Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

Britian First has been struggling to get the truth of the muzz in Britian out for years. They started off as just a group trying to get justice for British girls that had been raped by muzz men. Then as muzz depredations worsened, it changed to trying to get the entire truth of the muzz invasion out.

“Anti-Christian video”— Movie portraying fictional Christians as creeps & hypocrites

“Anti-Muslim video”— Video showing actual Muslims in real life.

ITV's survey of British Muslims: 52% say homosexuality should be illegal. But they want to keep Trump out to preserve "tolerance."
About Loonwatch
The people behind Loonwatch generally ignore or severely downplay Islamic terrorism, since the significance of the issues they promote compares poorly to the hundreds of shootings, bombings, stabbing and beheadings that occur each month in the name of Allah. My own website, (TROP) is a frequent target of theirs, since it presents a litany of Islamic violence that is difficult to ignore.

Read and tell me what is wrong with it. Where did you go Faun?
TheReligionofPeace - Answering Loonwatch

To save time, I use other sites to do work for me. Like I use Google to search the Net, I use LoonWatch to filter out nonsense. It’s a real time saver, you should try it some time.

And this was never much of a conversation. I don’t consider people who think we are at war with ¼ of the entire Earth’s population to be sane. So I really didn’t care much for what you had to say anyway. I only responded to point out we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with terrorism.
You are saying Google does your thinking for you? Are you even worth talking to?

No, I said Google does my searching for me. How do you search on the Internet unless you’re employing a search engine like Google?

Google puts anything that leans right at the bottom of the list. That proves they want no one reading the other side of the argument. I guess that is because your argument has 0 substance as why letting people know about Islam is dangerous or fascist or deserves your insults?

Why is it dangerous? Muslims are peaceful, right? If the threat was not evident none of this would be discussed.

Here's an example of a Google search which puts the gatewaypundit, which is conservative fake news central, at the top of the list...

Google Search: moore accuser faye gray

You should shut the fuck up before you hurt yourself.
Britian First has been struggling to get the truth of the muzz in Britian out for years. They started off as just a group trying to get justice for British girls that had been raped by muzz men. Then as muzz depredations worsened, it changed to trying to get the entire truth of the muzz invasion out.
You’ve had a few too many tipsy kitty. Back to bed with you.
So is alcohol, prostitution and yet we have hundreds of bars and thousands of prostitutes.
People are in prison for homosexuality in Morocco.

Face it, muslims are bad people
Not all. Not every American is a pedophile, rapists or a mass shooter.
You lied about Morocco
How? Gays are mistreated here and in Morocco alike. But they don't killed or jailed or being gays....i lived there and I've seen them hired as dancers in weddings and living their normal lives.
Thousands in the US get discriminated against, I bet you are a least most conservatives are.

Homosexuals are most certainly killed and jailed for being gay in Muslim countries. Stop lying.
Lived in one and didn't happen...i grow up around some...they were teased yes, but not bodily harmed...iw just like in the US.
Blah blah blah...your god Trump his first visit was in Saudi Arabia where the 15 hijackers came from and the biggest terrorism supporters....and yes he danced with them and no is not fake news.
Blah blah yourself, you never saw what happen to people after a terrorist Attack i already told you. you don't know anything about that.

I've seen what happens after a 1,000lb bomb hits a school...what do YOU know about that?

There is atrocity enough to go around..either you condemn it all..or you are a hypocrite and lack all credibility..simple as that.
But your thread talks about Muslims and Trump who shows what's really going on. but you do not want to see it either.
Trump is a dumb ass voted in by dumb asses who don't deferentiate between right and wrong.

So terrorism is right, is that what you are saying?

Of course you are.
Trump supporter? You talk just like him and lie just like him.
Blah blah yourself, you never saw what happen to people after a terrorist Attack i already told you. you don't know anything about that.

I've seen what happens after a 1,000lb bomb hits a school...what do YOU know about that?

