeans. The Oklahoma City bombing was heinous and done by whites. This is inflammatory racism and nothing more. The people behind this are fascists who send Christian patrols to mosques to attempt to intimidate Muslims.

Even Alex Jones' organization is admonishing Trump for using this source. That is pretty bad. Little wonder that Americans think Trump is a racist.
Muslims don't belong in my peoples country! The brilliant founders didn't create this country for them in mind, nor Wetbacks.

White trash like you does not belong in this country. The founders created this country as a haven for people to seek freedom. They did not make it for just 1 group of people. Why racists like you are tolerated is beyond me.
The founding fathers were far more racist than David Duke ever has been.

The problem is that none of you idiots actually know anything about the founding of this country.

You would slander the founding fathers to defend David Duke. For example, the founding fathers made blacks a half a person so as not to reward slaveholding states.
David Duke is 100 times more progressive than any founding father, but that doesn’t diminish what they built in any way.

Being against slavery is literally common sense today’s political climate. The Founders were more supportive of slavery than anyone living in America today.
...Hard to believe we entrusted this man to lead our country
Hard to believe that the Dems would go sssooooo far to The Left that decent, respectable folks felt like they had no choice other than to take a chance on a loud-mouthed lout...

A party that sides with an invasion-wave of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than their own countrymen...

A party that crams the Gay Agenda down the country's throat...

That party is just askin' for trouble at the polls...

Well... congratulations... you wanted trouble at the polls... you got it...

"Elections have consequences." - Barack Obama, January, 2009
They have gone so far left they don't even represent America. They represent Cuba, Venezuela, China maybe. Certainly not the USA.

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