Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

Who's been subpoenaed?
Answer my question sucka ha
I'm not making the list or writing subpoenas, dope.
Not what I asked you..don’t run

How am I supposed to know who's name is on their list, dope?

We can only know what's public.
Who do you want to question that wasn’t already investigated by a special counsel that cost $30 million ?? At some point you gotta take the loss lol

That's how it's done. Hearings come after a SC investigation.
The problem is it's obvious what Democrats are doing.
They're harassing the president.
If I was him I'd tell them to pound sand too.

You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?

That is pretty accurate, that's what the Dems are trying to do in their scheme to overturn the will of the people in 2016. But don't think that President Trump isn't hep to what's going on, and doesn't have a few ideas as well.

Personally, I think the Democrats are going to get schlonged and schlonged royally next year. People LIKE a booming economy and peace. They LIKE low unemployment among minority youths and markets at new heights. And it will be very difficult to convince Americans to accept the liberal green dream of Malaise. Particularly when Donald J. Trump is their enemy and he has been described as a "Very Stable Genius". And their leadership isn't very bright at all.

Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.
You're right. It is obvious what the Dems are doing. They're conducting hearings so all Americans can hear directly from Trump's people themselves. At which point there will be sufficient public support for a successful impeachment. That's how it's supposed to work.
I suspect you and Trump know this and are desperate to prevent it. Good luck with that.
Senate republicans are conspicuously silent on the Mueller report. I wonder why? Maybe because they know it's bad for Trump?

That is pretty accurate, that's what the Dems are trying to do in their scheme to overturn the will of the people in 2016. But don't think that President Trump isn't hep to what's going on, and doesn't have a few ideas as well.

Personally, I think the Democrats are going to get schlonged and schlonged royally next year. People LIKE a booming economy and peace. They LIKE low unemployment among minority youths and markets at new heights. And it will be very difficult to convince Americans to accept the liberal green dream of Malaise. Particularly when Donald J. Trump is their enemy and he has been described as a "Very Stable Genius". And their leadership isn't very bright at all.

Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.
That is pretty accurate, that's what the Dems are trying to do in their scheme to overturn the will of the people in 2016. But don't think that President Trump isn't hep to what's going on, and doesn't have a few ideas as well.

Personally, I think the Democrats are going to get schlonged and schlonged royally next year. People LIKE a booming economy and peace. They LIKE low unemployment among minority youths and markets at new heights. And it will be very difficult to convince Americans to accept the liberal green dream of Malaise. Particularly when Donald J. Trump is their enemy and he has been described as a "Very Stable Genius". And their leadership isn't very bright at all.

Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Time to Purge Society of The Satanic Left!

Glad President Trump finally said enough of this bullshit after offering full cooperation!
Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.
Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.

Actually, President Trump has proposed several major legislative ideas. Immigration reform, the Wall, infrastructure, a new tremendous healthcare program. But so far, nothing from Congress except Crapola
So, your opinion is any POTUS that has a 'record of accomplishment' should some how be shielded from the Constitutional system of checks & balances.

That is some pretty funny shit ...........

President Trump has already gone through a witch hunt. Congress has their information. Its time for them to make a decision. Yes to Impeachment, or Yes to the Tremendous Trump Economy. Up or down.

Any entity, Congress included, performing any legitimate investigation, requires the proper witnesses & the proper time frame to conduct a proper investigation; period.
Why do you seem to be sooooooooooooo impatient?
The investigation is over, shit for brains.

Exactly. All of the information is out there, the House can vote to impeach or they can decline, but there is really nothing more for President Trump or anyone in the WH to discuss

Wrong: Subpoenas will require more for them to discuss. Remember when Barry Bond's trainer spent months in jail.

Barry Bonds' personal trainer was held in contempt of court and taken to prison Wednesday for refusing to testify before the federal grand jury investigating the San Francisco Giants' slugger for perjury.

Greg Anderson, who served three months in prison after pleading guilty last year for his role in the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative steroid scandal, was led out of U.S. District Judge William Alsup's courtroom by two deputy U.S. marshals. He will be housed at the Federal Correctional Institution in nearby Dublin, but his stay may be short

That's because Anderson will be set free once the grand jury's term expires, which will occur within weeks, Alsup said.

Anderson was initially ordered in March to testify to the grand jury investigating whether Bonds perjured himself when he testified to the original BALCO grand jury in December 2003 that he never knowingly used steroids or other banned performance enhancing drugs.

"Every person, even the President of the United States as held by the Supreme Court, has to give testimony," Alsup said in ordering Anderson to prison.

Barry Bonds' Trainer Sent To Prison
Congress isn't a court room. It has no powers do enforce anything it does. That was proven during the Obama administration.
That is pretty accurate, that's what the Dems are trying to do in their scheme to overturn the will of the people in 2016. But don't think that President Trump isn't hep to what's going on, and doesn't have a few ideas as well.

