Donald Trump Speaks Today

He will get into the audit in AZ and the new evidence found of massive fraud in Georgia....
What audit? You mean that shameful sham the GOP is running? :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP isn't running it....
Who is running it then? :)
The AZ state legislature.....
Who runs that? :)
The elected representatives in the state legislature of AZ....
The $100 bet still stands if he says anything new, other than possibly adding a few new names to his hate list.
Have you been listening to his speeches?.....
I've seen synopses of many of them.
Then you can't say whether he says something new or not....right?....
He never says anything new. Its the same old tired con job. Seems like you guys would have caught on by now.
He will get into the audit in AZ and the new evidence found of massive fraud in Georgia....
What audit? You mean that shameful sham the GOP is running? :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP isn't running it....
Who is running it then? :)
The AZ state legislature.....
Who runs that? :)
The elected representatives in the state legislature of AZ....
What party does the majority of them belong to? ;)
He's stomach turning in general but I really hate that phony patriotism - hugging the flag. Same with phony christian holding a bible upside down.

But, is anyone still keeping track of his lies? He was at more than 30K when she slunk away from DC and he hasn't even slowed down.
The $100 bet still stands if he says anything new, other than possibly adding a few new names to his hate list.
Have you been listening to his speeches?.....
I've seen synopses of many of them.
Then you can't say whether he says something new or not....right?....
If you claim he says something new, I can verify it.
Just listen to Sunday Futures from this morning...lots of new stuff came out today in Bartiromo's interview with Trump....
He will get into the audit in AZ and the new evidence found of massive fraud in Georgia....
What audit? You mean that shameful sham the GOP is running? :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP isn't running it....
Who is running it then? :)
The AZ state legislature.....
Who runs that? :)
The elected representatives in the state legislature of AZ....
What party does the majority of them belong to? ;)
Don't know but AZ is not a one party state like CA....look it up....
The $100 bet still stands if he says anything new, other than possibly adding a few new names to his hate list.
Have you been listening to his speeches?.....
I've seen synopses of many of them.
Then you can't say whether he says something new or not....right?....
If you claim he says something new, I can verify it.
Just listen to Sunday Futures from this morning...lots of new stuff came out today in Bartiromo's interview with Trump....
"lots of new stuff"

He just reinvented different ways to con you. :)
He will get into the audit in AZ and the new evidence found of massive fraud in Georgia....
What audit? You mean that shameful sham the GOP is running? :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP isn't running it....
Who is running it then? :)
The AZ state legislature.....
Who runs that? :)
The elected representatives in the state legislature of AZ....
Cyber Ninjas HaHaHahaHaHahHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!
He will get into the audit in AZ and the new evidence found of massive fraud in Georgia....
What audit? You mean that shameful sham the GOP is running? :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP isn't running it....
Who is running it then? :)
The AZ state legislature.....
Who runs that? :)
The elected representatives in the state legislature of AZ....
What party does the majority of them belong to? ;)
Don't know but AZ is not a one party state like CA....look it up....
I figured you didnt know. Thats why I already looked it up. Its run by the GOP. Which is why we know for certain the audit is a sham.
is this something i should care about?.....just asking...

If you're a patriotic American that loves this country yes,.. if you're a liberal who hates it then no.
What if I am a veteran who doesn't like Trump because he is full of it, yet I managed to serve my nation Trump refused to do as such.?
Btw, why is it such a difficult concept to grasp? You either love this country or you don't. There's no in-between. And if you're a Biden and Harris supporter and support what they stand for then obviously you don't love it.
He will get into the audit in AZ and the new evidence found of massive fraud in Georgia....
What audit? You mean that shameful sham the GOP is running? :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP isn't running it....
Who is running it then? :)
The AZ state legislature.....
Who runs that? :)
The elected representatives in the state legislature of AZ....
What party does the majority of them belong to? ;)
Don't know but AZ is not a one party state like CA....look it up....
Missouri is a one party state of Republicans and I don't see you disparaging that factoid...
What if I am a veteran who doesn't like Trump because he is full of it, yet I managed to serve my nation Trump refused to do as such.?

Well I thank you for your services, but that doesn't give you the right to act and say whatever you want.
It is not run by the GOP....there are democrats on that is run by the ELECTED reps in AZ....elected...unlike Joe.....who was not elected and had to steal the election.....
He's stomach turning in general but I really hate that phony patriotism - hugging the flag. Same with phony christian holding a bible upside down.

But, is anyone still keeping track of his lies? He was at more than 30K when she slunk away from DC and he hasn't even slowed down.
They buy it all and can't wait for more.

They adore this buffoon and will follow him to the ends of the Earth.

The true Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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