Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.
Thanks for proving that beyond any doubt you haven't a single clue. Not in how government works or with what's going on. Just useless babble and drivel.
Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.
Thanks for proving that beyond any doubt you haven't a single clue. Not in how government works or with what's going on. Just useless babble and drivel.

Explain it to us, professor. Tell us how this testimony is different than that in Watetgate.
Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.
The Dims are doing nothing aside from having a colossal temper tantrum.

They're doing what their predecessors have done under similar circumstances.

It is Trump who is in full tantrum mode and vowing not to cooperate.
They were claiming the report was a cover up even before it came out, so Tump said, and rightly so, kiss my ass.
We dont engage in that because we don’t prove ourself innocent of something that never occurred.

It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Of course we can know, dumbass.

No you can't. You don't have the full report, dope.
You cant possilbly know what Mueller has already asked.
So what was the point of issuing a report them?
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...

You failed to realize that Mueller posted THREE DECLINATIONS on the Russian/Trump conspiracy, saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire, and violated the Special Counsels rule in his failure to answer the Obstruction charge, which is why AG Barr and his DOJ team had to make a decision for him on it, which they ruled NO on the Obstruction charge.

Mueller= No to Russian/Trump Collusion charge
Barr= No to Obstruction charge

This means the case is closed and no charges are pending as they were all given DECLINATIONS on them.

Yeah you are that ignorant and stupid.
But hillary and Obama are about to be arrested anyday now because why?
I don't expect that to happen but if it did it would be because they are traitor scum.
So when you idiots make post after post about how Obama and Hillary are going to be arrested soon -- that is just masturbation talk to make you morons feel better? Got it....
June. Barr said his investigation will end in June.

Barr had no authority about the Mueller Report. His job was to pass the obstruction matter to CONGRESS, not make a decision on obstruction himself, since the DOJ can't indict a sitting President.

There was evidence of both conspiracy and especially obstruction. Not enough evidence on conspiracy to convict beyond a reasonable doubt, but to say "no conspiracy" is a fallacy, and saying "no obstruction" is a complete lie. There is enough evidence on obstruction to impeach Trump, and Mueller provided Congress with the roadmap to impeachment.

Trump can't prevent McGahn from testifying. McGahn is a private citizen, and Trump can't tell him what to do. Furthermore, Trump has already waived "executive privilege" in McGahn's testimony to Mueller, which was given without Trump claiming executive privilege. He can't change that designation now.

Trump has the documents that Congress asked McGahn to bring, so Trump can refuse to turn over the supporting documents and memos, but he cannot prevent McGahn from testifying, and he cannot claim executive privilege. That ship has sailed.
So, in your opinion obstructing a DOJ investigation is OK. Wow; you so funny.

Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS
Complaining about Mueller isn't "obstructing" anything. The theory that trump isn't allowed to express an opinion about it is the kind of Stalinist Newspeak that only left wingers would invent.

You obviously FAILED to read Mueller's report, you obviously FAILED to read news reports concerning the report, and you sound as if you have NO IDEA that Trump ask McGahn to FIRE Mueller.

Asking White House counsel to FIRE the SC is NOT an opinion.

God; you are dumber than a goddamn fucking crack whore.
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The President's record of accomplishment is Fantastic

So, your opinion is any POTUS that has a 'record of accomplishment' should some how be shielded from the Constitutional system of checks & balances.

That is some pretty funny shit ...........

President Trump has already gone through a witch hunt. Congress has their information. Its time for them to make a decision. Yes to Impeachment, or Yes to the Tremendous Trump Economy. Up or down.

Any entity, Congress included, performing any legitimate investigation, requires the proper witnesses & the proper time frame to conduct a proper investigation; period.
Why do you seem to be sooooooooooooo impatient?
The investigation is over, shit for brains.

Exactly. All of the information is out there, the House can vote to impeach or they can decline, but there is really nothing more for President Trump or anyone in the WH to discuss

Congress has a duty to perform as a check on any POTUS; in this case they should be quick & spare no persons.

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.
I just love watching all of you clowns get your bowels in an uproar and you all start foaming at the mouth as you realize your shit is so weak and you've got nothing but your own shit to wallow in. The best part is you're going to be drowing in it. It's gonna be quite a show when the perp walks begin. I'm laying in an extra large supply of popcorn to get me to 2020.
Well dick let’s talk when the IG report is released lol haha
The fly swarm that the liberals promised from the moment Trump was elected has been sprayed. No one is paying attention to this next round of outcries and innuendo and Trump and his supporters are moving on with the important aspects of national and international governence.
You obviously FAILED to read Mueller's report, you obviously FAILED to read news reports concerning the report, and you sound as if you have NO IDEA that Trump ask McGahn to FIRE Mueller.

