Donald Trump retweets far-right group's anti-Muslim videos

Isn't Britain First Zionist, why don't they discuss that one?
So..discuss it..that's why we're here. Got some links? Maybe a web site? By Zionist, do you mean pro-Israel? Is your contention that their animus towards Islam is about supporting Jews?

Or are they Zionist in the respect that they want all Jews in Great Britain to get their asses to Israel?

Hmmm..OK..short clip--but what I got was "an enemy of my enemy is my friend' kinda vibe...for sure..not enough to label them Zionist...from that video.

A Zionist is a Zionist regardless of political reasons for it.

I disagree--motives matter. I doubt these guys support Israel at all...they just are so anti-Muslim that they will throw a good word at anyone who takes a hard line against Muslims...period. I suspect that most members buy right into that stupid Zionist conspiracy crap that the Alt/right peddles.

The Religious right are the most fanatical supporters of Israel typically.

The Religious right can blend with the so called Alt-Right.
Let me repeat your basic lesson for the millionth time, liberal train-wrecks. ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!! ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!! ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!!! It's a praised-by-Hitler, mass Jew-beheading, rape-epidemic ideology of PURE hate that comes in ALL races, including white. It is a series of various human rights atrocities that only the sickest sick fucks would find attractive, because it does NOTHING POSITIVE! Its effects on every society have been 100% negative. Liberal filth are such self-loathing-Americans, they sadistically get off on fellow Americans suffering, .

If your oh-so-precious Pisslam is so wonderful, WHY is every muslim-majority country an oppressive, barbaric 3rd-world-toilet of human misery? Why do muslim countries stone women to death, teach children to be suicide bombers, fuck and/or behead the children of non-muslims, butcher little girls for going to school, etc.?
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The Bigoted Orange Twit creates another international incident. But hey - it's Wednesday, why not?


(CNN)President Donald Trump retweeted Wednesday morning three inflammatory videos from a British far-right account rife with anti-Muslim content.

The videos, posted by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, a far-right and ultra-nationalist political group, depict purported Muslims assaulting people and, in one video, smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Trump, who has previously warned that immigration from Muslim-majority nations threatens European and US security, frequently retweets other messages whose political views he finds favorable. But he has seldom shared messages as offensive and explosive as he did on Wednesday, and the retweets were immediately met with outrage in the United Kingdom and condemned by Downing Street.

Fransen reacted jubilantly online, touting that the videos had been shared with Trump's nearly 44 million followers. "GOD BLESS YOU TRUMP!" she wrote in all caps.

Fransen was found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment in November 2016 after abusing a Muslim woman wearing a hijab while she was with her four children. Fransen was fined by the court and ordered to pay costs.
Mucho Mas:

Trump retweets anti-Muslim videos - CNNPolitics

Clue number one....Islam is not a race.
It’s “far right” to post videos of Muslims destroying churches?

The retweets were from a known far-right British group..but you knew that, right?

By retweeting them. Trump gives the appearance of agreeing with the groups aims and methods..some see it as emboldening those pond scum in this country that adhere to extreme Alt/right views...others see it as fear-mongering..still others see it as simply inappropriate for the President of the US to throw gas on these fires.

Of course, his base, especially those who are anti-Muslim--will eat this up like custard.

Me? I cheer every time Trump posts stuff like this...he reveals who and what he is...and two thirds of the country...are watching in disgust.

The 34%? Well..enjoy the moment...a reckoning is coming.
Terminal Termites

^Muzziphile gasping his desperate death rattle, knowing his kind are finished in this country^

Our Commander-in-Chief is letting the enemy know he means business and is not going to be intimidated by Dhimmi Doormats who want him to play nice.
It’s “far right” to post videos of Muslims destroying churches?

The retweets were from a known far-right British group..but you knew that, right?

By retweeting them. Trump gives the appearance of agreeing with the groups aims and methods..some see it as emboldening those pond scum in this country that adhere to extreme Alt/right views...others see it as fear-mongering..still others see it as simply inappropriate for the President of the US to throw gas on these fires.

