Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

Your little friends are hiding and then come out of their holes to come Kill innocent people by surprise, they are not even able to make a duel.
If Trump decides to growl and get out the weapons with the Republican people as in the good time of the far west.
View attachment 163648
The cowards will flee in their holes
Blah blah blah...your god Trump his first visit was in Saudi Arabia where the 15 hijackers came from and the biggest terrorism supporters....and yes he danced with them and no is not fake news.
Blah blah yourself, you never saw what happen to people after a terrorist Attack i already told you. you don't know anything about that.

I've seen what happens after a 1,000lb bomb hits a school...what do YOU know about that?

There is atrocity enough to go around..either you condemn it all..or you are a hypocrite and lack all credibility..simple as that.
But your thread talks about Muslims and Trump who shows what's really going on. but you do not want to see it either.
Trump is a dumb ass voted in by dumb asses who don't deferentiate between right and wrong.
Troll shill winner.
Screw the muslims. Nuke them all.
Go on give it a try, keyboard warrior.
Your little friends are hiding and then come out of their holes to come Kill innocent people by surprise, they are not even able to make a duel.
If Trump decides to growl and get out the weapons with the Republican people as in the good time of the far west.
View attachment 163648
The cowards will flee in their holes
Blah blah blah...your god Trump his first visit was in Saudi Arabia where the 15 hijackers came from and the biggest terrorism supporters....and yes he danced with them and no is not fake news.
Blah blah yourself, you never saw what happen to people after a terrorist Attack i already told you. you don't know anything about that.

I've seen what happens after a 1,000lb bomb hits a school...what do YOU know about that?

There is atrocity enough to go around..either you condemn it all..or you are a hypocrite and lack all credibility..simple as that.
I get a kick out of your signature. If anything is a pure ideology it is Islam. And death is no problem.
Go on give it a try, keyboard warrior.
Your little friends are hiding and then come out of their holes to come Kill innocent people by surprise, they are not even able to make a duel.
If Trump decides to growl and get out the weapons with the Republican people as in the good time of the far west.
View attachment 163648
The cowards will flee in their holes
Blah blah blah...your god Trump his first visit was in Saudi Arabia where the 15 hijackers came from and the biggest terrorism supporters....and yes he danced with them and no is not fake news.
Blah blah yourself, you never saw what happen to people after a terrorist Attack i already told you. you don't know anything about that.

I've seen what happens after a 1,000lb bomb hits a school...what do YOU know about that?

There is atrocity enough to go around..either you condemn it all..or you are a hypocrite and lack all credibility..simple as that.
I get a kick out of your signature. If anything is a pure ideology it is Islam. And death is no problem.

No again..there are many strains of Islam..just as there is in Christianity....ask a Moslem from Indonesia about Islam..and ask someone from will get very different answers. Then there are degrees of belief..some are fanatics..some really don't care..and most are in the middle.

As to my signature..yup..the pure ideology of Islam is are most ideologies..when strictly interpreted--including political ones. Including economic ones.
Christianity was no the hard-line days..millions dead..over subtle differences in theology. How many the name of Communism. In the name of Capitalism..including workers who died for corporate profits?

Ideological purity IS death. How pure is YOUR ideology? How willing are you to compromise for the greater good? How willing are you to give up on ideological purity in favor of pragmatic solutions?
Your little friends are hiding and then come out of their holes to come Kill innocent people by surprise, they are not even able to make a duel.
If Trump decides to growl and get out the weapons with the Republican people as in the good time of the far west.
View attachment 163648
The cowards will flee in their holes
Blah blah blah...your god Trump his first visit was in Saudi Arabia where the 15 hijackers came from and the biggest terrorism supporters....and yes he danced with them and no is not fake news.
Blah blah yourself, you never saw what happen to people after a terrorist Attack i already told you. you don't know anything about that.

I've seen what happens after a 1,000lb bomb hits a school...what do YOU know about that?

There is atrocity enough to go around..either you condemn it all..or you are a hypocrite and lack all credibility..simple as that.
I get a kick out of your signature. If anything is a pure ideology it is Islam. And death is no problem.

No again..there are many strains of Islam..just as there is in Christianity....ask a Moslem from Indonesia about Islam..and ask someone from will get very different answers. Then there are degrees of belief..some are fanatics..some really don't care..and most are in the middle.

As to my signature..yup..the pure ideology of Islam is are most ideologies..when strictly interpreted--including political ones. Including economic ones.
Christianity was no the hard-line days..millions dead..over subtle differences in theology. How many the name of Communism. In the name of Capitalism..including workers who died for corporate profits?

Ideological purity IS death. How pure is YOUR ideology? How willing are you to compromise for the greater good? How willing are you to give up on ideological purity in favor of pragmatic solutions?

