Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

He already did that! There was a 2 FUCKING YEAR investigation!!! What the fuck?..... are you a flaming idiot? Get outta here.

So, you are obviously against The US congress being a check on the executive branch, when there is ample evidence demonstrating the POTUS has been a complete fuck wit.

Gotcha ..........

The President's record of accomplishment is Fantastic

So, your opinion is any POTUS that has a 'record of accomplishment' should some how be shielded from the Constitutional system of checks & balances.

That is some pretty funny shit ...........

President Trump has already gone through a witch hunt. Congress has their information. Its time for them to make a decision. Yes to Impeachment, or Yes to the Tremendous Trump Economy. Up or down.

Any entity, Congress included, performing any legitimate investigation, requires the proper witnesses & the proper time frame to conduct a proper investigation; period.
Why do you seem to be sooooooooooooo impatient?
The investigation is over, shit for brains.
If Trump has nothing to hide & nothing to fear, then he would man up, be a big boy, and allow The US Congress to do their duty to be a check on the executive branch.

But we ALL know Trump is a very tender, extremely fragile, snowflake EGO of a bitch & he won't go there; will he?

No; he won't.

He already did that! There was a 2 FUCKING YEAR investigation!!! What the fuck?..... are you a flaming idiot? Get outta here.

So, you are obviously against The US congress being a check on the executive branch, when there is ample evidence demonstrating the POTUS has been a complete fuck wit.

Gotcha ..........
There is no such evidence, fuck wit.

Are you and fuck wit related? You being a dim wit seems likely.
So, you are obviously against The US congress being a check on the executive branch, when there is ample evidence demonstrating the POTUS has been a complete fuck wit.

Gotcha ..........

The President's record of accomplishment is Fantastic

So, your opinion is any POTUS that has a 'record of accomplishment' should some how be shielded from the Constitutional system of checks & balances.

That is some pretty funny shit ...........

President Trump has already gone through a witch hunt. Congress has their information. Its time for them to make a decision. Yes to Impeachment, or Yes to the Tremendous Trump Economy. Up or down.

Any entity, Congress included, performing any legitimate investigation, requires the proper witnesses & the proper time frame to conduct a proper investigation; period.
Why do you seem to be sooooooooooooo impatient?
The investigation is over, shit for brains.

Exactly. All of the information is out there, the House can vote to impeach or they can decline, but there is really nothing more for President Trump or anyone in the WH to discuss
The President's record of accomplishment is Fantastic

So, your opinion is any POTUS that has a 'record of accomplishment' should some how be shielded from the Constitutional system of checks & balances.

That is some pretty funny shit ...........

President Trump has already gone through a witch hunt. Congress has their information. Its time for them to make a decision. Yes to Impeachment, or Yes to the Tremendous Trump Economy. Up or down.

Any entity, Congress included, performing any legitimate investigation, requires the proper witnesses & the proper time frame to conduct a proper investigation; period.
Why do you seem to be sooooooooooooo impatient?
The investigation is over, shit for brains.

Exactly. All of the information is out there, the House can vote to impeach or they can decline, but there is really nothing more for President Trump or anyone in the WH to discuss

Wrong: Subpoenas will require more for them to discuss. Remember when Barry Bond's trainer spent months in jail.

Barry Bonds' personal trainer was held in contempt of court and taken to prison Wednesday for refusing to testify before the federal grand jury investigating the San Francisco Giants' slugger for perjury.

Greg Anderson, who served three months in prison after pleading guilty last year for his role in the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative steroid scandal, was led out of U.S. District Judge William Alsup's courtroom by two deputy U.S. marshals. He will be housed at the Federal Correctional Institution in nearby Dublin, but his stay may be short

That's because Anderson will be set free once the grand jury's term expires, which will occur within weeks, Alsup said.

Anderson was initially ordered in March to testify to the grand jury investigating whether Bonds perjured himself when he testified to the original BALCO grand jury in December 2003 that he never knowingly used steroids or other banned performance enhancing drugs.

"Every person, even the President of the United States as held by the Supreme Court, has to give testimony," Alsup said in ordering Anderson to prison.

Barry Bonds' Trainer Sent To Prison
Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Take another toke.....O'l Elijah Cummin's to the rescue.....