Of course, his base, especially those who are anti-Muslim--will eat this up like custard.

Me? I cheer every time Trump posts stuff like this...he reveals who and what he is...and two thirds of the country...are watching in disgust.

The 34%? Well..enjoy the moment...a reckoning is coming.
Terminal Termites

^Muzziphile gasping his desperate death rattle, knowing his kind are finished in this country^

Our Commander-in-Chief is letting the enemy know he means business and is not going to be intimidated by Dhimmi Doormats who want him to play nice.


Thank you..I needed that.

Some kind are finished here...might just just be you. BTW..for the record--I was a life-long Republican until 2 years ago..guess what happened? Now I'm independent--and a dedicated enemy of the Alt/right tinfoil hats that want to ruin my country with their bigotry and their terminal inbred stupidity. The Alt/right poses more of an existential threat to the US than Islam ever will.
Glad he is awakened by the dangers Muslims can present to White people, especially ones that are handicapped. Nevertheless, American icon David Duke praised our glorious leader for retreating the video.

From David Duke, Patriotic American Icon!

David Duke
David Duke
Trump retweets video of crippled white kid in Europe being beaten by migrants, and white people being thrown off a roof and then beaten to death, He's condemned for showing us what the fake news media WON'T. Thank God for Trump! That's why we love him!
8:33 AM · Nov 29, 2017

The retweet

David Duke is a racist as are you. How many crimes were committed by Europeans. The Oklahoma City bombing was heinous and done by whites. This is inflammatory racism and nothing more. The people behind this are fascists who send Christian patrols to mosques to attempt to intimidate Muslims.

Even Alex Jones' organization is admonishing Trump for using this source. That is pretty bad. Little wonder that Americans think Trump is a racist.
Glad he is awakened by the dangers Muslims can present to White people, especially ones that are handicapped. Nevertheless, American icon David Duke praised our glorious leader for retreating the video.

From David Duke, Patriotic American Icon!

David Duke
David Duke
Trump retweets video of crippled white kid in Europe being beaten by migrants, and white people being thrown off a roof and then beaten to death, He's condemned for showing us what the fake news media WON'T. Thank God for Trump! That's why we love him!
8:33 AM · Nov 29, 2017

The retweet

David Duke is a racist as are you. How many crimes were committed by Europeans. The Oklahoma City bombing was heinous and done by whites. This is inflammatory racism and nothing more. The people behind this are fascists who send Christian patrols to mosques to attempt to intimidate Muslims.

Even Alex Jones' organization is admonishing Trump for using this source. That is pretty bad. Little wonder that Americans think Trump is a racist.
Muslims don't belong in my peoples country! The brilliant founders didn't create this country for them in mind, nor Wetbacks.
Trump's defense:
White House defends Trump's Muslim tweets

"The White House on Wednesday defended President Trump’s widely condemned retweets of videos purporting to show violence committed by Muslims.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that whether the inflammatory videos are real or not, “the threat is real.”
"I'm not talking about the nature of the video,” she told reporters at the White House. “I think you're focusing on the wrong thing. The threat is real and that is what the president is talking about."

What a joke..she as much as admits the videos are fake...but says it doesn't matter..because the threat is real???
Trump's Defense:

White House defends Trump's Muslim tweets

The White House on Wednesday defended President Trump’s widely condemned retweets of videos purporting to show violence committed by Muslims.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that whether the inflammatory videos are real or not, “the threat is real.”
"I'm not talking about the nature of the video,” she told reporters at the White House. “I think you're focusing on the wrong thing. The threat is real and that is what the president is talking about."

So...did Trump get trolled?? Did he retweet false videos??
Just look at this bigoted, misleading, and inflammatory picture!

Don't worry too much

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Show me a white American who slaughtered 3000 fellow Americans all at once, you blithering idiot.
How does that work out with a per capita average? Lets see, how many white men and how many Muslims live in this country?

Uhh...for the can be White..and be Muslim. To the tune of millions of people.

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