Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

The issue isn't about collusion, retard. It's about Russian interference in our election, and Trump's attempt to obstruct that investigation.

Trump would not be president today if not for Russia's help, and he wanted that investigation shut down because of that.

All caught up now, tard?

We were told for 2 FUCKING YEARS that trump COLLUDED with Russia you poor deluded addle-pated TDSer!!! 400 pages and NO COLLUSION. The Mueller investigation was about Trump/Russia COLLUSION dipshit. 0 COLLUSION found! Now you weakly try to pivot to 'Russian interference' which, even if true, did NOT affect our election process.
Insufficient evidece to prove criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt was found.
Collusion was proven easily.
Mueller made no determination on the efficacy of Russian efforts in the election.
Mueller admitted in the report there was no evidence of collusion. How much of a dumbshit are you?

Mueller admitted in the report there was no evidence of collusion. How much of a dumbshit are you?

He did? Why dont you post that up for us?
Trump benefited from the Russian interference. That's why he attempted to obstruct the investigation into that interference.

All caught up now, tard?
There was no obstruction, moron.

Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:
That's exactly right, moron. It's 400 pages of Nothing burger. 2 pages would have been sufficient. Since when did the number of pages determine when the smears of leftwing morons are valid?


That's why you're all apoplectic over any further testimony.
The witch hunt is over, moron. No purpose is server by further browbeating the people who have been grow beaten for the last two years except to slake the blood lust of the witch hunters.

I know. Scary, isn't it?
So why you want to ask him if it’s already stated?

To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?
We dont engage in that because we don’t prove ourself innocent of something that never occurred.

It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Who do they want to talk to that wasn’t already interviewed?
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?
McGahn Gave 3 different versions of that conversation..
Trump is documented multiple times LYING about the EVERYTHING -- all the way down to where his own father was born -- yet you still blindly believe everything he tells you? Why? Because of your love for America? Fuck no...

it is because to you, trolling the libs is more important than dealing with reality.

and years later, when idiots like you are trying to pretend you were not really part of the Trump cult, you will then concede it wasn't really about Trump -- it was just about trolling the libs...which still makes you pathetic
“Wahhhhh wahhhhh trump likes “ stop your crying!
We live in a diverse country people talk differently.. OBAMA LIED trump does not lie .. trump talks differently.. get used to it he’s not going anywhere.. I hope he is grooming his son for 2024
Yep. 10 instances of nothing happening in a 400 page report of nothing happening. :cuckoo:

400 pages and no collusion. The investigator (Mueller) said 'no collusion'.....The AG said 'no collusion'....Oh yeah, and no 'obstruction' which, of course, there could never be because there was no crime to obstruct. Just how fucking stupid can you TDSers be? Meanwhile we will go after the real colluders and obstructors.....Hillary, Comey, and all the other Democrat assholes that perpetrated this fraud on the American citizens.
The issue isn't about collusion, retard. It's about Russian interference in our election, and Trump's attempt to obstruct that investigation.

Trump would not be president today if not for Russia's help, and he wanted that investigation shut down because of that.

All caught up now, tard?
You're changing the goal posts, douchebag. Originally the investigation was supposed to be about collusion. It has changed to "interference" by sleazy lying pieces of shit like you because no collusion was found.
You're changing the goal posts, douchebag. Originally the investigation was supposed to be about collusion. It has changed to "interference" by sleazy lying pieces of shit like you because no collusion was found.

No, dope. Not true in any way. Post one example of Comey, the FBI, any intel head, any AG or anyone involved with the investigation who ever stated that it was about "collusion".

The investigation started in July of 2016 as a counterintelligence investigation into Russian interference in the election and whether any Americans were involved including the Trump campaign.

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?
No it’s over .. there will be 300 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats.. time to do your jobs Democrats.. show you can do something in your life besides hate the greatest president that ever lived
obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

I would suspect it will all be taken to the courts BUT if Trump was a real man that had nothing to hide then Trump the biggest pussy of them all would allow The US Congress to do their duty.

We ALL know that Trump won't be that man; he will continue to be that pussy.
ROFL! What a lying piece of shit. The claim that an innocent man has nothing to fear is the lowest kind of Stalinist double speak. If that were true, then why do the Dims continue to smear Trump despite the fact that the Mueller report totally exonerated him?
Trump despite the fact that the Mueller report totally exonerated him?

It didn't though. It says explicitly that it does not. Read it.
To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?
We dont engage in that because we don’t prove ourself innocent of something that never occurred.

It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Who do they want to talk to that wasn’t already interviewed?
Who's been subpoenaed?
We dont engage in that because we don’t prove ourself innocent of something that never occurred.

It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Who do they want to talk to that wasn’t already interviewed?
Who's been subpoenaed?
Answer my question sucka ha
It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Who do they want to talk to that wasn’t already interviewed?
Who's been subpoenaed?
Answer my question sucka ha
I'm not making the list or writing subpoenas, dope.
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Who do they want to talk to that wasn’t already interviewed?
Who's been subpoenaed?
Answer my question sucka ha
I'm not making the list or writing subpoenas, dope.
Not what I asked you..don’t run

How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?