My ideology is terrorizing no one.
Blah blah blah...your god Trump his first visit was in Saudi Arabia where the 15 hijackers came from and the biggest terrorism supporters....and yes he danced with them and no is not fake news.
Blah blah yourself, you never saw what happen to people after a terrorist Attack i already told you. you don't know anything about that.

I've seen what happens after a 1,000lb bomb hits a school...what do YOU know about that?

There is atrocity enough to go around..either you condemn it all..or you are a hypocrite and lack all credibility..simple as that.
I get a kick out of your signature. If anything is a pure ideology it is Islam. And death is no problem.

No again..there are many strains of Islam..just as there is in Christianity....ask a Moslem from Indonesia about Islam..and ask someone from will get very different answers. Then there are degrees of belief..some are fanatics..some really don't care..and most are in the middle.

As to my signature..yup..the pure ideology of Islam is are most ideologies..when strictly interpreted--including political ones. Including economic ones.
Christianity was no the hard-line days..millions dead..over subtle differences in theology. How many the name of Communism. In the name of Capitalism..including workers who died for corporate profits?

Ideological purity IS death. How pure is YOUR ideology? How willing are you to compromise for the greater good? How willing are you to give up on ideological purity in favor of pragmatic solutions?

My ideology is terrorizing no one.

Glad to hear it..I guess not everyone is Alt/right here--I have to watch my assumptions.
About Loonwatch
The people behind Loonwatch generally ignore or severely downplay Islamic terrorism, since the significance of the issues they promote compares poorly to the hundreds of shootings, bombings, stabbing and beheadings that occur each month in the name of Allah. My own website, (TROP) is a frequent target of theirs, since it presents a litany of Islamic violence that is difficult to ignore.

Read and tell me what is wrong with it. Where did you go Faun?
TheReligionofPeace - Answering Loonwatch

To save time, I use other sites to do work for me. Like I use Google to search the Net, I use LoonWatch to filter out nonsense. It’s a real time saver, you should try it some time.

And this was never much of a conversation. I don’t consider people who think we are at war with ¼ of the entire Earth’s population to be sane. So I really didn’t care much for what you had to say anyway. I only responded to point out we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with terrorism.
You are saying Google does your thinking for you? Are you even worth talking to?

No, I said Google does my searching for me. How do you search on the Internet unless you’re employing a search engine like Google?
That link leads no where. Just like con logic.
Go to youtube. In the search window thingy type or copy the following... Hank Johnson Guam...

It's amazing to me how you people claim to be really smart when you can't even find information that isn't spoon fed to you with a direct link.
A direct link that leads no where.
Only useful to people going no where (hence the source)
And yet there you are. Too dumb to arrive any place other than nowhere. Even given all the clues and information you still couldn't do it for yourself unless it was spoon fed to you. You should probably take an inventory of yourself at this point.
At least I can articulate my thoughts using full sentences, dummy.

Full sentences of articulated bull shit....
You're a liberal, it's all you got.......
Sticking up for your low brow friends. Nice :)
How many times is Trump going to give that same lame excuse?

Only the tards could possibly believe it this time.

Go to youtube. In the search window thingy type or copy the following... Hank Johnson Guam...

It's amazing to me how you people claim to be really smart when you can't even find information that isn't spoon fed to you with a direct link.
A direct link that leads no where.
Only useful to people going no where (hence the source)
And yet there you are. Too dumb to arrive any place other than nowhere. Even given all the clues and information you still couldn't do it for yourself unless it was spoon fed to you. You should probably take an inventory of yourself at this point.
At least I can articulate my thoughts using full sentences, dummy.

Full sentences of articulated bull shit....
You're a liberal, it's all you got.......
Sticking up for your low brow friends. Nice :)
High enough brow to know how youtube works.
Donald Trump retweets far-right videos

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
Britain First was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).
The group has grabbed attention on social media with controversial posts about what they deem "the Islamification of the UK".
It has put up members to run in European elections and by-elections on anti-immigration and anti-abortion policies, but has yet to secure any seats.

It also contested the most recent London mayoral election, receiving 1.2% of the vote.

Responding to the posts from Mr Trump, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's official spokesman said it was "wrong for the President to have done this".

Has the man gone crazy? he just showing his true colors?

I don't think we're seeing anything different in Trumps behavior than wasn't prevalent throughout the campaign season. He's always been bat shit crazy.

They really couldn't have found a worse President than Trump if they had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.
Yeah Oreo, Trump HAS always been batshit crazy.

Only thing is, this time he's got the ability to run this country into the ground and start a nuclear war while being batshit crazy.
Go to youtube. In the search window thingy type or copy the following... Hank Johnson Guam...

