Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

It's refreshing to see a President speak the TRUTH about the Islamic threat! Some have said 1 or 2 of the videos is not legit but it does NOT matter because the THREAT is VERY real! Global Muslim terror groups kill HUNDREDS every month!

The President is right & you KNOW it! Mass Islamic immigration DESTROYS free societies! Look at the DOZENS of terror attacks in Europe since they started allowing in large numbers of Muslims!

WHY invite potential trouble & TERROR to America if you don't have to??

Even a Muslim woman, Raheel Raza, has said among any population of Muslims you have a certain percentage of Islamists who want Sharia Law, terrorist sympathizers, & even potential TERRORISTS! See below how a MUSLIM WOMAN agrees with President Trump!!

Trump is right about radical Islam: Raheel Raza
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What do you think of President Trump requesting Muslim terror videos?

Why would I think anything about anyone's request for Muslim terror videos, or a request for any other kind of videos?

I think Trump wants to see content of the noted sort. That's all I think about it. As an abstract act, there's nothing else one can credibly think about his request.

Has Trump stated why he made the request?
What do you think of President Trump requesting Muslim terror videos?

Why would I think anything about anyone's request for Muslim terror videos, or a request for any other kind of videos?

I think Trump wants to see content of the noted sort. That's all I think about it.

Has Trump stated why he made the request?

Can't you read?? I just said in the post above yours I meant RETWEETING but the stupid auto-correct changed it & it won't let me edit it.
It's refreshing to see a President speak the TRUTH about the Islamic threat! Some have said 1 or 2 of the videos is not legit but it does NOT matter because the THREAT is VERY real! Global Muslim terror groups kill HUNDREDS every month!

The President is right & you KNOW it! Mass Islamic immigration DESTROYS free societies! Look at the DOZENS of terror attacks in Europe since they started allowing in large numbers of Muslims!

WHY invite potential trouble & TERROR to America if you don't have to??

Even a Muslim woman, Raheel Raza, has said among any population of Muslims you have a certain percentage of Islamists who want Sharia Law, terrorist sympathizers, & even potential TERRORISTS! See below how a MUSLIM WOMAN agrees with President Trump!!

Trump is right about radical Islam: Raheel Raza

more people have been killed in this country since 9-11 by white male Christian supremacists.
What do you think of President Trump requesting Muslim terror videos?

Why would I think anything about anyone's request for Muslim terror videos, or a request for any other kind of videos?

I think Trump wants to see content of the noted sort. That's all I think about it.

Has Trump stated why he made the request?

Can't you read?? I just said in the post above yours I meant RETWEETING but the stupid auto-correct changed it & it won't let me edit it.

I can read. I read the OP and responded to it. I did not read post 2 before responding to post 1.

Out of curiosity, why didn't you just amend post 1 so it says what you meant? It's not as though the time limit for making such corrections has passed, even now. USMB gives members something like 90 minutes to make corrections to their posts. As I write this your OP is less than 20 minutes old.
Jayda Fransen on Twitter


Awww share the ...........n love
The Bigoted Orange Twit creates another international incident. But hey - it's Wednesday, why not?


(CNN)President Donald Trump retweeted Wednesday morning three inflammatory videos from a British far-right account rife with anti-Muslim content.

The videos, posted by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, a far-right and ultra-nationalist political group, depict purported Muslims assaulting people and, in one video, smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Trump, who has previously warned that immigration from Muslim-majority nations threatens European and US security, frequently retweets other messages whose political views he finds favorable. But he has seldom shared messages as offensive and explosive as he did on Wednesday, and the retweets were immediately met with outrage in the United Kingdom and condemned by Downing Street.

Fransen reacted jubilantly online, touting that the videos had been shared with Trump's nearly 44 million followers. "GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP!" she wrote in all caps.

Fransen was found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment in November 2016 after abusing a Muslim woman wearing a hijab while she was with her four children. Fransen was fined by the court and ordered to pay costs.
Mucho Mas:

Trump retweets anti-Muslim videos - CNNPolitics
Maybe if something pro muslim existed, he might have tweeted it. The truth is, Muslims have legitimately earned a terrible reputation. Islam is a poison on humanity.
Glad he is awakened by the dangers Muslims can present to White people, especially ones that are handicapped. Nevertheless, American icon David Duke praised our glorious leader for retreating the video.

From David Duke, Patriotic American Icon!

David Duke
David Duke
Trump retweets video of crippled white kid in Europe being beaten by migrants, and white people being thrown off a roof and then beaten to death, He's condemned for showing us what the fake news media WON'T. Thank God for Trump! That's why we love him!
8:33 AM · Nov 29, 2017

The retweet
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I hate muslims, but I love the way they treat the homos
Isn't Britain First Zionist, why don't they discuss that one?
So..discuss it..that's why we're here. Got some links? Maybe a web site? By Zionist, do you mean pro-Israel? Is your contention that their animus towards Islam is about supporting Jews?

Or are they Zionist in the respect that they want all Jews in Great Britain to get their asses to Israel?

Hmmm..OK..short clip--but what I got was "an enemy of my enemy is my friend' kinda vibe...for sure..not enough to label them Zionist...from that video.

A Zionist is a Zionist regardless of political reasons for it.
I hate muslims, but I love the way they treat the homos
We don't treat them like you do. I lived ina majority Muslim country and they weren' killed or jailed for being gay. Harassed and teased like in the US, maybe.
L.G.B.T. people are twice as likely to be targeted as African-Americans, and the rate of hate crimes against them has surpassed that of crimes against Jews.
I hate muslims, but I love the way they treat the homos
We don't treat them like you do. I lived ina majority Muslim country and they weren' killed or jailed for being gay. Harassed and teased like in the US, maybe.
L.G.B.T. people are twice as likely to be targeted as African-Americans, and the rate of hate crimes against them has surpassed that of crimes against Jews.
Maybe Homos should move to the safety of a muslim country, what country did you live in?
Since Merkel invited all those terrorists to EU she's responsible for all their crimes and that's why the press she controls talks about those crimes "very carefully" and remains silent about whole bunch of them.

A man who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Austria has had his conviction overturned after judges found he may have believed the child consented.

Speaking to local media, the victim’s mother revealed her son had been “screaming and crying every night” since the attack and had talked of suicide.

Prosecutors said the boy, known as Goran, suffered serious physical injuries from the rape as well as “profound depression”.
Man who raped 10-year-old boy because of 'sexual emergency' has conviction overturned

Refugee ‘rapes pensioner, 79, in German cemetery while she visited sister's grave’

The attack follows a spate of sexual offences committed by migrants across Europe.

New Years Eve celebrations in Cologne were marred when as many as 1,000 women were sexually assaulted and robbed by men of North African and Arabic origin.
Refugee ‘rapes pensioner, 79, in German cemetery while she visited sister's grave’
Isn't Britain First Zionist, why don't they discuss that one?
So..discuss it..that's why we're here. Got some links? Maybe a web site? By Zionist, do you mean pro-Israel? Is your contention that their animus towards Islam is about supporting Jews?

Or are they Zionist in the respect that they want all Jews in Great Britain to get their asses to Israel?

Hmmm..OK..short clip--but what I got was "an enemy of my enemy is my friend' kinda vibe...for sure..not enough to label them Zionist...from that video.

A Zionist is a Zionist regardless of political reasons for it.

I disagree--motives matter. I doubt these guys support Israel at all...they just are so anti-Muslim that they will throw a good word at anyone who takes a hard line against Muslims...period. I suspect that most members buy right into that stupid Zionist conspiracy crap that the Alt/right peddles.

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