That is pretty accurate, that's what the Dems are trying to do in their scheme to overturn the will of the people in 2016. But don't think that President Trump isn't hep to what's going on, and doesn't have a few ideas as well.

Personally, I think the Democrats are going to get schlonged and schlonged royally next year. People LIKE a booming economy and peace. They LIKE low unemployment among minority youths and markets at new heights. And it will be very difficult to convince Americans to accept the liberal green dream of Malaise. Particularly when Donald J. Trump is their enemy and he has been described as a "Very Stable Genius". And their leadership isn't very bright at all.

Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Who do they want to talk to that wasn’t already interviewed?
Who's been subpoenaed?
Answer my question sucka ha
I'm not making the list or writing subpoenas, dope.
Not what I asked you..don’t run

How am I supposed to know who's name is on their list, dope?

We can only know what's public.
How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?

That is pretty accurate, that's what the Dems are trying to do in their scheme to overturn the will of the people in 2016. But don't think that President Trump isn't hep to what's going on, and doesn't have a few ideas as well.

Personally, I think the Democrats are going to get schlonged and schlonged royally next year. People LIKE a booming economy and peace. They LIKE low unemployment among minority youths and markets at new heights. And it will be very difficult to convince Americans to accept the liberal green dream of Malaise. Particularly when Donald J. Trump is their enemy and he has been described as a "Very Stable Genius". And their leadership isn't very bright at all.

Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.
How so?

Explain how that genie goes back in the bottle.Trump can't claim privilege on testimony that's already public, dope.
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?
No it’s over .. there will be 300 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats.. time to do your jobs Democrats.. show you can do something in your life besides hate the greatest president that ever lived
Better than Abraham Lincoln?
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?

That is pretty accurate, that's what the Dems are trying to do in their scheme to overturn the will of the people in 2016. But don't think that President Trump isn't hep to what's going on, and doesn't have a few ideas as well.

Personally, I think the Democrats are going to get schlonged and schlonged royally next year. People LIKE a booming economy and peace. They LIKE low unemployment among minority youths and markets at new heights. And it will be very difficult to convince Americans to accept the liberal green dream of Malaise. Particularly when Donald J. Trump is their enemy and he has been described as a "Very Stable Genius". And their leadership isn't very bright at all.

Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?
Who do they want to talk to that wasn’t already interviewed?
Who's been subpoenaed?
Answer my question sucka ha
I'm not making the list or writing subpoenas, dope.
Not what I asked you..don’t run

How am I supposed to know who's name is on their list, dope?

We can only know what's public.
Who do you want to question that wasn’t already investigated by a special counsel that cost $30 million ?? At some point you gotta take the loss lol
Apparently the Democrats are looking for more information.
All more testimony will do is reinforce what they already knew.....and the Dems will simply embellish on what the testimony means.

In other words.....grab headlines and lie their fucking asses off about it.

Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?
No it’s over .. there will be 300 blacks shot this weekend in towns run by democrats.. time to do your jobs Democrats.. show you can do something in your life besides hate the greatest president that ever lived
Better than Abraham Lincoln?
Way better! Abe should have made some assimilation laws for blacks. Or send back to Africa
Most people will never read the Mueller report. Public testimony is the only way to inform the American people about what happened with Russia, the Trump campaign and obstruction.

If Trump has been exonerated as you claim. Then what's the problem?
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?

That is pretty accurate, that's what the Dems are trying to do in their scheme to overturn the will of the people in 2016. But don't think that President Trump isn't hep to what's going on, and doesn't have a few ideas as well.

Personally, I think the Democrats are going to get schlonged and schlonged royally next year. People LIKE a booming economy and peace. They LIKE low unemployment among minority youths and markets at new heights. And it will be very difficult to convince Americans to accept the liberal green dream of Malaise. Particularly when Donald J. Trump is their enemy and he has been described as a "Very Stable Genius". And their leadership isn't very bright at all.

Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.
Trump is calling McGahn a liar.
Trump is smearing McGahn’s character.
Trump is making McGahn eager to testify.
See how that works?
McGahn Gave 3 different versions of that conversation..
Trump is documented multiple times LYING about the EVERYTHING -- all the way down to where his own father was born -- yet you still blindly believe everything he tells you? Why? Because of your love for America? Fuck no...

it is because to you, trolling the libs is more important than dealing with reality.

and years later, when idiots like you are trying to pretend you were not really part of the Trump cult, you will then concede it wasn't really about Trump -- it was just about trolling the libs...which still makes you pathetic
“Wahhhhh wahhhhh trump likes “ stop your crying!
We live in a diverse country people talk differently.. OBAMA LIED trump does not lie .. trump talks differently.. get used to it he’s not going anywhere.. I hope he is grooming his son for 2024
Now sycophants like you take blatant lies and turn it into -- Trump talks differently.....

I bet you are one of those idiots who still want to believe Saddam was behind 9/11 -- but since yo cult leader told you to stop believing that BS -- you decided to keep it to yourself....

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