Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Take another toke.....O'l Elijah Cummin's to the rescue.....

"Mr. Rosenstein’s removal would plunge our nation into uncharted territory and pose a serious and profound threat to the continued work of the Special Counsel, and I would expect the American people to be outraged if President Trump’s extended campaign to interfere with this investigation results in Mr. Rosenstein’s ouster," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Cummings urged Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to call an emergency hearing if Rosenstein is forced out.

Democrats urge Congress to protect Russia probe amid reports that Rod Rosenstein may go

Keep believing your little fantasy.....I think it's time for your 'nitetime' meds. LOL

AS I PREVIOUSLY STATED, which NONE of US here expect U 2 understand:

Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Good for them. Congress can do whatever the hell they want.

However, President Trump isn't going to cooperate with their harassment, so they can bring it to court if they want to make a public spectacle

So, what you are saying is that Trump has no idea WTF the Constitutional system of checks & balances are about.

Yes, just as I suspected; Trump FAILED fourth grade civics just like most USMB Trump supporters FAILED fourth grade civics.
Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:

400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on American citizens.

Collusion is not a legal term and while the report did not conclude a conspiracy took place between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government, it certainly has evidence of collusion.

Hey, colluding with Russia, or wanting to isn't a really a crime is it?

It's not really something a patriot would do, or even support, but to each his own I guess.
Nothing in there about a Trump Conspiracy.
Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Take another toke.....O'l Elijah Cummin's to the rescue.....

"Mr. Rosenstein’s removal would plunge our nation into uncharted territory and pose a serious and profound threat to the continued work of the Special Counsel, and I would expect the American people to be outraged if President Trump’s extended campaign to interfere with this investigation results in Mr. Rosenstein’s ouster," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Cummings urged Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to call an emergency hearing if Rosenstein is forced out.

Democrats urge Congress to protect Russia probe amid reports that Rod Rosenstein may go

Keep believing your little fantasy.....I think it's time for your 'nitetime' meds. LOL

AS I PREVIOUSLY STATED, which NONE of US here expect U 2 understand:

Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Good for them. Congress can do whatever the hell they want.

However, President Trump isn't going to cooperate with their harassment, so they can bring it to court if they want to make a public spectacle

So, what you are saying is that Trump has no idea WTF the Constitutional system of checks & balances are about.

Yes, just as I suspected; Trump FAILED fourth grade civics just like most USMB Trump supporters FAILED fourth grade civics.

No, idiot, I'm saying that Trump WENT ALONG with the 'checks and balances' he didn't fire Mueller, and he didn't obstruct the investigation.
400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on American citizens.

Ten clear cases of obstruction were outlined by Mueller. Read the report, dope.
Even if there was Obstruction you moved the goal post again. There was no Collusion.

I moved nothing.

Collusion was proven easily. A criminal conspiracy was not.
Collusion was not proven.

"....the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Obama Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference. The Office charged some of those lies as violations of the federal false-statements statute. Former Obama National Security Advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying about his interactions with Russian Ambassador Kislyak during the transition period. George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy advisor during the campaign period, pleaded guilty to lying to investigators about, inter alia, the nature and timing of his interactions with Joseph Mifsud, the professor who told Papadopoulos that the Russians had dirt on candidate Trump in the form of thousands of emails. Former Hillary Clinton Organization attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress about the Clinton Moscow project."

Let's just say that Barr did an investigation into Obama and Hillary for conspiring with Russia... and this was what he wrote in his summary report...Are you trumpers telling me that you will be going "but Barr said there was no collusion, so we have to respect his decision"??

Fuck no! -- You would be saying that the fact that Obama and Hillary had multiple contacts with Russians, lied about, answered emails from Russians offering dirt on Trump by saying "I love it!!" -- then held secret meetings with those russian government officials, and then lied about it..tried to establish secret back channels with Russians, and then lied about...That alone is proof of treason and they should be executed, including Obama's mother in law!! -- This ALSO proves Barr is part of the Deep State and he must be arrested!!

this is why I have zero respect for Trumpers...
No collusion by Trump.
Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Take another toke.....O'l Elijah Cummin's to the rescue.....

"Mr. Rosenstein’s removal would plunge our nation into uncharted territory and pose a serious and profound threat to the continued work of the Special Counsel, and I would expect the American people to be outraged if President Trump’s extended campaign to interfere with this investigation results in Mr. Rosenstein’s ouster," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Cummings urged Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to call an emergency hearing if Rosenstein is forced out.

Democrats urge Congress to protect Russia probe amid reports that Rod Rosenstein may go

Keep believing your little fantasy.....I think it's time for your 'nitetime' meds. LOL

AS I PREVIOUSLY STATED, which NONE of US here expect U 2 understand:

Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Good for them. Congress can do whatever the hell they want.

However, President Trump isn't going to cooperate with their harassment, so they can bring it to court if they want to make a public spectacle

So, what you are saying is that Trump has no idea WTF the Constitutional system of checks & balances are about.