Personally, I think the Democrats are going to get schlonged and schlonged royally next year. People LIKE a booming economy and peace. They LIKE low unemployment among minority youths and markets at new heights. And it will be very difficult to convince Americans to accept the liberal green dream of Malaise. Particularly when Donald J. Trump is their enemy and he has been described as a "Very Stable Genius". And their leadership isn't very bright at all.

Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.
Democrats are not doing their jobs.
They think their job is to screw with Trump.
They think that's what their base wants. They painted themselves into this corner. It's all they have.
Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.

Actually, President Trump has proposed several major legislative ideas. Immigration reform, the Wall, infrastructure, a new tremendous healthcare program. But so far, nothing from Congress except Crapola

Great! Send a bill to the House for them to consider.


It's not the Dems job to write Trump's signature legislation.
Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.
The full report would not be good for Obama and Hillary.
Trump has very little he can do about it. Resisting and delaying it isn't really very smart. He certainly doesn't, or shouldn't want this continuing through next summer.

Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.
Democrats are not doing their jobs.
They think their job is to screw with Trump.
They think that's what their base wants. They painted themselves into this corner. It's all they have.

It's what congress does after a SC issues reports. See Watergate and Clinton. Damn you dopes are obtuse AF.
Last edited:
Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.
The Dims are doing nothing aside from having a colossal temper tantrum.
Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.
The fill report would not be good for Obama and Hillary.

Great. Send it on up.
Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.

Actually, President Trump has proposed several major legislative ideas. Immigration reform, the Wall, infrastructure, a new tremendous healthcare program. But so far, nothing from Congress except Crapola

Great! Send a bill to the House for them to consider.


It's not the Dems job to write Trump's signature legislation.
Nobody said it was.
The issue is their fake resistance bull shit.
They based it on Russian Collusion.
They stonewall, impead progress, get in the way, and complain about everything.
I bet you think their job is to stop Trump. Stop Trump from fixing whatever is broke in Washington.
So why you want to ask him if it’s already stated?

To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?
We dont engage in that because we don’t prove ourself innocent of something that never occurred.

It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Of course we can know, dumbass.
Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.

The Democrats are issuing pointless subpoenas to try and gain political advantage, and have basically ignored the business of legislation. They haven't passed a single realistic bill in this Congress at all. Nothing that has even been worthy of a vote in the Senate.
Pointless in your view.
The Dems are doing their job with hearings.
Perhaps it would be quicker if they had the full report to start with.
Trump has proposed no legislation for them to consider.
The Dims are doing nothing aside from having a colossal temper tantrum.

They're doing what their predecessors have done under similar circumstances.

It is Trump who is in full tantrum mode and vowing not to cooperate.
Our President can do more than you might thing. Watch and learn.

Did you see President Trump's interview on TV last night?

Great. Drag it out. His nubers are already way down. Even good economic news may not help.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out. President Trump is willing to accept victory over the Mueller Witch Hunt and get to work full time on infrastructure and other plans. But instead, we have a massive court fight over executive privilege and subpoenas, for information that everyone knows.

IMHO, the problem that NBC has with Trump is that they are pissed that he gave up "The Apprentice" program which made their network a fortune, and instead decided to give back and serve as President.

Its the Democrats who are insisting on dragging it out.
The Dems aren't fighting subpoenas and are able to work on legislation at any time.
Democrats are not doing their jobs.
They think their job is to screw with Trump.
They think that's what their base wants. They painted themselves into this corner. It's all they have.

It's what congress does after a SC issues reports. See Wayergate and Clinton. Damn you dopes are obtuse AF.
They're saying on one hand that the report is bunk and on the other hand the report gives them cart blance to dig into Trumps personal affairs.
They're full of crap. Corrupt assholes only out for themselves.
To better inform the public. To hear it directly from the people involved. Why are you afraid of that?
We dont engage in that because we don’t prove ourself innocent of something that never occurred.

It's the proper and resonsible thing to do for the people of this country. Just as it was done with Watergate and Clinton before impeachment.

Why are you afraid?
What information do you need that you don’t have????


Well we can't know that until they're asked now can we?
Of course we can know, dumbass.

No you can't. You don't have the full report, dope.
You cant possilbly know what Mueller has already asked.
Trump did not obstruct an investigation you addle-pated dufus.

according to Mueller's report Trump made numerous attempts to obstruct the investigation but then I would not expect your second grade ass to understand those FACTS

Asserting Executive Privilege isn't "obstruction". Its a legal move, and if the Democrat Party bosses want to contest this, they can take it through the courts.

I would suspect it will all be taken to the courts BUT if Trump was a real man that had nothing to hide then Trump the biggest pussy of them all would allow The US Congress to do their duty.

We ALL know that Trump won't be that man; he will continue to be that pussy.
ROFL! What a lying piece of shit. The claim that an innocent man has nothing to fear is the lowest kind of Stalinist double speak. If that were true, then why do the Dims continue to smear Trump despite the fact that the Mueller report totally exonerated him?
Trump despite the fact that the Mueller report totally exonerated him?

It didn't though. It says explicitly that it does not. Read it.
It claimed it didn't, but then it failed to include evidence of any crimes. Totally exonerated!

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