It's amazing to me how you people claim to be really smart when you can't even find information that isn't spoon fed to you with a direct link.
A direct link that leads no where.
Only useful to people going no where (hence the source)
And yet there you are. Too dumb to arrive any place other than nowhere. Even given all the clues and information you still couldn't do it for yourself unless it was spoon fed to you. You should probably take an inventory of yourself at this point.
At least I can articulate my thoughts using full sentences, dummy.

Full sentences of articulated bull shit....
You're a liberal, it's all you got.......
Sticking up for your low brow friends. Nice :)

That's me....
was it fake or something? I'm curious as to what the issue actually is?

The Stories Behind Three Anti-Muslim Videos Shared by Trump
No one gives a shit except apologist pussyfied liberal cry babies.

I seeking the truth is a pussified, liberal, crybaby thing to do, is it?

I guess just making it up as you go..excusing lying and manipulation....peddling hate..misrepresenting facts..that's the alpha male, Alt/right way.

Explains much about your posts, thank you.
so hands up don't shoot was true? how long did you milk that baby?
I have no idea what you are talking about..that was a BLM thing, right..not a lot of BLM here in Idaho..LOL.

I seeking the truth is a pussified, liberal, crybaby thing to do, is it?

I guess just making it up as you go..excusing lying and manipulation....peddling hate..misrepresenting facts..that's the alpha male, Alt/right way.

Explains much about your posts, thank you.
so hands up don't shoot was true? how long did you milk that baby?
I have no idea what you are talking about..that was a BLM thing, right..not a lot of BLM here in Idaho..LOL.
dude, that hands up shit was on the fking tube for over one fking year. And it was fake. These videos are not fake, they are real. so what? what is it you're afraid of?

I seeking the truth is a pussified, liberal, crybaby thing to do, is it?

I guess just making it up as you go..excusing lying and manipulation....peddling hate..misrepresenting facts..that's the alpha male, Alt/right way.

Explains much about your posts, thank you.
so hands up don't shoot was true? how long did you milk that baby?
I have no idea what you are talking about..that was a BLM thing, right..not a lot of BLM here in Idaho..LOL.
dude, that hands up shit was on the fking tube for over one fking year. And it was fake. These videos are not fake, they are real. so what? what is it you're afraid of?
Not from real journalists or politicians... Brainwashed functional morons...
not sure what I'm looking at there. the incidents happened. The mere fact that a muslim was born in the netherlands proves nothing. He is still muslim. You all keep making sure to announce to the world muslim is great. yeah look at that greatness.

BTW "hands up don't shoot" you still believe that one? should we look up your posts on that one when it happened? I bet you were all over the cops. LOL, you are one of the biggest fking hypocrites on this board.
These three videos are no evidence at all they're just stupid hateful ridiculous bull s***. Trump's specialty along with Fox Rush Limbaugh Heritage and all the other crap you believe
the videos are of facts. undisputed. sorry charlie.
As a right winger it's not surprising that you have no idea what facts evidence or journalism are... Your right-wing media and talk shows are a joke that are laughed at everywhere in the world but here in brainwashed functionally ignorant stupid right-wing America.
just like a year of 'hands up don't shoot' was on the telie every night for a year and wasn't true? that kind of journalism?
That was on Fox making you the little hater dupe that you are, brainwashed functional moron. It's called hate propaganda.
True colors of course. Uber-Nationalists must have a scapegoat. Hate is their drug of choice.
was it fake or something? I'm curious as to what the issue actually is?

The Stories Behind Three Anti-Muslim Videos Shared by Trump
not sure what I'm looking at there. the incidents happened. The mere fact that a muslim was born in the netherlands proves nothing. He is still muslim. You all keep making sure to announce to the world muslim is great. yeah look at that greatness.

BTW "hands up don't shoot" you still believe that one? should we look up your posts on that one when it happened? I bet you were all over the cops. LOL, you are one of the biggest fking hypocrites on this board.

The by line in the fight was that it was an immigrant beating up on a poor white dude. The religion of neither boy was not mentioned.

As I said earlier it is Trump and his Alt Right Agenda to conflate the political violence in Egypt and Syria by Radical Islamic's to all Muslims.

It really has nothing to do with Ferguson Mo.
was the dude a muslim whose parents came into the Netherlands? doh!!!! that's immigrant. doesn't matter he was born there, he isn't a native. his family is muslim and they are immigrants, his upbringing is muslim. yes the video is very factual.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Words have meaning, even if you don’t know what they are.

Definition of NATIVE

belonging to a particular place by birth

Definition of IMMIGRANT

a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence

He was born there, he was not an immigrant.
Blah blah yourself, you never saw what happen to people after a terrorist Attack i already told you. you don't know anything about that.