Yes, just as I suspected; Trump FAILED fourth grade civics just like most USMB Trump supporters FAILED fourth grade civics.

No, idiot, I'm saying that Trump WENT ALONG with the 'checks and balances' he didn't fire Mueller, and he didn't obstruct the investigation.

Trump 'firing' or not 'firing' Mueller has not a damn thing to do with the three branch system of checks & balances.

You really should just refrain from the conversation if you demand continuing to embarrassing yourself in public like this .......
Private conversation with the president is executive privilege
Not if that privilege was waived when McGahn testified in front of is no longer privileged info and the House is well within their power to have him answer questions about his testimony..
Where does it say he can’t tell Congress it’s executive privilege

It's not priviledged if he's already testified to Mueller, fool.

Read the report.
So why you want to ask him if it’s already stated?

To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?
Why don't they just read the report?

How did you find the USMB? Were you banned by the Sesame Street message board as too vulgar and too immature?

More ad hominem

LOL, you're too dumb to post an argument, way too dumb. Thus a) you have no clue as to what an ad hominem is, and b) you're way to dumb to post on issues which are way over your ability to begin to understand.
Take another toke.....O'l Elijah Cummin's to the rescue.....

"Mr. Rosenstein’s removal would plunge our nation into uncharted territory and pose a serious and profound threat to the continued work of the Special Counsel, and I would expect the American people to be outraged if President Trump’s extended campaign to interfere with this investigation results in Mr. Rosenstein’s ouster," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Cummings urged Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to call an emergency hearing if Rosenstein is forced out.

Democrats urge Congress to protect Russia probe amid reports that Rod Rosenstein may go

Keep believing your little fantasy.....I think it's time for your 'nitetime' meds. LOL

AS I PREVIOUSLY STATED, which NONE of US here expect U 2 understand:

Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Good for them. Congress can do whatever the hell they want.

However, President Trump isn't going to cooperate with their harassment, so they can bring it to court if they want to make a public spectacle

So, what you are saying is that Trump has no idea WTF the Constitutional system of checks & balances are about.

Yes, just as I suspected; Trump FAILED fourth grade civics just like most USMB Trump supporters FAILED fourth grade civics.

No, idiot, I'm saying that Trump WENT ALONG with the 'checks and balances' he didn't fire Mueller, and he didn't obstruct the investigation.

Trump 'firing' or not 'firing' Mueller has not a damn thing to do with the three branch system of checks & balances.

You really should just refrain from the conversation if you demand continuing to embarrassing yourself in public like this .......
Mueller was part of the executive branch. That means Trump can fire him at any time for any reason.

You really should just refrain from the conversation if you demand continuing to embarrassing yourself in public like this .......
No trump no connection to trump poor libs
Trump benefited from the Russian interference. That's why he attempted to obstruct the investigation into that interference.

All caught up now, tard?
There was no obstruction, moron.

Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:
That's exactly right, moron. It's 400 pages of Nothing burger. 2 pages would have been sufficient. Since when did the number of pages determine when the smears of leftwing morons are valid?


That's why you're all apoplectic over any further testimony.
The witch hunt is over, moron. No purpose is server by further browbeating the people who have been grow beaten for the last two years except to slake the blood lust of the witch hunters.
Take another toke.....O'l Elijah Cummin's to the rescue.....

"Mr. Rosenstein’s removal would plunge our nation into uncharted territory and pose a serious and profound threat to the continued work of the Special Counsel, and I would expect the American people to be outraged if President Trump’s extended campaign to interfere with this investigation results in Mr. Rosenstein’s ouster," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Cummings urged Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to call an emergency hearing if Rosenstein is forced out.

Democrats urge Congress to protect Russia probe amid reports that Rod Rosenstein may go

Keep believing your little fantasy.....I think it's time for your 'nitetime' meds. LOL

AS I PREVIOUSLY STATED, which NONE of US here expect U 2 understand:

Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Good for them. Congress can do whatever the hell they want.

However, President Trump isn't going to cooperate with their harassment, so they can bring it to court if they want to make a public spectacle

So, what you are saying is that Trump has no idea WTF the Constitutional system of checks & balances are about.

Yes, just as I suspected; Trump FAILED fourth grade civics just like most USMB Trump supporters FAILED fourth grade civics.

No, idiot, I'm saying that Trump WENT ALONG with the 'checks and balances' he didn't fire Mueller, and he didn't obstruct the investigation.

Trump 'firing' or not 'firing' Mueller has not a damn thing to do with the three branch system of checks & balances.

You really should just refrain from the conversation if you demand continuing to embarrassing yourself in public like this .......

I already schooled you on the Congress/Mueller connection fool. Lefties corrupt the rules and laws then blame others for what they themselves do...Just like good little neo-marxists.
Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:

400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on the American citizens.
The issue isn't about collusion, retard. It's about Russian interference in our election, and Trump's attempt to obstruct that investigation.

