Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gay people increased from 14% to 16% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[5]The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[5] In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[6]
I think America should put all gays in jail, like Morocco does

Why? Do you believe in legislating morality for others?
About Loonwatch
Read and tell me what is wrong with it. Where did you go Faun?
TheReligionofPeace - Answering Loonwatch

To save time, I use other sites to do work for me. Like I use Google to search the Net, I use LoonWatch to filter out nonsense. It’s a real time saver, you should try it some time.

And this was never much of a conversation. I don’t consider people who think we are at war with ¼ of the entire Earth’s population to be sane. So I really didn’t care much for what you had to say anyway. I only responded to point out we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with terrorism.
You are saying Google does your thinking for you? Are you even worth talking to?

No, I said Google does my searching for me. How do you search on the Internet unless you’re employing a search engine like Google?

Google puts anything that leans right at the bottom of the list. That proves they want no one reading the other side of the argument. I guess that is because your argument has 0 substance as why letting people know about Islam is dangerous or fascist or deserves your insults?

Why is it dangerous? Muslims are peaceful, right? If the threat was not evident none of this would be discussed.
so the question is why are they leaving their country?

To spread Islam as commanded in the Koran and Hadith.
Google puts anything that leans right at the bottom of the list. That proves they want no one reading the other side of the argument. I guess that is because your argument has 0 substance as why letting people know about Islam is dangerous or fascist or deserves your insults?

Why is it dangerous? Muslims are peaceful, right? If the threat was not evident none of this would be discussed.

Here's an example of a Google search which puts the gatewaypundit, which is conservative fake news central, at the top of the list...

Google Search: moore accuser faye gray

You should shut the fuck up before you hurt yourself.
And what does that change about Islam? Google is a PC giant, and you are its boy. And you should remember that Islam hurts everyone.
I wasn't talking about Islam. I was refuting your idiocy about Google putting anything leaning right to the bottom of the list. I gave you a Google search that put right-leaning gatewaypundit at the top of the list.

As far as Islam, it's not hurting me. Some of the folks I work with are Muslim and they're perfectly nice. Though there was one woman a few years back who was fired because she wrote crappy code and she put up a stink that she was fired because she was Muslim; which was ridiculous since there were other Muslims still working there. But even that was about her as an individual and not about the religion.
Explosive Video Claims Google Is Manipulating Search Results To Favor Hillary Clinton - Breitbart

Is Google Manipulating Search Results To Help Hillary Clinton?

Look at those. For you people the end justifies the means just like Islam,
looks like I proved Breitbart wrong then, doesn’t it? I just gave you a Google search and a right-lean website came out at the top of the list.

One search that depends on the way you worded it does not prove shit. That you think it does proves you are a moron.
Google puts anything that leans right at the bottom of the list. That proves they want no one reading the other side of the argument. I guess that is because your argument has 0 substance as why letting people know about Islam is dangerous or fascist or deserves your insults?

Why is it dangerous? Muslims are peaceful, right? If the threat was not evident none of this would be discussed.

Here's an example of a Google search which puts the gatewaypundit, which is conservative fake news central, at the top of the list...

Google Search: moore accuser faye gray

You should shut the fuck up before you hurt yourself.
And what does that change about Islam? Google is a PC giant, and you are its boy. And you should remember that Islam hurts everyone.
I wasn't talking about Islam. I was refuting your idiocy about Google putting anything leaning right to the bottom of the list. I gave you a Google search that put right-leaning gatewaypundit at the top of the list.

As far as Islam, it's not hurting me. Some of the folks I work with are Muslim and they're perfectly nice. Though there was one woman a few years back who was fired because she wrote crappy code and she put up a stink that she was fired because she was Muslim; which was ridiculous since there were other Muslims still working there. But even that was about her as an individual and not about the religion.
Explosive Video Claims Google Is Manipulating Search Results To Favor Hillary Clinton - Breitbart

Is Google Manipulating Search Results To Help Hillary Clinton?

Look at those. For you people the end justifies the means just like Islam,
Dude Islam didn't start world 1 and 2.
Islam didn't enslave natives in the Americas and killed millions.
Islam didn't 2nslave Asia, the Pacific, Africa and stole their resources.
Islam didn't topple regimes in dozens of countries and left those countries in ruins.
Islam didn't invade iraq, Afghanistan, lybia, ect....
Islam didn't drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Islam didn' gas innocent civilians Vietnam.
Islam doesn't sell weapons and create wats and arm both parties.
Islam doesn' veto and side with an apartheid state.
Look in the mirror before you point fingers.