There is atrocity enough to go around..either you condemn it all..or you are a hypocrite and lack all credibility..simple as that.
But your thread talks about Muslims and Trump who shows what's really going on. but you do not want to see it either.
Trump is a dumb ass voted in by dumb asses who don't deferentiate between right and wrong.

So terrorism is right, is that what you are saying?

Of course you are.
Yes, lefties have excuse for the terrorist there are such asshole
Trump is not a leftie...and he loves the Saudis.

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
Britian First has been struggling to get the truth of the muzz in Britian out for years. They started off as just a group trying to get justice for British girls that had been raped by muzz men. Then as muzz depredations worsened, it changed to trying to get the entire truth of the muzz invasion out.
You’ve had a few too many tipsy kitty. Back to bed with you.
What a BRILLIANT response. It sure beats reasoned facts. Britian First was the English Defense League and formed in 2011 to try to get the truth about the Rochdale sex abuse ring out. ALL evidence, all complaints were dismissed as being anti muslim.

They are still trying to smuggle the truth out. I am pleased that President Trump is helping spread the word.

Thank you President Trump for being on the side of the British People.
About Loonwatch
Read and tell me what is wrong with it. Where did you go Faun?
TheReligionofPeace - Answering Loonwatch

To save time, I use other sites to do work for me. Like I use Google to search the Net, I use LoonWatch to filter out nonsense. It’s a real time saver, you should try it some time.

And this was never much of a conversation. I don’t consider people who think we are at war with ¼ of the entire Earth’s population to be sane. So I really didn’t care much for what you had to say anyway. I only responded to point out we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with terrorism.
You are saying Google does your thinking for you? Are you even worth talking to?

No, I said Google does my searching for me. How do you search on the Internet unless you’re employing a search engine like Google?

Google puts anything that leans right at the bottom of the list. That proves they want no one reading the other side of the argument. I guess that is because your argument has 0 substance as why letting people know about Islam is dangerous or fascist or deserves your insults?

Why is it dangerous? Muslims are peaceful, right? If the threat was not evident none of this would be discussed.

Here's an example of a Google search which puts the gatewaypundit, which is conservative fake news central, at the top of the list...

Google Search: moore accuser faye gray

You should shut the fuck up before you hurt yourself.
And what does that change about Islam? Google is a PC giant, and you are its boy. And you should remember that Islam hurts everyone.
Britian First has been struggling to get the truth of the muzz in Britian out for years. They started off as just a group trying to get justice for British girls that had been raped by muzz men. Then as muzz depredations worsened, it changed to trying to get the entire truth of the muzz invasion out.
You’ve had a few too many tipsy kitty. Back to bed with you.
What a BRILLIANT response. It sure beats reasoned facts. Britian First was the English Defense League and formed in 2011 to try to get the truth about the Rochdale sex abuse ring out. ALL evidence, all complaints were dismissed as being anti muslim.

They are still trying to smuggle the truth out. I am pleased that President Trump is helping spread the word.

Thank you President Trump for being on the side of the British People.
Notice how you are dismissed when they have nothing to say, as in no answer?

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
I think America should put all gays in jail, like Morocco does
Britian First has been struggling to get the truth of the muzz in Britian out for years. They started off as just a group trying to get justice for British girls that had been raped by muzz men. Then as muzz depredations worsened, it changed to trying to get the entire truth of the muzz invasion out.
You’ve had a few too many tipsy kitty. Back to bed with you.
What a BRILLIANT response. It sure beats reasoned facts. Britian First was the English Defense League and formed in 2011 to try to get the truth about the Rochdale sex abuse ring out. ALL evidence, all complaints were dismissed as being anti muslim.

They are still trying to smuggle the truth out. I am pleased that President Trump is helping spread the word.

Thank you President Trump for being on the side of the British People.
Notice how you are dismissed when they have nothing to say, as in no answer?