Asking White House counsel to FIRE the SC is NOT an opinion.

God; you are dumber than a goddamn fucking crack whore.

Too bad Trump didn't fire Mueller. We could have been saved 2 years and 35 million dollars in a useless witch hunt.
Congress has a duty to perform as a check on any POTUS; in this case they should be quick & spare no persons.

Congress also has a duty to work with the President in order to pass legislation for We The People you building a fucking wall at our Southern border. They have failed to do that.
Again for those a little slower......There was no collusion, no crime to obstruct and, Trump did not illegally obstruct the investigation because if he did, you can be sure that Mueller and his merry band of Trump-haters would have found as much. I see 'funny Hutch-face' can't rebut.

obstruction of an investigation is just that; it has nothing to do with the fact that any crime was, or was not committed.
I suppose you can grasp that fact? Oh right; you can't.

If you would have read the report, or if you would have paid any attention to news accounts of the report, you would know that Mueller passed the obstruction issue off to The US Congress.

That has nothing to do with your fairy tale of 'Trump hate' but it does have everything to do with the responsibility of Congress to be a 'check' on the executive branch.

I see you also FAILED fourth grade civics class.

No surprise, coming from a Trumper.

Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS
Complaining about Mueller isn't "obstructing" anything. The theory that trump isn't allowed to express an opinion about it is the kind of Stalinist Newspeak that only left wingers would invent.

You obviously FAILED to read Mueller's report, you obviously FAILED to read news reports concerning the report, and you sound as if you have NO IDEA that Trump ask McGahn to FIRE Mueller.

Asking White House counsel to FIRE the SC is NOT an opinion.

God; you are dumber than a goddamn fucking crack whore.
It's your worthless opinion that asking McGahn to fire Mueller constitutes obstruction of justice.

Trump set a precedent for his administration as he waived his right to invoke privilege on aides whom he allowed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation, setting up a lengthy court fight if Trump follows through with the move.

So, you believe the very same persons won't (eventually) testify before Congress? LOFL ............

Trump set a precedent for his administration as he waived his right to invoke privilege on aides whom he allowed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation, setting up a lengthy court fight if Trump follows through with the move.

So, you believe the very same persons won't (eventually) testify before Congress? LOFL ............
He never waived his authority to invoke executive privilege, dumbass.

Trump set a precedent for his administration as he waived his right to invoke privilege on aides whom he allowed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation, setting up a lengthy court fight if Trump follows through with the move.

So, you believe the very same persons won't (eventually) testify before Congress? LOFL ............
He never waived his authority to invoke executive privilege, dumbass.

Then why don't you tell US all why in Hell Trump allowed McGahn & everyone else (that testified) from his shit hole administration to testify before the Mueller investigation, dumb ass?

When this goes before a court the attorneys for The US Congress will be all over that one, dumb ass.

Trump set a precedent for his administration as he waived his right to invoke privilege on aides whom he allowed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation, setting up a lengthy court fight if Trump follows through with the move.

So, you believe the very same persons won't (eventually) testify before Congress? LOFL ............
He never waived his authority to invoke executive privilege, dumbass.

Then why don't you tell US all why in Hell Trump allowed McGahn & everyone else (that testified) from his shit hole administration to testify before the Mueller investigation, dumb ass?

When this goes before a court the attorneys for The US Congress will be all over that one, dumb ass.
Allowing Mueller to interview them does not mean he waves executive privilege permanently. Only a total dumbass would draw that conclusion.

Trump set a precedent for his administration as he waived his right to invoke privilege on aides whom he allowed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation, setting up a lengthy court fight if Trump follows through with the move.

So, you believe the very same persons won't (eventually) testify before Congress? LOFL ............
He never waived his authority to invoke executive privilege, dumbass.

Then why don't you tell US all why in Hell Trump allowed McGahn & everyone else (that testified) from his shit hole administration to testify before the Mueller investigation, dumb ass?

When this goes before a court the attorneys for The US Congress will be all over that one, dumb ass.
Allowing Mueller to interview them does not mean he waves executive privilege permanently. Only a total dumbass would draw that conclusion.

No, Trump did not waive EP but when it comes to a future court case attorneys representing Congress will chew up & spit out Trump's attorneys on this point alone; take it to the bank fat ass.

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