Islam picked their side in both WW's. Most notably the losing sides. The Nazis had a lot in common and their is not an ideology closer to Islam than Nazism.
We did not enslave the Indians and Islam was and still is the premier slavers in the world. 130 million Africans died as a result of the Islamic slave trade.
Islam destroyed plenty of countries. To this day they blow up artifacts and try to wipe out any traces of any other culture. Ask the Buddhists who have had many statues destroyed. Ask the Egyptians whose artifacts were vandalized or destroyed.
Islam invaded Persia which is now Iran. They murdered Zoroastrians and Christians in a bloody conquest.
Islam gases their own, idiot.
Islam is the first KKK. They are worse than an apartheid state.

I will point all the fingers I want. Islams doctrine is hateful and violence and terror are sanctioned and rewarded.
Nobody wants to live in muslim countries
not even muslims
Basically all the refugees from Syria want to go back, there is the little matter of the horrible Civil War for 10 years and being bombed by both sides. Duh.
Who told you that?
Every respected media in the world mainly BBC and PBS, right-wing dupe.
The BBC and PBS are up to their eyeballs in liberal bias. Tell us another one, or is there a comedy forum you can post on?
Why? Do you believe in legislating morality for others?
Do you think pedofilia is OK

Why? Are you a pedophile?

Having sex with children is a crime against a minor person who cannot give consent. Which is totally different than sex between two consenting adults. But you knew that didn't you?
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Why? Do you believe in legislating morality for others?
Do you think pedofilia is OK

Why? Are you a pedophile?

Having sex with children is a crime against a minor person who cannot give consent. Which is totally different that sex between two consenting adults. But you knew that didn't you?
Are you playing dumb or are you serious? Tank is referring to Muhammad who was a pedophile.
Why? Do you believe in legislating morality for others?
Do you think pedofilia is OK

Why? Are you a pedophile?

Having sex with children is a crime against a minor person who cannot give consent. Which is totally different that sex between two consenting adults. But you knew that didn't you?
Are you playing dumb or are you serious? Tank is referring to Muhammad who was a pedophile.

And this is known how?
Why? Are you a pedophile?

Having sex with children is a crime against a minor person who cannot give consent. Which is totally different that sex between two consenting adults. But you knew that didn't you?
Then you must have a problem with islam, since their prophet married a SIX YEAR OLD and RAPED HER when she was NINE, not to mention taking CHILD BRIDES is COMMON in islam.

Now show us all your HYPOCRISY and continue SUPPORTING ISLAM.

The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham,[11] when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.[12][13][14] This timeline has been challenged by a number of scholars in modern times.
Why? Do you believe in legislating morality for others?
Do you think pedofilia is OK

Why? Are you a pedophile?

Having sex with children is a crime against a minor person who cannot give consent. Which is totally different that sex between two consenting adults. But you knew that didn't you?
Are you playing dumb or are you serious? Tank is referring to Muhammad who was a pedophile.

And this is known how?
Well if you are on this forum, and this topic, you should know something about Islam. It is common knowledge and proven by Islamic literature that Muhammad married a six year old and consummated the marriage when she was nine. Pre -pubescent.
Why? Do you believe in legislating morality for others?
Do you think pedofilia is OK

Why? Are you a pedophile?

Having sex with children is a crime against a minor person who cannot give consent. Which is totally different that sex between two consenting adults. But you knew that didn't you?
Are you playing dumb or are you serious? Tank is referring to Muhammad who was a pedophile.

And this is known how?
Well if you are on this forum, and this topic, you should know something about Islam. It is common knowledge and proven by Islamic literature that Muhammad married a six year old and consummated the marriage when she was nine. Pre -pubescent.

Islamic scholars do not agree, what is your source?
Do you think pedofilia is OK

Why? Are you a pedophile?

Having sex with children is a crime against a minor person who cannot give consent. Which is totally different that sex between two consenting adults. But you knew that didn't you?
Are you playing dumb or are you serious? Tank is referring to Muhammad who was a pedophile.

And this is known how?
Well if you are on this forum, and this topic, you should know something about Islam. It is common knowledge and proven by Islamic literature that Muhammad married a six year old and consummated the marriage when she was nine. Pre -pubescent.

Islamic scholars do not agree, what is your source?
You're a liar, and a pedophile apologist.

The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham,[11] when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.[12][13][14] This timeline has been challenged by a number of scholars in modern times.

Why is it challenged? Islam is completed it can not be changed. It is another attempt to whitewash a hateful supremacist violent ideology with a religious mask. Cowards would rather believe anything but the truth.

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