Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

1. Some crooks rig an election to help Bob get elected in the belief he will be friendly to them and allow them to continue to be crooks.

2. Some people suspect Bob colluded with the crooks.

4. A cop is assigned to investigate the rigged election.

5. Bob did not collude with the bank robbers, but he does not want the voters to find out he benefited from the election rigging, so he attempts to use the power of his office to get the cop fired.

6. The cop bravely soldiers on and reports that Bob did not collude with the crooks, but that the crooks definitely rigged the election in Bob's favor. He also reports Bob made great efforts to get him fired so the voters would not know how much help Bob got from the crooks.

7. Bob and the Tard Herd crow about "no collusion".
Fox News legal analyst: Mueller report shows Trump obstructed justice 'at least half-dozen' times
As to collusion. What Mueller didn't find was evidence of criminal conspiracy. There was plenty of collusion
Lets just say that statement is false

Napolitano is not the AG and doesn't have access to the unredacted report. An OpEd is not a legal opinion. From your link:

"But ordering obstruction to save himself from the consequences of his own behavior is unlawful, defenseless and condemnable," he writes.

Uh....Trump's behavior was that of an innocent man it could be argued. Also, if Trump wanted to do so, he could have dismissed Mueller outright. He did not. I think this is a very weak argument on Nepolitano's behalf.
1. Some crooks rig an election to help Bob get elected in the belief he will be friendly to them and allow them to continue to be crooks.

2. Some people suspect Bob colluded with the crooks.

4. A cop is assigned to investigate the rigged election.

5. Bob did not collude with the bank robbers, but he does not want the voters to find out he benefited from the election rigging, so he attempts to use the power of his office to get the cop fired.

6. The cop bravely soldiers on and reports that Bob did not collude with the crooks, but that the crooks definitely rigged the election in Bob's favor. He also reports Bob made great efforts to get him fired so the voters would not know how much help Bob got from the crooks.

7. Bob and the Tard Herd crow about "no collusion".

Just change 'Bob' to Obama and you got it.
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.


McGahn has already testified to Mueller. Any privilege has already been waived.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.
So, in your opinion obstructing a DOJ investigation is OK. Wow; you so funny.

Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS
So, in your opinion obstructing a DOJ investigation is OK. Wow; you so funny.

Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

Any 'crime' no matter if fact, or fiction has NO BEARING on an individual attempting to obstruct any investigation by the DOJ.

Are you really that fucking stupid?

OK; it looks like you really are that fucking stupid.

Cheers .........

If Trump is so 'innocent' then there is nothing to hide from Congress; right?

Obviously Trump FAILED to pass his fourth grade civics class in which he was supposed to learn about the three branches of government & the concept of 'checks and balances'

The US Congress has a duty to fulfill which is keeping a check on the executive branch.

Trump can piss, and whine, and moan all he likes; the courts will NOT rule in Trump's favor.

Time is on the side of Congress so, Trumpski can just go fuck off ............
He complied with everything lol 500 subpoenas

Could you please repeat that BUT this time in proper English?
Learn how to read

Learn how to properly utilize the English language.
So, in your opinion obstructing a DOJ investigation is OK. Wow; you so funny.

Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

If Trump is so 'innocent' then there is nothing to hide from Congress; right?

Obviously Trump FAILED to pass his fourth grade civics class in which he was supposed to learn about the three branches of government & the concept of 'checks and balances'

The US Congress has a duty to fulfill which is keeping a check on the executive branch.

Trump can piss, and whine, and moan all he likes; the courts will NOT rule in Trump's favor.

Time is on the side of Congress so, Trumpski can just go fuck off ............
He complied with everything lol 500 subpoenas

Could you please repeat that BUT this time in proper English?
Learn how to read

Learn how to properly utilize the English language.
What don’t you understand
So, in your opinion obstructing a DOJ investigation is OK. Wow; you so funny.

Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

I would suspect it will all be taken to the courts BUT if Trump was a real man that had nothing to hide then Trump the biggest pussy of them all would allow The US Congress to do their duty.

We ALL know that Trump won't be that man; he will continue to be that pussy.
If Trump is so 'innocent' then there is nothing to hide from Congress; right?

Obviously Trump FAILED to pass his fourth grade civics class in which he was supposed to learn about the three branches of government & the concept of 'checks and balances'

The US Congress has a duty to fulfill which is keeping a check on the executive branch.

Trump can piss, and whine, and moan all he likes; the courts will NOT rule in Trump's favor.

Time is on the side of Congress so, Trumpski can just go fuck off ............
He complied with everything lol 500 subpoenas

Could you please repeat that BUT this time in proper English?
Learn how to read

Learn how to properly utilize the English language.
What don’t you understand

"He complied with everything lol 500 subpoenas" is NOT proper English; it may be proper fucking Mexican aka Spanish ..........
He complied with everything lol 500 subpoenas

Could you please repeat that BUT this time in proper English?
Learn how to read

Learn how to properly utilize the English language.
What don’t you understand

"He complied with everything lol 500 subpoenas" is NOT proper English; it may be proper fucking Mexican aka Spanish ..........
What don’t you understand
Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

I would suspect it will all be taken to the courts BUT if Trump was a real man that had nothing to hide then Trump the biggest pussy of them all would allow The US Congress to do their duty.

We ALL know that Trump won't be that man; he will continue to be that pussy.

President Trump sees these subpoenas as Harassment. Remember he has gone through a 2 year witch hunt already. President Trump has a done a lot of great things, record low unemployment, no new wars, record high markets. But he'd like to complete a lot more and he sees this crap as a diversion.
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?
McGahn Gave 3 different versions of that conversation..
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?

President Trump hasn't trashed the man at all.

McGahn BTW already spoke extensively to Trump Enemy Robert Mueller for many hours. What the left wants to do is to have a public circus here, put this crap on TV
obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

I would suspect it will all be taken to the courts BUT if Trump was a real man that had nothing to hide then Trump the biggest pussy of them all would allow The US Congress to do their duty.

We ALL know that Trump won't be that man; he will continue to be that pussy.

President Trump sees these subpoenas as Harassment. Remember he has gone through a 2 year witch hunt already. President Trump has a done a lot of great things, record low unemployment, no new wars, record high markets. But he'd like to complete a lot more and he sees this crap as a diversion.

If Trump has nothing to hide & nothing to fear, then he would man up, be a big boy, and allow The US Congress to do their duty to be a check on the executive branch.

But we ALL know Trump is a very tender, extremely fragile, snowflake EGO of a bitch & he won't go there; will he?

No; he won't.
Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

I would suspect it will all be taken to the courts BUT if Trump was a real man that had nothing to hide then Trump the biggest pussy of them all would allow The US Congress to do their duty.

We ALL know that Trump won't be that man; he will continue to be that pussy.

President Trump sees these subpoenas as Harassment. Remember he has gone through a 2 year witch hunt already. President Trump has a done a lot of great things, record low unemployment, no new wars, record high markets. But he'd like to complete a lot more and he sees this crap as a diversion.

If Trump has nothing to hide & nothing to fear, then he would man up, be a big boy, and allow The US Congress to do their duty to be a check on the executive branch.

But we ALL know Trump is a very tender, extremely fragile, snowflake EGO of a bitch & he won't go there; will he?

No; he won't.

The House of Representatives have enough information already to cast their votes aye or nay for impeachment.

They can do it , or not. But President Trump is moving on to other items.

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