Trump would not be president today if not for Russia's help, and he wanted that investigation shut down because of that.

All caught up now, tard?
You're changing the goal posts, douchebag. Originally the investigation was supposed to be about collusion. It has changed to "interference" by sleazy lying pieces of shit like you because no collusion was found.
Where does it say he can’t tell Congress it’s executive privilege

It's not priviledged if he's already testified to Mueller, fool.

Read the report.
So why you want to ask him if it’s already stated?

To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?
We dont engage in that because we don’t prove ourself innocent of something that never occurred.

It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:

400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on American citizens.

Ten clear cases of obstruction were outlined by Mueller. Read the report, dope.
ROFL! Nope. They are purely imaginary cases of collusion. If they were so clear, then why didn't your sainted Mueller claim Trump was guilty of collusion?
The issue isn't about collusion, retard. It's about Russian interference in our election, and Trump's attempt to obstruct that investigation.

Trump would not be president today if not for Russia's help, and he wanted that investigation shut down because of that.

All caught up now, tard?

We were told for 2 FUCKING YEARS that trump COLLUDED with Russia you poor deluded addle-pated TDSer!!! 400 pages and NO COLLUSION. The Mueller investigation was about Trump/Russia COLLUSION dipshit. 0 COLLUSION found! Now you weakly try to pivot to 'Russian interference' which, even if true, did NOT affect our election process.
Insufficient evidece to prove criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt was found.
Collusion was proven easily.
Mueller made no determination on the efficacy of Russian efforts in the election.
Mueller admitted in the report there was no evidence of collusion. How much of a dumbshit are you?
Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:

400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on the American citizens.
The issue isn't about collusion, retard. It's about Russian interference in our election, and Trump's attempt to obstruct that investigation.

Trump would not be president today if not for Russia's help, and he wanted that investigation shut down because of that.

All caught up now, tard?
You're changing the goal posts, douchebag. Originally the investigation was supposed to be about collusion. It has only changed to "interference" by sleazy lying pieces of shit like you because no collusion was found.

I don't think this congressional bullshit is about impeaching the President at all. Its about an attempt to use Congress to actually rig the 2020 election. Try to get Trump's tax returns, whatever, not to "oversight" anything but try to embarrass the President.

But what I think the libs in Congress should be advised on is that President Trump is over 70 years old and is lifetime undefeated in urination contests. And oversight goes both ways. If Trump's tax returns can be leaked, so can Pelosi's , Soros' and Hunter Biden's

Or whomever else is part of the supposed lynch mob.

Sure, they will holler, but this game can be played by both sides. Libs may think that Trump is an amateur at politics and is out of his league, destined to lose. But that's what they thought at Wrestlemania 23, "Donald Trump is out of his league, this is not real estate",but he still emerged victorious with the Hostile Takeover.
So, in your opinion obstructing a DOJ investigation is OK. Wow; you so funny.

Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS
Complaining about Mueller isn't "obstructing" anything. The theory that trump isn't allowed to express an opinion about it is the kind of Stalinist Newspeak that only left wingers would invent.
Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

I would suspect it will all be taken to the courts BUT if Trump was a real man that had nothing to hide then Trump the biggest pussy of them all would allow The US Congress to do their duty.

We ALL know that Trump won't be that man; he will continue to be that pussy.
ROFL! What a lying piece of shit. The claim that an innocent man has nothing to fear is the lowest kind of Stalinist double speak. If that were true, then why do the Dims continue to smear Trump despite the fact that the Mueller report totally exonerated him?
Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

I would suspect it will all be taken to the courts BUT if Trump was a real man that had nothing to hide then Trump the biggest pussy of them all would allow The US Congress to do their duty.

We ALL know that Trump won't be that man; he will continue to be that pussy.

President Trump sees these subpoenas as Harassment. Remember he has gone through a 2 year witch hunt already. President Trump has a done a lot of great things, record low unemployment, no new wars, record high markets. But he'd like to complete a lot more and he sees this crap as a diversion.

If Trump has nothing to hide & nothing to fear, then he would man up, be a big boy, and allow The US Congress to do their duty to be a check on the executive branch.

But we ALL know Trump is a very tender, extremely fragile, snowflake EGO of a bitch & he won't go there; will he?

No; he won't.
No one is swallowing the "the innocent have nothing to fear" meme. The Mueller with hunt already proved that wrong.
If Trump has nothing to hide & nothing to fear, then he would man up, be a big boy, and allow The US Congress to do their duty to be a check on the executive branch.

But we ALL know Trump is a very tender, extremely fragile, snowflake EGO of a bitch & he won't go there; will he?

No; he won't.

He already did that! There was a 2 FUCKING YEAR investigation!!! What the fuck?..... are you a flaming idiot? Get outta here.

So, you are obviously against The US congress being a check on the executive branch, when there is ample evidence demonstrating the POTUS has been a complete fuck wit.

Gotcha ..........
There is no such evidence, fuck wit.

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