They come up with some nonsense which amounts to "So's yer old man".

There is an on-line insult generator. I suspect most of the posters here use it.

You Pat-Buchanan-lovin' book-wormish conceited smelly-crotched hag !!

I think I'll book mark it.

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
I think America should put all gays in jail, like Morocco does
Nah we don' Mr fake news. Elton John constantly visits and sings there. We see gays everyday doing different types of jobs and even on socially unacceptable but we don' kill them or hurt them like in the US.

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
I think America should put all gays in jail, like Morocco does
Nah we don' Mr fake news. Elton John constantly visits and sings there. We see gays everyday doing different types of jobs and even on socially unacceptable but we don' kill them or hurt them like in the US.

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
I think America should put all gays in jail, like Morocco does
Nah we don' Mr fake news. Elton John constantly visits and sings there. We see gays everyday doing different types of jobs and even on socially unacceptable but we don' kill them or hurt them like in the US.
And was released....he was caught in the act. Thousands don't....and respect the less of the land. I' sure the conservatives in the US would do so much harm if they can to the lays and lesbians.

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
I think America should put all gays in jail, like Morocco does
Nah we don' Mr fake news. Elton John constantly visits and sings there. We see gays everyday doing different types of jobs and even on socially unacceptable but we don' kill them or hurt them like in the US.
We better watch it we we will have more resolutions than Israel against us. We don't kill gays here. That is a totally stupid thing to say.

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
I think America should put all gays in jail, like Morocco does
Nah we don' Mr fake news. Elton John constantly visits and sings there. We see gays everyday doing different types of jobs and even on socially unacceptable but we don' kill them or hurt them like in the US.
We better watch it we we will have more resolutions than Israel against us. We don't kill gays here. That is a totally stupid thing to say.
28 Americans who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender were killed in 2016, which was up 17 percent from 24 killed the previous year, according to the annual report. The number of killings last year was the highest since 2012, when 25 LGBT people were killed.

To save time, I use other sites to do work for me. Like I use Google to search the Net, I use LoonWatch to filter out nonsense. It’s a real time saver, you should try it some time.

And this was never much of a conversation. I don’t consider people who think we are at war with ¼ of the entire Earth’s population to be sane. So I really didn’t care much for what you had to say anyway. I only responded to point out we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with terrorism.
You are saying Google does your thinking for you? Are you even worth talking to?

No, I said Google does my searching for me. How do you search on the Internet unless you’re employing a search engine like Google?

Google puts anything that leans right at the bottom of the list. That proves they want no one reading the other side of the argument. I guess that is because your argument has 0 substance as why letting people know about Islam is dangerous or fascist or deserves your insults?

Why is it dangerous? Muslims are peaceful, right? If the threat was not evident none of this would be discussed.

Here's an example of a Google search which puts the gatewaypundit, which is conservative fake news central, at the top of the list...

Google Search: moore accuser faye gray

You should shut the fuck up before you hurt yourself.
And what does that change about Islam? Google is a PC giant, and you are its boy. And you should remember that Islam hurts everyone.
I wasn't talking about Islam. I was refuting your idiocy about Google putting anything leaning right to the bottom of the list. I gave you a Google search that put right-leaning gatewaypundit at the top of the list.

As far as Islam, it's not hurting me. Some of the folks I work with are Muslim and they're perfectly nice. Though there was one woman a few years back who was fired because she wrote crappy code and she put up a stink that she was fired because she was Muslim; which was ridiculous since there were other Muslims still working there. But even that was about her as an individual and not about the religion.

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
I think America should put all gays in jail, like Morocco does
Nah we don' Mr fake news. Elton John constantly visits and sings there. We see gays everyday doing different types of jobs and even on socially unacceptable but we don' kill them or hurt them like in the US.
So? That happens here in the U.S. Are you gonna go to war with Christianity now?

You Can Still Be Arrested for Being Gay in Red-State America

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