"Mr. Rosenstein’s removal would plunge our nation into uncharted territory and pose a serious and profound threat to the continued work of the Special Counsel, and I would expect the American people to be outraged if President Trump’s extended campaign to interfere with this investigation results in Mr. Rosenstein’s ouster," said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the senior Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Cummings urged Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to call an emergency hearing if Rosenstein is forced out.

Democrats urge Congress to protect Russia probe amid reports that Rod Rosenstein may go

Keep believing your little fantasy.....I think it's time for your 'nitetime' meds. LOL

AS I PREVIOUSLY STATED, which NONE of US here expect U 2 understand:

Well, actually Congress had not a damn thing to do with that investigation so, you R wrong.

If you recall your fourth grade civics class that U FAILED you would recall that The US Congress has the authority to be a check on the executive branch.

The Mueller SC investigation was NOT Congress but we would not expect you to 'get' that.

Maybe try going to play some senior TV dinner games which is likely more your speed.

Good for them. Congress can do whatever the hell they want.

However, President Trump isn't going to cooperate with their harassment, so they can bring it to court if they want to make a public spectacle

So, what you are saying is that Trump has no idea WTF the Constitutional system of checks & balances are about.

Yes, just as I suspected; Trump FAILED fourth grade civics just like most USMB Trump supporters FAILED fourth grade civics.
He doesn’t know? They just interviewed 500 people all because he won the election lol time to move in snow flakes
Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:

400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on American citizens.

Ten clear cases of obstruction were outlined by Mueller. Read the report, dope.
Even if there was Obstruction you moved the goal post again. There was no Collusion.

I moved nothing.

Collusion was proven easily. A criminal conspiracy was not.
Collusion was not proven.

Sure it was.
a secret agreement, especially for fraudulent or treacherous purposes; conspiracy:

^That happened many times per the report.

Criminal conspiracy was not proven.
So, your opinion is any POTUS that has a 'record of accomplishment' should some how be shielded from the Constitutional system of checks & balances.

That is some pretty funny shit ...........

President Trump has already gone through a witch hunt. Congress has their information. Its time for them to make a decision. Yes to Impeachment, or Yes to the Tremendous Trump Economy. Up or down.

Any entity, Congress included, performing any legitimate investigation, requires the proper witnesses & the proper time frame to conduct a proper investigation; period.
Why do you seem to be sooooooooooooo impatient?
The investigation is over, shit for brains.

Exactly. All of the information is out there, the House can vote to impeach or they can decline, but there is really nothing more for President Trump or anyone in the WH to discuss

Wrong: Subpoenas will require more for them to discuss. Remember when Barry Bond's trainer spent months in jail.

Barry Bonds' personal trainer was held in contempt of court and taken to prison Wednesday for refusing to testify before the federal grand jury investigating the San Francisco Giants' slugger for perjury.

Greg Anderson, who served three months in prison after pleading guilty last year for his role in the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative steroid scandal, was led out of U.S. District Judge William Alsup's courtroom by two deputy U.S. marshals. He will be housed at the Federal Correctional Institution in nearby Dublin, but his stay may be short

That's because Anderson will be set free once the grand jury's term expires, which will occur within weeks, Alsup said.

Anderson was initially ordered in March to testify to the grand jury investigating whether Bonds perjured himself when he testified to the original BALCO grand jury in December 2003 that he never knowingly used steroids or other banned performance enhancing drugs.

"Every person, even the President of the United States as held by the Supreme Court, has to give testimony," Alsup said in ordering Anderson to prison.

Barry Bonds' Trainer Sent To Prison

The subpoenas will be fought through the courts, whether they will be enforced or not is a matter for the SCOTUS to determine.

But, right now, the investigation is really taking a sharp turn. The libs will be going on defense. If you listened to President Trump's big interview last night where he went into a lot of detail about the Failed Liberal Coup, they better be ready to see the shit start flying back at them.

If you are going to attempt a coup, you better make dam sure that its successful or there will be shit to pay. That's the number one rule of politics.
It's not priviledged if he's already testified to Mueller, fool.

Read the report.
So why you want to ask him if it’s already stated?

To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?
We dont engage in that because we don’t prove ourself innocent of something that never occurred.

It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:

400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on American citizens.

Ten clear cases of obstruction were outlined by Mueller. Read the report, dope.
Absolute fallacy

Is that what the report says?
The issue isn't about collusion, retard. It's about Russian interference in our election, and Trump's attempt to obstruct that investigation.