I've seen what happens after a 1,000lb bomb hits a school...what do YOU know about that?

There is atrocity enough to go around..either you condemn it all..or you are a hypocrite and lack all credibility..simple as that.
I get a kick out of your signature. If anything is a pure ideology it is Islam. And death is no problem.

No again..there are many strains of Islam..just as there is in Christianity....ask a Moslem from Indonesia about Islam..and ask someone from will get very different answers. Then there are degrees of belief..some are fanatics..some really don't care..and most are in the middle.

As to my signature..yup..the pure ideology of Islam is are most ideologies..when strictly interpreted--including political ones. Including economic ones.
Christianity was no the hard-line days..millions dead..over subtle differences in theology. How many the name of Communism. In the name of Capitalism..including workers who died for corporate profits?

Ideological purity IS death. How pure is YOUR ideology? How willing are you to compromise for the greater good? How willing are you to give up on ideological purity in favor of pragmatic solutions?

My ideology is terrorizing no one.

Glad to hear it..I guess not everyone is Alt/right here--I have to watch my assumptions.

If you think it is only the alt right that do not want Muslims here, you are wrong.
Yeah Oreo, Trump HAS always been batshit crazy.

Only thing is, this time he's got the ability to run this country into the ground and start a nuclear war while being batshit crazy.

He’s actually doing a pretty good job, sailor. He may have his faults, but he appears to have some common sense.
About Loonwatch
The people behind Loonwatch generally ignore or severely downplay Islamic terrorism, since the significance of the issues they promote compares poorly to the hundreds of shootings, bombings, stabbing and beheadings that occur each month in the name of Allah. My own website, (TROP) is a frequent target of theirs, since it presents a litany of Islamic violence that is difficult to ignore.

Read and tell me what is wrong with it. Where did you go Faun?
TheReligionofPeace - Answering Loonwatch

To save time, I use other sites to do work for me. Like I use Google to search the Net, I use LoonWatch to filter out nonsense. It’s a real time saver, you should try it some time.

And this was never much of a conversation. I don’t consider people who think we are at war with ¼ of the entire Earth’s population to be sane. So I really didn’t care much for what you had to say anyway. I only responded to point out we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with terrorism.
You are saying Google does your thinking for you? Are you even worth talking to?

No, I said Google does my searching for me. How do you search on the Internet unless you’re employing a search engine like Google?

Google puts anything that leans right at the bottom of the list. That proves they want no one reading the other side of the argument. I guess that is because your argument has 0 substance as why letting people know about Islam is dangerous or fascist or deserves your insults?

Why is it dangerous? Muslims are peaceful, right? If the threat was not evident none of this would be discussed.
Last edited:
Donald Trump retweets far-right videos

The first tweet from Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, claims to show a Muslim migrant attacking a man on crutches.
This was followed by two more videos of people Ms Fransen claims to be Muslim.
Britain First was founded in 2011 by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP).
The group has grabbed attention on social media with controversial posts about what they deem "the Islamification of the UK".
It has put up members to run in European elections and by-elections on anti-immigration and anti-abortion policies, but has yet to secure any seats.

It also contested the most recent London mayoral election, receiving 1.2% of the vote.

Responding to the posts from Mr Trump, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's official spokesman said it was "wrong for the President to have done this".

Has the man gone crazy? he just showing his true colors?
It`s not Trump who is crazy. All people like you do is parrot what you are being told by the "progressive" politics media echo chambers. I bet you have not seen nor have any clue what was really in that video that "offended" those who want open borders. You quoted the BBC which stated "claims to show a Muslim migrant" ...and more videos of people Ms Fransen "claims to be Muslim".
Now tell me, if these are not Muslims what are they? Nazis dressed up as Muslims to make Muslims look bad?

The only thing Fransen can be faulted for is having assumed that the Muslim thug who beat up his victim on crutches was a migrant but turned out to be a "domestic" Muslim...meaning he is part of Muslim migrant family that Britain allowed to come in. As if that would matter !
No victim who was lucky enough to survive any of these numerous MUSLIM terror attacks in Europe feel any better if it had been perpetrated by a "domestic" Muslim as opposed to a Muslim migrant.
The Jihadis are rightly amused by the stupidity of people like you and the politicians you vote for and fully exploit that stupidity...which allows them to be on the "radar" while knowing full well that law enforcement is not allowed to act until they carry out their mission. Every time there was a terror attack the first thing we get to hear in the media "....was known to police etc" but nothing was done except raise the "Threat level" after the attack.
It can`t get any more ridiculous than that...or can it? I suppose it could have if the bitch you voted for would be in the White House.

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