Trump would not be president today if not for Russia's help, and he wanted that investigation shut down because of that.

All caught up now, tard?

We were told for 2 FUCKING YEARS that trump COLLUDED with Russia you poor deluded addle-pated TDSer!!! 400 pages and NO COLLUSION. The Mueller investigation was about Trump/Russia COLLUSION dipshit. 0 COLLUSION found! Now you weakly try to pivot to 'Russian interference' which, even if true, did NOT affect our election process.
Insufficient evidece to prove criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt was found.
Collusion was proven easily.
Mueller made no determination on the efficacy of Russian efforts in the election.
No collusion to prevent awareness of something can occur when there is no something in existence
No collusion to prevent awareness of something can occur when there is no something in existence.
Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:

400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on American citizens.

Ten clear cases of obstruction were outlined by Mueller. Read the report, dope.
Absolute fallacy

Is that what the report says?

Beyond the fact that there is NO collusion between Presidents Trump and Putin, who the hell cares?

Mueller should have recused himself right from the start. He hated President Trump for 2 reasons. He was rejected for the FBI director gig, and two, President Trump wouldn't comp him a membership at his tremendous golf club.

In any event, the day that President Trump settles all of his administration's business is coming.
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?
McGahn Gave 3 different versions of that conversation..
Trump is documented multiple times LYING about the EVERYTHING -- all the way down to where his own father was born -- yet you still blindly believe everything he tells you? Why? Because of your love for America? Fuck no...

it is because to you, trolling the libs is more important than dealing with reality.

and years later, when idiots like you are trying to pretend you were not really part of the Trump cult, you will then concede it wasn't really about Trump -- it was just about trolling the libs...which still makes you pathetic

McGahn has already testified to Mueller. Any privilege has already been waived.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?

President Trump hasn't trashed the man at all.

McGahn BTW already spoke extensively to Trump Enemy Robert Mueller for many hours. What the left wants to do is to have a public circus here, put this crap on TV
What the left wants to do is to have a public circus here, put this crap on TV

You meant public hearings. Like those for Watergate.
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.

Wrong. McGhan was White House legal counsel, not Trumps personal attorney. He has no executive privilege. All legal decisions made on behalf of the White House are public record.
Private conversation with the president is executive privilege
Not if that privilege was waived when McGahn testified in front of is no longer privileged info and the House is well within their power to have him answer questions about his testimony..

WRONGO, lol. Congress is another branch of government, the special counsel which is part of the DOJ is not. The DOJ is part of the Executive branch, the House is part of congress.

Therefore, he CAN claim executive privilege over his testimony to another branch. ANY person in the Whitehouse staff can be blocked by using this order.

Now, in fairness, they can take it to the Supreme Court, where they would parse out each and every supeona to see if it meets the test of HARRASSMENT of another branch of government. They will also ask if the TESTIMONY of the Presidents counsel was recorded, and if not, why is that NOT sufficient enough. (30 hrs of interviews)

They will also ask for a CRIME that was committed, to force such action to be taken. If they do NOT have proof of an underlying crime, then you are outta luck, lol. But, good try at spinning-)
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?

President Trump hasn't trashed the man at all.

McGahn BTW already spoke extensively to Trump Enemy Robert Mueller for many hours. What the left wants to do is to have a public circus here, put this crap on TV
What the left wants to do is to have a public circus here, put this crap on TV

You meant public hearings. Like those for Watergate.

Oh, there is going to be public hearings, trust me-) You won't like the ones you are going to get, but we will!
Not if that privilege was waived when McGahn testified in front of is no longer privileged info and the House is well within their power to have him answer questions about his testimony..
Where does it say he can’t tell Congress it’s executive privilege

It's not priviledged if he's already testified to Mueller, fool.

Read the report.
So why you want to ask him if it’s already stated?

To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?
Why don't they just read the report?

I agree. Barr should give them the full report.
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?

President Trump hasn't trashed the man at all.

McGahn BTW already spoke extensively to Trump Enemy Robert Mueller for many hours. What the left wants to do is to have a public circus here, put this crap on TV
What the left wants to do is to have a public circus here, put this crap on TV

You meant public hearings. Like those for Watergate.

Oh, there is going to be public hearings, trust me-) You won't like the ones you are going to get, but we will!


Bring it.

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